A Dragon Sized Adventure Pt1

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It was a normal day, I was working a bit on my car the Blazing Racer and the Triple Accelerator.

"I'm gonna need the ion drive" I said to Helena as I was under my car and held my hand out. "Hm maybe you should use the dual force drive pistons from Looma's Home world Khoros. It would make your engine faster with out the added weight of the Ion drive and it would work well with the engine block you got from there as well" she suggested.

Looking at the engine I saw she was right. "Good eye" I said as we installed the parts she suggested. "I'm impressed you learned so much about my aliens their tech and other stuff in only three days since I saved ya from the forever knights. "Well when you have three heads like us we can remember anything!" Hellen said as she took control of their human body. "Yea makes sense" I said wiping some grease off my face.

"I think that's enough work for today" I added as I began to pack up. "Yea. We should have the flight mode and deep sea modes ready soon." Heather said as she took control.

"Can't wait" I said as I finished putting away all of the tools. After I was done I saw Helena was back in control and we headed to the main area of my house.

"This book is cool!" I heard Vera say as she and Kanna were on the couch reading a book Louise gave them. "Ohh! This dragon looks like Miss Tohru!" Kanna said pointing at a drawing of a green dragon with horns similar to Tohru.

"It kinda does" Helena said looking at the picture. "Weird. Why would a dragon in a book from Louise's world look like Tohru's dragon form?" I asked.

"Maybe its just a coincidence?" Saito asked as he looked at the book. "I doubt it. Long ago before we met Saito I've heard of opposing dragon factions in a faraway nation" Derf explained from his scabbard on Saito's back.

"Well there's only one way to find out Tohru come with me" I requested from my aunts dragon maid. "Uh ok?" She said a bit confused.

I then took Tohru to the basement and then into a room we use for training. My aunt, Kanna, Saito and Louise followed us as well.

"Ok Tohru do the thingy!" I said causing confusion to everyone. "Turn into a dragon" I then explained. "Are you sure? My dragon form is pretty big" Tohru asked hesitantly.

I have her a nod as Saito explained "Athius becomes Bahamut in here a lot so don't worry you'll fit"

"Ok then" Tohru said as she transformed.

Tohru's dragon form appears as a big green European dragon with black wings and a light green underbelly.

"Ok now the drawing from the book" I said as I looked at the image Kanna said looked like Tohru.

The dragon in the drawing was green as well with a lighter green underbelly, black wings and similar horns.

"Yea it looks like a match to me" Saito said comparing the drawing and Tohru.

"That means that there are 2 possible explanations to this. One, there is a breed of dragons in Louise's world that are similar in appearance to Tohru. Possibility number two though is that Tohru's world and Louise's world is the same exact world and the two live on different parts of the world." I suggested.

"How do we know though?" Saito asked. "Easy we go to Louise's world and investigate." I suggested.

"But how will we get there? I don't know any dimension spells" Louise said. "And I can only travel to my world and it would be best for us to go to Louise's world to find out it it's also mine" Tohru said.

"Luckily for us I have a solution" I said. "And that is?" My aunt asked. "Simple. Albedo and I added a feature into the dimensional remote and the dimensional portal that allows us to open portals to past locations we have been to. Meaning I can open a portal to Louise's world" I explained.

"That's convenient. So are we all going?" Aunt Kobayashi asked. "Yea I think it would be best for you and I to go with Tohru Kanna Saito and Louise as well as Verra." I explained as I opened the portal.

"Let's go" Saito said but I stoped him before he walked in. "Not so fast as I have stuff for us" I said as I went to a wall a pulled a lever.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dragons of all ages may I present to you, the tech packs!!" I said as I revealed metallic hikers back packs on the wall.

"By combining alien tech, WOOHP gadgets, some of the ghost fighting gear Danny's parents gave him and finally studying Vongola weaponry the tech pack is the ultimate and versatile piece of equipment. It has a small tank for water that is always kept cool,some fans to cool you off as well as a mini canopy for hot situations. There are also small heaters, a thermos for hot beverages as well as a special heated snow suit that the pack will deploy itself when the user is in any cold conditions, the suit will make it feel like your in a nice room temperature bath, this suit also will cover your entire body. There is special scuba gear as well as a special scuba suit that will also deploy, the suit comes with a special mouth piece that will act like fish lungs. Besides the special equipment for hot deserts, snowy areas and anything with water there are other features of the tech pack. There is some ghost fighting tech which include a built in Ghost catching Thermos, a spectral net launcher and a ghost detector. It acts like Danny's ghost sense and detects ecto energy. I made it so if Danny is near it as well as Albedo and I as Ghostfreak are near it the detector will basically say it's Danny or Albedo and I as Ghostfreak. There is also some high tech climbing equipment, a grappling hook, night vision goggles, binoculars, a small but bright LED light and a flare gun. This tech pack also comes with built in tracking beacons as well as wires to charge electronic devices such as phones or portable gaming systems. Speaking of power the tech pack is solar powered but can be charged with any kind of light as well as be plugged into an outlet or a USB port. The battery life can last for......about like a year or two. There is also a glider and a jet pack, the jet pack can work underwater as well" I explained.

"Why so much?" Tohru asked. "It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Besides there are other gadgets and tech in the tech pack I haven't told you all about" I answered.

"Let's go" I said giving everyone a tech pack except myself. "Why don't you have a pack?" Tohru asked as she put hers on and helped Kanna and Verra with theirs. "I have the omnitrix remember?" I said gesturing to said wrist mounted Alien device.

"Let's get going" Saito then said as we were all ready to go. "Right Allons-y!" I said confusing everyone. "What did you just say?" My aunt asked. "Allons-y it's French for let's go. I'm trying to figure out my catchphrase. Ben has Its hero time Leena has Time to Unleash the Beast and Rex has Time for a Revolution so I want my own" I explained.

We then went through the portal into a new world.

"Where's the ground?" I thought as I then realized we were falling.

Everyone then began screaming until their parachutes deployed. "Come On give me a flying alien" I said as I just transformed.

Instead of a flyer I got Eatle.

"Not who I wanted!!!!!!" I yelled as I crash landed into the ground.

Once I got out I looked up and saw what looked like a castle in the distance.

"That must be the school Louise goes to. She will most likely lead the others there. Especially since the Tech Packs can track my omnitrix" I thought as I made my way over there.

I eventually got there and I saw a bunch of students and teachers in similar outfits to Louise. "What is that? It's is a type of a golem?" Some people were asking. "Uh hi there?" I said waving. "I fell out of the sky and-" I began to say before I was attacked by a blond haired dude with his shirt opened a bit.

"Clearly your here to attack the school like when Fouquet attacked." The blonde said as he summoned a suit of armor that looked to be alive.

"Attack my Valkyrie!" He said as the suit charged at me and it began to attack. I did my best to dodge. "What am I doing? I don't run I eat!" I said grabbing some dirt from the ground opened my mouth and then began to eat the dirt, most likely grossing some people out.

"What are you doing?" Blondie asked. "This!" I said firing a laser blast from my horn.

Once the blast hit the Valkyrie it was destroyed. "That the best ya go?" I asked.

"No this is!" The blond mage said as he summoned more Valkyrie's.

"That's a lot of living armors" I said getting into a combat stance.

I was about to charge at him when suddenly a magic bubble trapped me. "That is enough Guiche" said the voice of an old man. I turned to see who looked to be the headmaster of the school.

He had a long white beard a black cloak, he held a wooden staff that was curved on the top in one hand and held a pipe to his mouth in the other.

"But headmaster Osmond this Monster May be trying to attack the school" the blond who I now know is named Guiche said pointing to me. "I do not think we need to worry about this being. Look at his chest" the headmaster said pointing to my chest. "He bears the emblem of the emerald warrior who has destroyed Diagon" the headmaster added.

"Yea Ben Tennyson is my mentor" I said turning human, still inside of the bubble.

Soon Louise,Saito,Torhu,my aunt, Kanna and Vera soon arrived seeing me in a bubble. "Hey guys" I said waving while floating around. "Hm I should try to make some type of bubble transportation vehicle. Like the gyro spheres from Jurassic world" I thought.

"Why are you in a bubble?" Vera asked. "Ya know I don't know but it's relaxing in here" I replied.

The bubble soon popped and I fell on my butt. "I'm ok!" I said But was soon surrounded by students and they asked me a ton of questions like "Are you really the apprentice of the emerald warrior who slated Diagon?" "What's he like?" "How did you become his apprentice?" And much more.

"Woah woah woah! Calm down. I'll answer all your questions." I said and then told everyone how I got my omnitrix and that after Ben Leena and Rex saw me first transforming I become Bens apprentice. "I have to say that is impressive" said a blond haired girl.

Looking at her she wore the same uniform as Louise and Guiche, her hair was braided with pink bows in it.

"Ah my dear Montmorency" Guiche said kiss the hand of the blond girl who I now know is named Montmorency.

"So you two a thing?" I asked. "It's hard to tell sometimes with him always flirting with other girls" Montmorency said rather irked.

"Just be a bit more stern with him. You seem nice" I said giving a bit of dating advice even though I don't know that much.

"Or try and change your look" said a red haired girl with tan skin and.....proportions similar to Lucoa.

Blushing Montmorency said "Kirche I will do no such thing" to the red head who I'm guessing is Kirche.

"Oh hello Saito!" Kirche said hugging his arm causing Saito to blush and Louise to get angry. "Saito!" Louise yelled about to cast a spell before Vera stoped her by grabbing her wand. "Hey! Give that-back" Louise said as her anger went away. "Why did she stop?" Montmorency asked. "That's why" I answered as everyone saw the adorable puppy dog eyes Vera was giving Louise. "I can't stay mad at you" She said rubbing Veras Head. "Hehe thanks" my little sis said giving Louise her wand back.

"So what brings you back here anyway?" Kirche asked letting go of Saito's arm. "Me actually" Tohru said as she made her tail and her horns appear shocking all of the students.

Tohru then went to Headmaster Osmond's office while I told Louise's classmates, my aunt, Vera and Kanna about all of the adventures I've had with Ben Leena Rex Gwen Kevin Rook and others from Bens world.

"So There we were in a space station. We were surrounded by enemies, Leena and Ben had to save Rex as he was being held hostage while Kevin Gwen and Room were trying to get the station to move out of its crash course to earth. My omnitrix was still recharging but I had an amazing idea. I contacted Rook and asked him to turn off the stations artificial gravity. To say the least he was confused by my request but I assured him it would work. After the artificial gravity was off Ben transformed into Gravattack while Leena became Turtorbit and they used their gravity powers to take down the baddies and saved Rex. Then using Rex's nanites as well as Ben using upgrade and Leena using Preda-tech we stoped the satellite." I said.

"You must be an amazing hero!" One person said. "Yea.....you could say that" I said rubbing the back of my neck feeling a little something internally. "Anyway uh any other stories you all wanna hear or do you all have any questions?" I asked.

"Did you ever become as popular?" "Have you ever saved the world like ben?" "Are you just as powerful ben?" Were some of the questions they all asked and I was getting overwhelmed and I felt something inside I never thought I'd feel again since I got sent to my real home dimension from bens.

"W-Well you see I-" I began to say when there was suddenly a loud explosion followed by a roar.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The sounds had come from the headmasters tower as the sky was cloudy.

Looking up I saw a massive red dragon.

"Who or what is that?!" I asked startled. "Damocles. Tohru's father and the leader of the Chaos Faction." Kanna said as she and Vera hid behind me.

He then vanished and the sky cleared up. "The headmaster!" Louise said as the top of the tower was destroyed. "On it!" I said transforming into XLR8 and I ran up to see him.

After clearing up the rubble as Fourarms I saw Headmaster Osmond on the ground. "You ok?" I asked helping him up before turning back human.

Coughing the headmaster said "yes. I'll be fine just need to rest. Her father must have sensed her magic" I then helped him to sit down

"So Tohru's world and your world is the same after all" I said as I looked off into the distance. "Yes. In a land far away from ours is the land Tohru comes from. There the war between The Faction of Chaos and The Faction of Harmony and Order rages on for that land. This academy as well as others are made not only to have talented sorcerers and sorceresses but also hero's to protect our land Incase The Faction of Chaos decides to attack. It's a long days travel though" osmond explained.

"I'll find a way. Let me help you to the infirmary here." I said helping him up.

After I brought him there I met up with Kanna Vera Saito Louise Kirche Guiche Montmorency and a blue haired girl with glasses on.

"Athius this is Tabitha" Saito said introducing the blue haired Mage. "Hello" She said quietly and waving.

"Kanna where's my aunt?" I asked. "She went to the tower seeing if there's anything you can use to find Tohru" Kanna answer as she seemed upset. "Don't worry Kanna we will find her and get her back" I said as I got on one knee and rubbed her head. "This is my fault. I should have been up there. Things....would have gone differently" I thought.

"Athius!!!" I heard my aunt say as she ran to me with two things in her hand. "I.....found.....these" She said out of breathing holding a white piece of burnt cloth and a set of bent keys.

"Those are Tohru's Keys and a piece of her maid uniform? Wait I thought her uniform was just her scales or something" I said. "It is But the Head piece she wears isn't." Kanna said. "Well I can use these to find her" I said. "Let's go find us a dragon maid!" I said throwing my fist up into the air.

A/N: So Tohru has been captured. But she will be saved. Also before anyone gets upset that I made Tohru's Dad leader of the Chaos Faction, the leader has never been shown in the anime so I can do what I want. I mean I made Tohru's world as well as Louise's world the same so ha!!!! Anyway see y'all next time!!!!

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