Chapter 5.8: The Hierophant

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As Neon's Comet approached, the village grew excited for its appearance. Gilead was under an open sky so many adventurers who would usually simply pass through decided to stay just to experience the occasion.

   When the day came, a truce was passed around the village to put out all fires at least fifteen minutes before the comet was to pass. This was to reduce light pollution and allow everyone to see the comet in all its glory.

   Since the colonel's house was the highest point of the village, he invited Ilias, Mistress Trisha, me, and everyone else he was close to for the event.

   "Since you don't plan on coming with us, what are you going to do later?" Ilias asked.

   "I have a feeling that your graduation day is approaching soon, so I've been sleepless. I'll enjoy the extra hours of sleep, I suppose."

   "Is that so? You don't always have to be professional, you know?"

   I cut today's lesson short. The comet was scheduled to make its appearance at midnight, so most of the village took a nap at around seven or eight to make sure they had enough energy by then.

   "Are you sure you don't want to come later, Heloise?" Mistress Trisha asked before she went to sleep.

   "Ilias is close to graduating from me and I want to use this rare free time to plan ahead. And don't worry about me not seeing it. I'm sure I'll get more chances in the future."

   "I really would love for you to come with us, but I can't exactly force you to do something you don't want. Good night then."

   After preparing the lessons for the next couple of days, I went straight to sleep and awoke sometime during the night to Ilias shaking me.

   "Teacher, come on. There's still time."

   Ilias had never entered my room without permission before. He would always politely knock if he needed something.

   "Time? What time is it?" I asked, my mind still half asleep.

   "It's almost midnight." He grinned as he explained how he outsmarted me. "You said if I could figure out how to perform incantationless jynx then you would grant any wish I wanted."

   "As long as that wish is within my power. Yes."

   "I want to use it now."

   "Sure. What is your wish?"

   The edge of his lip spread to his ear. "I wish for you to come watch the comet with us at the colonel's place."


   I made a promise and I couldn't break it now.

   After getting dressed, Ilias rushed me out of the house. Jaime was sitting cross-legged in the front yard, either guarding or waiting.

   "That was quick," she said as she sprinted, leading the way.

   The jog to the colonel's house took roughly ten minutes. We arrived to find everyone ready to send out a search party.

   "There you two are," Camaro said. "Stop running off like that. Oh, Heloise, you've decided to join us?"

   "Yay!" Trisha grabbed my hands and jumped ecstatically. "I'm glad you came."

   I chuckled nervously. "Actually, it was Ilias who brought me here."

   Just then, the comet appeared. It was a tiny rock in the sky making its way from the west to the east and cutting through the glittery black canvas above. The comet's surroundings and its trail were made of cool colours. Blue, green, and purple glowing lights pierced through the night sky.

   The comet was very pretty and it would be a delight to see if it would look the same hundreds of years from now.

   But something happened that made sure it wouldn't.

   The comet exploded in a bright light, splitting off and becoming many, each piece smaller than the comet that preceded it.

   The comet became a meteor shower.

   "Hey, is it supposed to do that?" Camaro asked.

   "Nope," Lieutenant Doria answered. "The astronomers said it's only supposed to pass by the night sky. Not this."

   "Neon's Comet is fragmenting," Trisha explained. "When comets approach celestial bodies, they have a chance of breaking apart."

   The fifteen-minute show I was only here to experience became something more. If Ilias hadn't made his wish, not only would I have not seen the comet ever again, but I wouldn't have seen this beautiful shower either.

   I wouldn't have gotten to share this special moment with everyone.

   Camaro befriending me during the exams.

   Mistress Trisha accepting me into her home.

   Ilias bringing me here to experience this with everyone.

   If I didn't make these bonds, I would've just been dozing off at some inn.

   I knew the word I was feeling. It was thankful.

   Thankful that everything had led me here.

   I'm finally starting to understand what it means to feel. I was far from an expert, but everyone always starts off as a novice, don't they?

   I smiled while ruffling Ilias' hair. "Thanks for using your wish. I think I'm starting to grasp what it means to feel. You can make another wish that you truly want, this one doesn't count."

   "It's okay," he said. "Helping you learn how to feel is something I wanted."

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