Chapter 20: Oh Cool Plot Development

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(??? POV)

Ya know sitting in this room is weird. It's so... fancy? That's a good word for it. It's the kind of room that makes you scared of touching the walls because you're afraid of knocking them over.

I've never been in a room like this before. The scene that I'm used to is the police station and the alley outside my father's house.

Listen, that power outage was completely an accident! Those transformer things are a lot weaker than you would think. You'll be amazed the amount of things you can effect with a person's body.

Why I'm here, I have no idea. Is this like.. purgatory or something? Because this is definitely not nice enough to be heaven and it's not bad enough to be hell.

Oh my god is this what death is? Just sitting here forever?


Well, I guess it could be worse.

I could be at home being slowly tortured to death by my father.

I could be under a bridge, begging for food.

I could be alive.

Oh well. Not like anyone noticed me. I could disappear off the face of the earth and nobody would care.

Okay.. now there's yelling from outside the room. Someone seems.. disappointed? Angry? I dunno I'm not Sherlock Holmes.

I'm not going out there. Everyone in that room is probably a 60-something white old man wearing stuff from like the 1600's or something.

Even if they're like.. normal people. They would still be disgusted when they saw me. My greasy uncut hair, all the scars and bruises, filthy fingernails, no deodorant.

But this room is boring.




I dunno about you guys but I'm having fun!

Yet another short chapter lol sorry dudes.

I wrote this at 11:15 at night so it probably sucks. But this entire thing does so...

Shoutout to queenchelsea0922 for being a cool person.

I hope the person that I'm writing isn't to obvious. It probably is. Everyone who gets it right gets absolutely nothing like everyone else I'm a poor boy and nobody loves me you expect me to afford that kinda shit?

Stay cronchy my friends.


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