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Rotom floated in front of the fourth wall, grinning.

"Hello everyone! Rotom just wanted to let you all know that this is a sequel! So if you don't want to be hopelessly confused, Rotom recommends reading the Story of Rotom! Also, just because Rotom is self aware doesn't mean he will be breaking the fourth wall... often... so that's about everything! Rotom hopes you enjoy the book!" Rotom shouted joyfully, before floating off.

Ten years ago.

"Dear Arcadia, I have good news. I have finally created an artificial Pokémon. His name is Rotom, obviously motor backwards. However he is more than a robot. Rotom is quite... eccentric. There another model, a red one but for some reason he seems to be missing. Anyways Arcadia, you should come and visit him, he would be happy to have an uncle. Well, I hope this letter gets too you. Sincerely, Rowan." The professor said as he wrote the letter, Rotom had been exploring the house so he went up to go find the Pokémon.

When he left his room Rotom floated out from behind the door.

"Hello Maker! Rotom is so glad he found you! You were missing!" Rotom shouted cheerfully.

"I was just doing some work Rotom, have you been waiting here this whole time?" Professor Rowan asked.

"Yep! Rotom was waiting for his Maker!" Rotom cheered.

"Well aren't you nice. Come on, let's go get something to eat. I'm famished." The Professor said.

"Rotom can't wait for food Maker!" Rotom grinned, floating after the Professor.

"You don't have to call me Maker, just call me Rowan." Rowan told him.

"But you are Rotom's maker, why can't he call you his maker?" Rotom asked, confused.

"Just forget it," The Professor told him.

"Ok Maker! Rotom will forget it!"

"You know what Rotom? I think someone like you deserves a peaceful life. So I'm going to give it too you, as long as I'm around, your life will be peaceful." The Professor promised.

Ten years later.

The day was like any other, Rotom and his friends were fighting for their lives. The usual.

Wolflix the Greninja was currently engaged in a battle against Hellbent, his evil twin brother.

Hellbent had been corrupted by the evils of Giratina after him and Wolflix tried to take on the renegade Pokémon. Ever since he has wanted to kill everyone Wolflix holds dear.

Hellbent was swiping with his knife while Wolflix was dodging and trying to disarm him.

Chester the chestnaught was fighting some of Hellbent's minions, which were Ratatta.

"Ohhh Wolfy! I know you want to be with me!!!" Ella shouted at Wolflix.

She was a psychopath who would do whatever it took to get Wolflix to love her, she made Bella very mad.

"Stay away from my man!" Bella, the sylveon, snapped. Slapping Ella repeatedly with her ribbons.

"He doesn't love you! He loves me!" Ella insisted. Firing a moonblast at Ella.

Rage the lucario was out cold after taking a blow to the head from Hellbent.

Energy, the trainer was fighting against Hellbent's ally, Jeans the ditto, who had transformed into a mewtwo.

Rotom was putting bandaids on Rage's head, despite them being useless. Rotom of course didn't understand how healing worked, but he had to be the medic since Wolflix wouldn't let him fight.

Rotom knew Wolflix just didn't want Rotom to get hurt, but it still annoyed him.

This was pretty normal. For the past year every week Hellbent would try to kill them all and get revenge. He always failed...

Wolflix knocked the knife from Hellbent's grasp and kicked him in the chest.

Chester beat the rest of the Ratatta and Energy beat Jeans.

Bella knocked out Ella and Rage began to stir. Hellbent quickly scampered to escape.

"I'll kill you all!" Hellbent screamed, running off.

Then they went home and Rotom happily greeted Waterfall. The young eevee, also the daughter of Wolflix and Bella.

"Rotom!" Waterfall cheered, smiling at Rotom.

"Hello Waterfall! Rotom thinks we should play outside for a bit!" Rotom suggested, heading outside with Waterfall behind him.

Outside the large house was nothing but woods as far as the eye could see. The nearest civilization was almost an hour away.

"So Rotom was thinking we could p-" Rotom was cut off by a fire blast barreling towards him, he blew it up with a shadow ball.

A Magmortor and a Zoroark emerged from the woods. Both grinning eerily.

"Ello Rotom!" The Zoroark snarled.

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