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Ten years ago

A tall brown haired thirty year old man with brown eyes walked through the halls of his lab. His eyes were stone cold, if looks could kill, anyone who met his glance would incinerate. He was dressed in a lab coat as always, a mug of coffee in his left hand, and in his right was a clipboard. He had record the progress of Control, if he ever made any that is.

Arcadia walked into the room quickly, he wasn't ready to waste any time. He had to get to work if he was ever going to get his plan in motion.

"Control, get up!" He ordered the Porygon-Z, who was asleep in the cage he was supposed to call his home.

"SHFJBWJQBN" Control replied, waking up. Arcadia covered his ears.

"I'll have to remove your ability to speak, since that's clearly corrupted." Arcadia mumbled, he checked off something on his clipboard. "Now come along, I have some tests I need to run with you!" Arcadia ordered, opening the cage.

Control knew better than to escape however, Arcadia had built a bomb into him that could be detonated at any second, and even Control knew not to set it off. They went down the series of halls in the lab until they reached a room with a Pidgey on one side, its leg was chained to the table so it couldn't fly away.

"Alrght Control, I want to measure the power of your hyper beam. So kill it." Arcadia ordered, the porygon-Z didn't hesitate, happy to be able to attack for once. He fired his beam at the bird pokemon and destroyed it.

"Well done." Arcadia told Control, writing something on the clipboard. "You're going to be quite the force to be reckoned with once I'm done with you Control."

The Present

Rotom woke up with a start, surprised to find himself in Wolflix's home. Nobody was in the living room, so he assumed they were asleep. He floated outside, where he saw Red and he brightened.

"Red!" Rotom shouted, tackling his brother in a hug.

"I'm glad you're finally awake Rotom, we've all been worried about you." Red told him, hugging Rotom back.

"Is everyone still here? Scarlett, and Donut, and Tet?" Rotom asked.

"No... Tet is.. he's dead Rotom." Red told Rotom sadly.

"NO!" Rotom gasped. "Rotom can't believe it! Tet is gone!" Rotom felt his eyes well up with tears.

"Yeah, it's too bad. Tet was a pretty awesome guy..." Red sighed, patting his brother's back.

"Yeah, Rotom agrees. He was like a spoon in a giant chocolate party!" Rotom smiled slightly.

"Well Donut and Scarlet are still here, and I'll be here too, at least for a little while." Red told Rotom.

"What do you mean Red? Aren't you staying?" Rotom asked Red.

"No, I'm going to do some research on Control and this Arcadia guy. What Control said confuses me, and I get the feeling this Arcadia guy is still out there, and he might try to bring back Control. So I have to do this, for your sake." Red said to Rotom.

"Ok Red, but you and Rotom will meet again right?" Rotom questioned Red, hope in his eyes.

"Of course we will little bro. I'm not letting a year of searching for you go to waste!" Red responded, causing Rotom to smile.

"Rotom wants to go on an adventure, maybe a small one. Not to far from home, but with his friends Scarlet and Donut!" Rotom admitted.

"Well I'm sure they wouldn't mind, besides. You deserve to do what you want, now that all that prophecy junk is completed." Red stated.

"Junk? That's not a very nice thing to say about my prophecy, it took me a while to put it together!" The Misdreavus's voice said as she flew down from a tree branch.

"You again. And you didn't predict the prophecy, an absol did!" Red pointed out.

"I have a name, it's Nebel. And no he didn't, I told him about it so he could take the credit. And now its finally been complete!" Nebel told them excitedly.

"But what was the point of the prophecy?" Red asked.

"To lead you to Control of course! If he wasn't stopped then he might've done so pretty bad stuff to the world! And that prophecy ended up helping you all become stronger and meet new friends didn't it?" Nebel explained.

"Yeah! Rotom made four new friends! And one was his brother!" Rotom answered cheerfully.

"Huh, I expected the prophecy to be something else." Red stated.

"Well I must be going, I gotta say congratulations on defeating Control without any causalities!" Nebel laughed.

"But Tet died." Red reminded her.

"Oopsie! My bad! I'm always such a chatterbox!" Nebel told them, and she flew off quickly before they could ask anymore questions.

"I guess I should be going, I've got a mystery to unwravel! See you soon Rotom!" Red promised Rotom, and they hugged one last time.

Red floated off and Scarlet and Donut came outside to greet Rotom.

"Rotom, you're awake!" Scarlet yelled cheerfully.

"You were asleep for a while, and that's coming from me or whatever." Donut told him.

"Rotom wants to go on an adventure with you guys! A small one though, he doesn't want to go too far from home!" Rotom said to them.

"Sounds like a plan! I can't wait!" Scarlet shouted excitedly.

"This'll be fun or whatever dude." Donut said before face-planting in the dirt with a snore.

"yes it will be fun! Rotom knows it." Rotom said with a laugh, grinning. 

So that's the end. Once again I hate to end Rotom's story, but I must. I really enjoyed writing this story, I had a blast working on it and talking about it. It's amazing to see how much my writing has improved over the last six months. I'm really glad it has improved, because why wouldn't I want my work to be good! Now I know the Arcadia thing was really forced and sudden but I had to add it in and the final chapters seemed like a good time. Other than that I hope you all enjoyed. So with that GOODBYE!

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