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Ten years ago.

"Dear Arcadia, I regret to inform you that something has gone wrong with the Porygon 2 model I posses. The Pokémon has been going haywire and acting quite strange. It's body is now changing as well, falling apart almost. This seems to have happened right around the same time I sent you the data. While I am not accusing you of sabotaging my newest project, I believe there may be a saboteur working in your midsts. Please work to try to find out if anyone got a hold of the data I sent you, while I'll be working on my side to see when things went wrong. Sincerely, Professor Rowan."

Meanwhile in the present.

Rotom slowly opened his eyes, when he did he found himself in a cell. The cell was circular, with the entrance being a trapped door from above.

The walls were all carved rock, the only light was the one Rotom emitted. There were voices from above, but he couldn't make out what they were saying.

Rotom heard the sound of rushing water and turned to the source. A small Waterfall pouring from a hole in the wall, into a reservoir pool and the down into a drain leading to who knows where.

"Maybe Rotom could... no." Rotom said to himself, for a moment thinking he could escape through it. But even if he was small enough to fit through the hole, which he wasn't. He wasn't waterproof, so he couldn't be submerged like that.

Rotom was trapped, he didn't even know who had taken him. He was at the mercy of an unknown captor.

Suddenly he heard a noise, a splash, as if something had just fallen through the tiny waterfall.

"Hello?" Rotom called out, but he backed away from the water in case they were hostile.

"Hi there, are you ok? You sound very scared." The voice replied, although they sounded very cheery.

"Rotom is fine, he just wasn't sure if you were friendly or not. Rotom is stuck here though, so why are you here?" Rotom asked the Pokémon, still unable to see it.

"You talk funny!" The Pokémon laughed while saying it, confusing Rotom.

"But I'm here because the mean poachers kidnapped me, they take rare Pokémon and keep them like their trophies. But I wanna help you escape with me!" The voice said, peppily.

"Really, how?" Rotom inquired.

"Well it's easy, we just destroy the trapped door thingy, and leave." The Pokémon explained.

"But there guards." Rotom pointed out.

"We can take them together! Oh, by the way. I'm Tet! Tet the Manaphy!" Tet said, walking into Rotom's view.

"And Rotom is Rotom!" Rotom introduced himself, offering his 'hand' which Tet shook.

"Now let's bust out of this place!" Tet shouted, and he quickly fired a ice beam at the trapped door. He grabbed onto Rotom, who flew up and used shadow ball, breaking the ice door.

"What in the-" one of the guards, a Omastar, tried to shout before he was blasted away by another shadow ball.

Tet jumped off Rotom and hit the other guard, a Rampardos, with a scald. Blasting him into a wall.

The area was a giant cavern, with a hallway and multiple branching paths.

Rotom and Tet dashed down the main hall, attacking any Pokémon who got in their way.

After what seemed like forever, they reached the exit. Which was where Rotom had first been brought in. However they noticed how all the guards were unconscious.

A Cradily, a Kabutopps, and a Archeops, were all lying on the ground unconscious. One was paralyzed, one was burned, and another was frozen.

"Rotom wonders who did this?" Rotom thought aloud.

"Whoever it was, I don't wanna mess with them." Tet mumbled, and they made a break for the exit.

After they had just run through the forest for a sufficient amount of time, they stopped to catch their breath.

"Thanks for your help. Rotom appreciates it Tet." Rotom thanked the Manaphy.

"No problem Rotom, I was happy to help!" Tet replied, and they sat down on a rock covered in moss. Moss that was so soft to the touch.

"So Rotom was wondering if he could ask you something?" Rotom asked, remembering his dream from before.

"Sure, fire away!" Tet responded.

"Well Rotom had a dream where he was visited by a Misdrevious and she said these lines to him. He doesn't really understand it though..." Rotom explained.

"Well what did she say?" Tet asked, curious.

"Memories long forgotten alas,
Long lost in the past.
An unfulfilled promise, a Stared Rose
A trip to a place nobody dares go.
Find them you must,
In my words, you have to trust.
Fix the things that were forgotten,
Or your world will see destruction.
To mend them swiftly, you must.
Alas the world will crumble to dust." Rotom recited from memory.

"Wait a second... that's THE prophecy!" Tet cried in shock, Rotom was about to ask what he meant when a bloodcurdling scream was heard.

"What was that?" Rotom wondered, sitting up with a start.

"We have to help them!" Tet shouted, racing towards the scream. Rotom quickly tailing him.

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