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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

{This book will contain Girl x Girl Pairings so if you do not like that you may leave}


{Y/N}:Your Name

{H/C}:Hair Color

{E/C}: Eye Color

{C/C}:Color choice

{N/N}:Nick Name

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"I Tell you the squirrels are evil!" A red haired male yelled as he was being dragged away by two people dressed fully in white, as a Fifteen year old female watched him be dragged away from where she sat on the porch of a small brick house.

She didn't seem to partly care about the male with red hair and {E/C} eyes, even if he raised her for the fifteen years of her life after her mother died, she didn't partly care that much about him, than again if she had been raised to actually care she probably would have, it wasn't like he was always there for her, and she had taken her mothers last name instead of his because she refused to say she was related to him.

She may have been gifted with his {E/C} eyes, and have a streak of red in her {H/C} hair {If you have red hair ignore the streak}, but she had gotten more of her mothers attitude, she never met the woman personally but the stories she heard from her aunt was enough, it was a surprise she even listened to the stories her aunt told her she never listened to her father whom believed squirrels were evil and plotting to take over the world.

She was fairly certain it was Dolphins that were evil, and she was also fairly certain with her father no longer being a fit parent she'd have to go live with her aunt, not that she minded her aunt was the only cool adult she knew, and the only one whom didn't try and complain about her ways.

And it wasn't like this town had anything for her anyway she had been expelled from every school in the area all because of a few acts she did, not that she ever cared anyway about their stupid rules, it wasn't her fault that they couldn't take a simple joke, and that they were pussy's.

So without a second thought she pulled out her phone that had a {C/C} phone case that seemed like it flipping anyone who looked at it off, and called up her aunt whom had picked up in a few seconds, "Oi Auntie I'ma have to stay at your place for a while, The crazy old fool got taken away again" of course this wasn't the first place they had taken her father away it had happened many times before so she wasn't worried, though this time may just be the last.

"Again?, I seriously wonder what the hell my sister was on when she married that idiot"  a female stated from the other side with a chuckle, but you could clearly hear the fact that she had just face-palmed, " OI BRAT GET THE F*CKING GUEST ROOM READY YOUR COUSIN'S COMING TO STAY WITH US FOR A WHILE!" the {H/C} female pulled the phone away from her ear her aunt was quite loud and she was quite certain that her aunt was yelling at her younger cousin, whom she was certain wanted to become a hero like the idiot he was.

"WHY THE HELL IS THAT B*TCH STAYING WITH US!?" she heard the oh so lovely voice of her cousin yell from the phone, it wasn't even on  speaker her family was just that loud, she didn't even flinch due to being used to their sh*t already, "AND WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU DO IT YOURSELF YOU OLD HAG!?"

"THE CRAZY B*STARD MY SISTER MARRIED GOT TAKEN TO THE CRAZY HOUSE AGAIN, AND DON'T YOU DARE BACK TALK ME YOU F*CKING BRAT!" the {H/C} female wondered if her aunt remembered she was still on the phone, though she didn't care she found this amusing, "Sorry about that Kid, Katsuki is just being a brat again" awe so her aunt did remember she was still on the phone.

"T'is alright Auntie I'll deal with that dumb*ss when I get over there, I bet he can't wait to hang with his favorite cousin, I can introduce him to my Favorite Baseball bat" A smirk spread across her face "Or I can introduce him to my Tattoo gun, I wouldn't mind tattooing 'jack*ss' across his f*cking forehead".

"Can't wait till you get here kid" Her aunt chuckled "I gotta go knock some since into the brat, and I hope that bat of yours is made of steel

"Of course it is auntie what do you take me for a pussy?" the {H/C} female questioned standing up from her seat and stretching her limbs, before heading inside, her black boots clacking against the floor as she made her way to her room, "I'll see ya soon auntie and I hope Katsuki ain't a f*cking pussy when I get back either". 

 Her aunt gave a final goodbye before hanging up the phone, the {H/C} female kicked open her bedroom door as she stuffed her phone in her pocket, she crouched down and pulled a dust covered bag from under her bed, she had already gotten packed for this, because she knew this pattern to damn well after living with the man for fifteen years.

It was a routine by now, but this time she had a few extra items to bring along, and this time she had a few tricks up her sleeves to deal with her damn cousin, oh she couldn't wait to teach him who truly is number one once she got their.

For her quirk was a mixture of both her parents after all and a hell of a lot cooler than her cousins, for all he could do was make explosions from his hands, she found that pretty lame, she wondered how that quirk-less kid was doing, last time she visited she had sorta kidnapped him before her cousin could beat the kids a**, and somehow convince the innocent boy to get a tattoo, and she convinced a tattoo artist she knew to give the boy it, and he was Ten at the time she was Eleven, how she even did something like that was beyond anyone's knowledge.

Than again she had gotten the same tattoo as the kid, needless to say she got an earful from the boys mother not like she gave a f*ck anyway, for the kid was now stuck with a tattoo on his left ankle, that was a few years ago, she wondered if he ever turned out to be a bad*ss rebel after that or still convinced himself to be a hero, she wouldn't know till she got there now would she?

She would of course hunt him down and get his number, for like they had matching tattoos on their ankles so they were tattoo siblings now in her head, if they shared a tattoo they were apart of the same group, and she'd never let anything happen to someone in her group, not like she cared or anything.

Anyway after gathering her belongings she headed to her fathers room and took a painting of a duck off his wall before entering the code to the safe that was hidden behind it, she knew the crazy old man changed it once in a while and she started to memorize the codes he chose, she swung open the safe door and took what she could fit in her bag before shutting it and changing the code and locking it and replacing it with the duck painting making certain the painting was upside down before she left her fathers room.

She grabbed her keys from the bowl they sat in, ignoring the banging sounds coming from the basement as she left the house, she wouldn't miss this place it was dusty and the pests in the basement were annoying, she wondered why the hell that old man allowed his friends to do their business down their.

Like seriously couldn't they have ran their underground drug cartel somewhere other than their f*cking basement? not like she had to be anywhere near it anymore, for she was taking her sh*t and going to go stay with her aunt.

Hopefully her aunt didn't mind a flaming motorcycle in her yard, not like the {H/C} female gave a f*ck if she did or not, than again when did she ever give a f*ck?

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{I may have forgotten to mention at the start but this will have Swear words in it and that this is a slight AU}

{Publish date: 3/9/2019 at 3:02 Am, Adding this because I can}   

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