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Ezra P.O.V
Lately I've been missing home lately. I miss Lothal. I don't know why though. Its just been a few month's now and the Empire has full control over my home. Just the thought that the enemies we are fighting against have control over me home plant makes me feel really sick.

I've been in my cabin a lot lately and haven't really eaten at all. Then I herd a knock on the door. "Who is it" I asked. "It's Ahsoka. Could I see for a moment" I herd from the other side of the door. I got up and opened the door to see Ahsoka.

"Hi Ahsoka. What do you want to speak to me about?" I asked her. "Hera told me that she is worried about you. She said you don't come out of your room and don't eat anymore" she told me. I sighed. "Let's take a walk and you can tell me what's been going on" Ahsoka told me as she made her way out of the ship and I followed.

We walked around the base a bit and talked about stuff but as we did I felt really sick and felt really tired. "So Ezra are you going to tell me what is going on with you" Ahsoka asked. I was about to answer but I started to feel a little dizzy.

"Ezra are you okay?" Ahsoka asked but her voice was sounding a bit echoey. Then everything started to become barker and barker. I then felt myself fall to the ground with someone calling my name.

*Tttiiimmmeee ssskkkkkiiipp*

I mound as I felt sick again. I felt as if I was was on a desert planet with the soon scorching down on me. I began to open my eyes and I could see I was in the med bay.

" did I get here?" I asked myself. I then herd the door to the medbay open. I look to my left to see Hera standing at the door. "How did I get here?" I asked. Hera sighed as she walked over.

"Ahsoka said she was talking to you when she noticed you didn't look to good. That you passed out for some reason. She called me and we bring you to the med bay. We found that you have a real bad fever and it hasn't gotten any better" Hera explained to me.

I was about to replied to but then started coughing uncontrollable. Hera have a sad smile. "You should get some rest. Hopefully if you get some sleep, you'll feel a little bit better" Hera told me. I only nodded and laid back down and as soon as I felt my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

Hera's P.O.V
I exited the med bay and entered the common room to see everyone there. As soon as they realized I was there, Kanan spoke. "Is he okay?" He asked me. I sighed. "No. His fever is still there and is going up" I explained. He nodded.

"Do you know what is wrong with him?" Sabine asked with concern. "No idea. Probably from not eating but that wouldn't explain the fever" I answered. "I think I might know". We turned around to see Ahsoka standing at the door.

"Ahsoka. It's a surprise seeing you here. We thought you were at a meeting?" I asked her. "I was but I wanted to see how you all are doing" Ahsoka replied. "Not good. We're worried about are youngest crew member" I told her.

"And why is that. What is wrong?" Ahsoka asked. "When we brought him back to the med bay, he started getting a bad fever and it hasn't gotten any better since and is getting worse. And the thing is we don't know why" I explained.

Ahsoka though for a moment. "I think I may know what's wrong with him" she told us. We all looked at her, wanting the answer.

"When I was a youngling back in the Clone Wars, me and my master went on our first big mission to a planet in the outer rim, only thing was that we were going to be away from the Jedi Temple for a long time. About a month in, I started to get homesick for I never had been so far away from the Temple for such a long time. Soon I stopped eating and then got a really bad fever. My master got worried so he bought me back to the Jedi Temple to see what was wrong with me. A few days after we returned, I started felling better" Ahsoka explained.

"So your saying Ezra is homesick. It dose make some seance. We haven't been to Lothal for a long time and even I miss the place a bit" Sabine said. "True. So are you saying we should go back to Lothal" Kanan asked.

"Yes. That would be the best solution" Ahsoka told all of us. "Okay then. Looks like we're going back to Lothal" Zeb said. "Okay then. I'm going to tell Ezra" I said as I made my way out of the common room and to the med bay.

When I got there I seen Ezra still asleep. I walked over and woke him up. He yawned and sat up while he rubbed his eyes. "Wha?" He asked tiredly. "Sorry Ezra for waking you up. I just wanted to tell you that we are going to Lothal" I told him. I seen Ezra smile tiredly.

"Really" he said with joy. I nodded. "Yeah. We thought it might be as good to have a small brake from all this fighting the Empire stuff" I told him. He nodded. "Now you should get back to sleep. We won't be there for a while" I explained as I left the room.

*Time skip because I'm tired and have no energy to write more*

It's been a few days now since we have arrived and already Ezra was getting better. His fever has gone down but he is still really exhausted. Everyday after we do something outside in the fields of the planet, Ezra would go straight to bed and we wouldn't see him until the neat day.

I was in the cockpit of the Ghost, cleaning the controls when I herd the door open. I spun around in my chair to see Ezra walk in. "Hey Ezra. How are you feeling" I asked him as he sat in the co-pilot seat next to me.

"Tired but other than that, I'm feeling better" he told me with a smile on his face. I smiled back. "Well I'm glad to hear that. Well I've gotten news that we have to leave in a few days" I told him. I seen the smile on his fall.

"Oh. Well it was fun while it lasted. I just wanted to say thank you for coming back to Lothal. It means alot to me" he told me. I placed a hand his shoulder with a smile as I spoke. "Hey we can come back  soon. I promise".

Sorry that this is crap. I'm just tired and fell a little sick right now. Also thank you REBELGIRL0309 for the idea

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