Chapter 22: Taylor Swift

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(Alex POV)

Today is the last Monday of the school year.


We're not doing much. Last week of school stuff I guess. I still have my science, French, and history finals.

Apparently Connor is living under a bridge somewhere. Poor dude. I really wanna do something to help him but we're just a bunch of kids.

Yes I'm counting Lin.

I'm uneasy. What A. Phee said messed with me. What does she mean? 'Complications'. What does that mean? So now I'm sitting in the bathroom ignoring Hammy's weird musings.

What if it means some giant beast is going to destroy half the city and somehow that's the only way to stop it?

That doesn't make sense, hammy.

And any of this does?

Shut up. You're giving me a headache.

I really do have a headache. It's like I stuck my head inside a hydraulic press.

What's that?

What did I just say?

A group of assorted assumes jocks walk past, banging loudly on the door. A strange tradition that has been passed down since anyone can remember.

Jocks are weird.

Aaaaaaanywhoo. I go to stand up and finally leave, lunch almost upon us, and horrible pain shoots through my chest. Like all of my ribs where breaking again.

Ohhhhhh. 'Complications'.

This should be fun.

(Zoe POV)

I'm worried. Alex hasn't shown up for lunch. She literally always shows up for lunch. One time, she was really sick, but she went to school just to have lunch. She threw up all over this jock guy. I think his name was like Jake something. Everyone just calls him barf boy. It's great.


What? A girl can't appreciate a vulgar nickname bestowed upon a man she so displeases?

Wow. I didn't think you had that in you.

And I'm never doing that again. Gave me a headache.

This headache is horrible. I swear my head is about to implode. And then explode. All over the cafeteria. Lauren just ran to the bathroom. It's not a bad idea to join her.

Just as I stand up though my entire leg erupted in horrible pain.

Hey check it out a new chapter. Sorry. it's a bit of writer's block and a bit of depression.

AAAAANYWHOOOOO shoutout to MangoMacaw1129  and Emetheone  for getting me out of death aka writer's block.

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