Actually chapter 14.

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(Alex POV)
So this week I'm off on spring break.

It's lit.

Me and the squad(my school friends not the Hamilsquad) did a whole bunch of hanging out.

At the moment, we're all at Maria's house, watching Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, and Hammy was providing colorful commentary about how Peregrine falcons aren't just found in wales and how it was obvious the whole time who the villain was.

Needless to say I was not pleased.

Lauren, for some reason, was freaking out. She gets so scared sometimes. It's kinda cute.


Shut up.

I was sitting in a large armchair by myself, with a huge bowl of popcorn on my lap.

One of those slender-man looking things popped up on the screen, and Lauren yelped.

I got up, climbed over James and Jordan, who where cuddling like the two extremely gay people they are, and plopped myself down next to Lauren. I awkwardly placed my arm around her, attempting to comfort her.

"You okay?" I whispered.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." She muttered back.

It was at that moment I realized our faces where approximately two inches away from each other. I couldn't tell if it was the light, but it looked like she was blushing.





James threw a popcorn kernel at us. It landed squarely in between my eyebrows, resulting in a silent bout extremely adorable laughter from Lauren.

Feeling like the awkward person I am, I attempted to turn back to watching the movie.

(Lauren POV)



I need advice.

About Alex?


What do you need?

Well.. We just had a moment. And I don't know if I'm just reading way into it or..

What do you think?

Omg! No. You don't think-

It's pretty obvious..

I should tell her. Yeah.

I decided to wait until the movie ended.

We had been sitting there in that position for about 15 minutes. It was about the climax, and there where more of those.. what where they called? Hollows? Yeah. All they did was remind me of- that.

I snuggled up to Alex, and she obliged. I buried my face in the her arm.

For some reason, I heard the television click off.

"Yo! I can't see!" I heard James yell.

"Blackout!" Maria and Mary yelled in unison.

Alex moved, and when she got up, I fell onto the floor.

I stood up, and felt my eyes adjust to the darkness.

I couldn't see much, but I could see the rough outlines of everything in the room.

I heard a loud thump, as well as a sickening crack, as I saw something fall over, then slump over on the ground.

"Jamie? Jamie!"

(Alex POV)

Shoot. Not James.

I couldn't figure out what to do, so I led Lauren blindly into a room. I could hear her hyperventilating, and I didn't want two people passed out in the dark during a power outage that could go on for who-knows-how-long.

I realized, from the tile floor, that we where in the bathroom. I heard a scraping sound against the wall, and assumed that Lauren had slid onto the floor, so I sat down next to her.

"Hey. What's wrong? I mean, it's just a blackout. The lights will go on in a minute. Unless of course you're still scared of those monster things. They aren't gonna murder your entire family or anything."

I felt her body seize up when I sat down next to her. 

"I'd rather not talk about it.." she whispered, barely audible.


"Really? You're just going to let that go? Like that? Why?"

"If you don't want to talk about something, it's not my place to force you to."

She started giggling a little.

"See that's why I l-"


"It's nothing."

"Really? Because it looks like-"

"No it's just-"



"Me too."



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I totally didn't intend for this to happen guys. It just did.

Aaaaanywho. I'm back from vacation. And boy did I pick a good day to come back. They're doing that whole 'birth certificate gender bathroom' thing, and making it even harder to get a safe abortion.

But it's not my place to rant about this stuff in this book.

The Miss Peregrine's stuff was inspired by my own experience with the movie. I got cut off right before the climax and I'm sad.

Also, thanks for 100 followers fam! This is so COOL AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Yours in demigodishness and all that,

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