A New Specter

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"Elliana? Elliana Bridger, can you open your eyes for me?" Ellie could hear an unfamiliar voice echo through her head. She still felt very cold, but the air was warm now.

"Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Ellie could hear Ezra.

"I think so. We brought her temperature back up. She should be waking soon." The unfamiliar voice says.

"Ezra?" Ellie croaks, opening her eyes. Her throat felt like sandpaper and her eyes weren't adjusted to the bright overhead lighting. A girl smiles down at her, Ezra by her side. Her dark blue eyes reminded Ellie of the sky at night on Lothal.

"Hi, Elliana. How are you feeling? Do you remember what happened?" The girl asks.

"We were...on Hoth. Inquisitor came...Where's Kanan?" Ellie asks, staring straight at her brother.

"He's okay. He's resting." Ezra says. "We were lucky we found you when we did. Your body temperature was way below the normal."

"Who are you?" Ellie asks the girl.

"I'm Loretta Stone. Call me Lora. I'm new on the crew." Lora says.

"On the crew?" Ellie looks at Ezra for an explanation.

"Hera's her god-mother. She knows a lot of medical knowledge. Hera called her in after we rescued you and Kanan off of Hoth. She was the closest medical source." Ezra explains. Ellie turns and smiles at the girl.

"Well aboard the Ghost."

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