Chapter III

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(Alex POV)

About two minutes later, a doctor came in.

"Ah. You're finally awake. Was that you with all that laughter?" The doctor was a young man with spiky brown hair. Very un-stereotypical.

"No." I lied.

"Well, you do happen to be near the oral surgery room. I'm-"

Suddenly, someone sprinted through the hallway screaming "ammi dnif eht loms naeb!! Yeht tslahs eb a tekcub fo slol!!"

"Who-" the doctor person said.

He continued "You don't have any severe permanent damage. Just a concussion, two broken ribs, and a few minor cuts. "

Phew. That dream was probably just a side-effect of the concussion. Could concussions do that.

It would appear not.

I jumped. Where did that come from?

"Is everything alright?" The doctor asked.

"No I'm fine. But broken ribs sound pretty serious. Are you sure I'm fine?"

He laughed. "No. I've seen worst. Trust me. I have to go see what that commotion outside was. I think you may have some visitors."

My fam!


Fam. What? I told you. English is weird.

Mary and Zoe walked in.

"HEY FAM." Zoe yelled.


Mary laughed and said "Sorry Maria couldn't be here. Her grandmother had another accident. BUT YOU ALMOST DIED FAM. I SWEAR IMMA KILL THOSE TWO BOYS!"

"I'm fine. The doctor who came in here a minute ago said I only died three times."

Mary gasped, and Zoe had this look of confusion and pure fear.

"Joking. Joking." I had to do that sometimes. People just don't get my humor.

So it's not just me.

I continued "so what happened to that probably priceless desk?"

I was tempted to tell them.

"It was weird. Last night there was a perfect replacement left at the doorstep." Zoe said. She was interested in that kind of stuff.

Glad to see I'm easily replaceable.

Easily replaceable my Thomas Jefferson.

"That is weird. OMG WHAT IF THE GHOST OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON DID IT??" I crack myself up sometimes.

I remain un-fractured.

Oh shut up you weirdo.

"So, how long have I been asleep? What have I missed?" I wanted to change the subject.

"You've been unconscious for two days. And you haven't missed much" Mary expodised "just some homework and Donald Trump accusing the Obama Administration of wire-tapping."

"So, nothing important." I said.

My mom busted in the room.
In case you're wondering, classic woman-falls-In-love-with-man-who-is-actually-a-jerk story. He got my mom pregnant, and left.

She started ranting.


She hugged me tightly and I almost drowned in her giant frizz of hair.

"Mom. I'm fine. I'm not dead. I won't die." I had to say something. But in the back of my mind I wanted to find some wood to knock on.

"Oh I'm so happy you're alive."

"Mom. I barely broke a few bones. I'm fine."


Oh right... Zoe and Mary were still there.

-skip to later-

I was at home now, a small apartment with a beautiful view of a brick wall. Everything seemed kind of new. I had to explain to Alexander (because that was a thing now.) Some of the memories that I had in this place.

Me and my mom making paper snowflakes, my mom sewing and waking up the people who lived around us, baking brownies. Not all the memories where good. I still remember the blood..

I sat there for a while. Not exactly sure what to do with myself. My mom was in the kitchen making breakfast S'mores. Basically two tiny pancakes and in-between them are marshmallow fluff and melted chocolate.

It's good.

I felt at piece. Alexander seemed to like the quiet as well.


Oh shi-

Heeeey mah peeps!
So, Alex's mom is based off of my mom, Zoe is based off of yoitszoe and Mary is based off of that_onegirlwhosings . I kinda made up Breakfast S'mores, and, if you are smart, you can read what that random person was saying. CODE!!

Thanks again to yoitszoe for being a nerd, and thanks to whothrewawayhershot for giving me the doctor's name. Also, sorry to (omg for some reason it won't let me tag u) mah boi Lafayette- . I do have use for the name you have given me.

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