Chapter 1

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The night air in the City of Vale was quiet as the squad of Storm troopers slowly marched down the road. Each carried a Imperial-issued blaster and a single thermal detonator. One trooper even carried a heavy blaster and as they walked along, they marched in complete silence and unison as they marched towards the command post here in Vale, one of at least 5 others besides the HQ.

Then, blaster fire suddenly rained down from the top of one of the rooftops and as it cut down two of the ten troopers, the eight remaining turned their blasters to the sky as the laser bolts pinned down anyone on the rooftops. But when a thermal detonator rolled amongst them and scattered them, two were caught and killed in the blast as a sniper blaster took the head off another and as the other storm troopers shouted over their radios about where the fire was coming from, three figures suddenly appeared from nearby as the blast of a scatter gun caught a trooper in his chest while the blaster fire from an SMG blaster pinned down another two as they were quickly picked off by a blaster pistol.

Finally, the remaining Storm troopers were killed off and as the Rebels all came together, one with a red cape and hood said, "Lets head back to the safe house."

"Agreed." said one with blonde hair and they all quickly left the scene as a few took up the weapons of the Imperials.

Ruby Rose crashed onto the couch of the safe house as she put down her Crescent Rose, a High Powered Sniper Blaster Scythe that tore through the armor of most Stormtroopers. She wore under her red hood a combat vesting that held an extra blaster pistol and more energy packs for her sniper blaster. Her face was smeared with grime from having to sit in places for hours, even days, at a time.

Weiss Schnee sighed as she sat across rom Ruby as she crossed her legs to be modest in her white dress, her combat webbing was worn thin from the constant wear-and-tear from this terrible war. Her pony tail of white hair flowed down her right and as she looked at Myrtemaster, her Rapier, she sighed as she then looked down at her own Naboo blaster pistol and made sure the energy pack was still full.

Yang Xia Long plopped onto the cot as she took off her scatter-blaster gauntlets and set them aside and as she looked around the safe house with stuff haphazardly thrown about, her bright yellow hair cascaded down her vest as she sighed.

And then finally, Blake sat down into her chair as her sword-blaster was set down nearby and as she picked up her story, "Love Ninjas", as she opened it back up to the place she had been at. Her cat ears twitches as she was a faunus, as they were called, and as she looked with her black hair going to her shoulders, the four of them created Beacon Academy Team RWBY.

And then there was the rest of the Rebels with them.

Sky was the first to noticed. His dirty blonde hair poked from beneath his typical jedi hood and cloak and his green and blue eyes looked down at his lightsaber as it was his only weapon.

Next, there was Theodosius "Grizzly" Medved, the oldest member of the group at age 26 and the only Clone from the Clone Wars that was still alive. He was a man, well built and well respected for his combat prowess in firefights. His red markings signified his Sergeant rank as his armor was till Phase 1. He had bear claw marks on his armor and helm, like they were some sort of unit symbol and upon his back was a pack for his Gatling laser. He currently put that weapon down with his blaster rifle, blaster sniper rifle, and kept his blaster pistol on his thigh as he sat down and took his helmet off to reveal brown hair and eyes on white skin with a cropped hair style.

Up next in the group, the person who wasn't really a rebel but because she was a Hunter she had joined in anyway even if she was more concerned about Grimm. Her name was Maya, she used two mining axes that could combine into a super powerful shotgun that, though its downside is it cant fire for 20 minutes, was powerful enough to kill almost all Grimm. Her Soul Shield semblance was also very useful in the fight as it could stop anything but it hurt her as it was connected to her soul. She wore what might have been an armored cowboy getup, with armor on her shoulders, thighs, her vest was reinforced, and she wore fingerless gloves and gauntlets. Her hair was light brown but long, she was white, and unlike Grizzly was in her twenties

And then there was Team JNPR. Jaune Arc, thee leader, wore what most other Rebels had and held in his hands a blaster and had his shield and sword on his back.

Pyrrha Nikos wore her original warrior armor and gear as she held her only weapons, an old rifle-spear combo and held her shield as her red hair was in a bun of sorts.

Nore Valkyria held her hammer that was also a grenade launcher that fired weaponised Dust, the rare material the Imeprials had come to the planet for that they hoped to use to win the war.

And then there was Lie Ren,, whose blaster SMG's-blade combos were deadly silent and quick in battle.

This motley group had come together because of only one reason: they wanted the Imperials gone forever.

The world of Remenant already had enough problems with the Grimm, the creatures that were made up of the bad emotions of those around them. They arranged from small Beowolfs to the towering Wyverns that occasionally the Imerpials needed a Imerpial Star Cruiser to kill. But even with the Imperials trying to kill off the Grimm, the peoples emotions of resentment for them and the many old resentment made even more Grimm and as Ruby looked around, she just wished the Imperials would leave.

Ruby sighed. She was tired, as were they all tired, and as she looked around, Theodosius set himself up as he said, "First shift, going up."

Everyone nodded as they all found spots to use for sleeping as they hoped that no Imperials came snooping around.

The cantina was full of patrons as the Madnalorian in black armor with a dragonborn symbol on his chest drank some blue, Bantha milk and as he looked around, he kept his Anti-armor Heavy blaster- Double-bladed scythe close to him as on his back, his Burning ire Dust of Hate broadsword-longbow combo silently sat in its sheathe as he looked around him.

He then heard a snippet behind him that suddenly interested him.

"... and I hear more rebel support on Remnant is giving the Imperials fits... I say, it takes either a lot of stupidity or some real talking to get anyone to take on the Imperials..." said a patron.

Remnant.... home.... thought the figure as he looked around before he finished off his drink as he got up and made his way from the bar.

If he was to finally return to the place he had fled when the Imeprials first came, he was going to have to call in some favors.

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