A Dragon Sized Adventure Pt3

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(A/N: Don't play music yet)

As I entered the arena I saw it was a massive circle and the stands weren't to full. I saw Tohru and her dad in a seating area similar to what a Roman leader would sit at in a Roman colosseum. Tohru also was wearing what looked like a green cloak but I could under it was her maid uniform.

The only other people in the seats were guards, Saito, Louise, Kirche with Flame, Tabitha with Slyphid, Montmorency with Robin, Guiche with Verdante, Vera, Kanna and my Aunt. Those two hooded figure that were with Deverok were also in the stands. "Those two look familiar. And feminine" I thought as Deverock walked into the arena as well.

"Are you ready?" Deverok asked as he had a dark scythe with a red eye appear. 

"Yea I'm ready to kick your butt" I said having my sword and shield ready.

"Ok I have to do this carefully. Bahamut's dragon form is powerful so I shouldn't use it first. If I do I'll be tired and will need to rest. I should do my best to fight him as human then I turn into Bahamut fight while I'm in Bahamut's human form and then go dragon" I thought to myself.

"The winner will be declared when one of you either yields or is killed. With that Begin!!" Damocles said as Deverok charged at me and sliced at me. Using the shield I had I blocked the slash and returned a slash to his chest.

He moved out of the way however and was further away from me. Laughing a bit Deverok said "is that the best you can do? I thought your mentor was the great emerald warrior who has slain Diagon. You are merely a child!"

He then fired a purple energy slash from his scythe at me. I was luckily able to move out of the way before the slash hit me.

"That purple was the same color as the lighting from before. He shot us down?" I thought as I charged at him ready to stab and slice him.

He moved out of the way for any attack I did though. "I am to fast for you! I already have won." Deverok said.

"Ok then here we go!" I said as I stabbed my bronze sword into the ground dialed up and then transformed into Bahamut in his human form.

"You want to face a dragon? Then you shall face a dragon!" I said as I had bahamuts sword appear.

(A/N: Start music now)

I then charged at Deverok and my sword and his scythe collided. "Perfect" he said with a smirk as he suddenly transformed into his dragon form.

In his dragon form Deverok was as large as Torhu's dragon form. He had purple scales and black spikes down his spine. On his head were two yellow horns and he has a yellow underbelly.

"Show me the power of this form!!" He roared knocking me into the stadium wall with his tail.

"Fine" I said gritting my teeth and transformed into my dragon from.

We then clashed. We did an equal amount of damage to each other. For each hit I threw at him he threw the same back.

This went on for almost half an hour until I realized I was starting to get tired.

"Shadow dome!" Deverok said as a large bubble of shadows surrounded me. I couldn't see a thing and I felt as if my energy was being drained faster and faster.

Soon I ended up turning back human and I fell to the ground. Looking at myself I saw I was covered in scars scratches and bruises as my clothes were ripped at some parts.

"I.....won't lose" I said struggling to get up only to get pushed down by Deverok's front claw. "I don't think so. I have one. If you wish to live surrender and I will let your friends go and just keep you as a trophy. If not then well you will make a good trophy either way.

"I....will never give up" I said spitting in his dragon face. "So be it" Deverok said picking me up by my head and he began to squeeze.

"I-I guess this is it. Mom dad I'm sorry I couldn't save either of you" I thought.

Suddenly I remembered something.

~~Flash Back~~

I was only 4 at the time way before my parents were attacked and I was just learning how to ride a bike. Every time I tried I kept falling.

"I-I can't do it!" I cried into my mothers arms. "It's ok Athius you can do it" my mom said when my dad approached us.

"Athius My son" my dad said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "You are destined for greatness. You have it in you an undying will like I've never seen. It's like a spark and it's unbelievable. I know that you can shine bright like the stars. But that's your choice. You can do what ever you wish to do." He explained. "We never really run from dangers in our family. Neither should you cause you can be the best of all of us" my mom said.

—Years later in Plumber HQ—

It was my first time training with Ben and I was losing.

"I don't get it at all!" I said annoyed. I sat down upset. Looking down at my sweaty red shirt I said "I'll never get the hang of this. I should have it removed."

"Athius don't say that. You can do it. Listen there's a spark in you and it's amazing. You need to have confidence. I know you can do it" Ben said. "but when will I know I'm ready?" I asked. "That's just It you'll never know Athius. It's a leap of faith" Ben said helping me up. Nodding I got ready. "Let's do this"
I said with new found confidence. "Well it took ya long enough" Leena said as she got down from a ledge she sat on top of and handed me a box. Inside was my first hoodie, green on the collar the selves and across the stomach as the shoulders and the chest were black.

I put it on and it was a perfect fit. "I made it myself and looks like it fits perfectly" Leena said as I noticed her bandaged hands most likely from the needle. "Ok I'm ready" I said.

The words from my mentor and my parents gave me confidence. They gave me hope. It gave me the boost I needed

~~Flashback over~~

"T-Tech Packs. WHAT UP DANGER!!" I yelled throwing a metal card at Deverok's face causing him to let me go. I landed on the ground very similarly to Spiderman.

(A/N: Athius landed like that)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: Play new music)

I picked up my sword and it began to glow. As I brought it closer to the omnitrix it changed. The blade became a silver black color and the handle became white. The end of it and the cross guard became green and on the cross guard was an omnitrix emblem.

"What is this?!" Deverok asked annoyed. "The Omni blade!" I said as a pulse of mana came out from the sword. This caused Deverok to return to his human form.

"This can't be! I can't change back!" Deverok said as his body began to change and alter. "Hm what do you mean?" I asked curious. "How did you do that! She never told me about that sword!" Deverock roared at me. "I kinda just got this. Wait who's she?" I then asked when suddenly Charmcasters large Stone golems appeared.

"That would be us" I heard Charmcaster say as the cloaked figures that were with Deverock removed their hoods revealing to be both Charmcaster and Madeline. "What the?! Madeline How'd you escape the null void?!" I asked.

"I was trying to get Micheal out from there but instead I ended up pulling her out. Still haven't found Micheal yet." Charmcaster said.

"So how'd you meet Deverok?" I then asked. "We were trying to get here to your dragon friends world. Once we did we found him. Turns out he's a magic user with shapeshifting magic so we have him the post he needed to become a dragon and I used my magic to make it seem like he had magic" Charmcaster said. "They told me everything about you. We figured if I could marry the daughter of the leader of the Chaos Faction we'd be able to over power you." Deverock said. "And I'd some tasty snacks" Madeline said. "Oh yea your still withered under your mask" I said.

"Wait so let me get things straight. Your plan was to marry Tohru to have control of the chaos Faction somehow and through all this you tricked Damocles. Do I have that right?" I asked. "Yes ingenuous isn't it?" Deverok asked smugly.

"It would be if you didn't just reveal it in front of the man you lied to" I said gesturing towards Damocles. "Ha Ha Nice try I put one of my mind control stones on him before the battle as a precaution." Charmcaster said.

"You mean this?" Damocles said holding the stone in his hand before crushing it to dust. "I felt you place that on me and neutralized it's magic. I just say and waited to see what would happen and now that I know the truth I shall slay you all myself" Damocles began to say right before Madeline started draining his energy.

"Not so fast!" I said stabbing my Omni Blade into the ground causing diamond head shards to stop Madeline from draining Damocles. "Father!" Tohru screamed grabbing him before he fell. "Even though it was a taste dragons are the ultimate meal!!!!" Madeline yelled maniacally.

"Ok then time to finish this!" I said getting ready. "Athius catch!" My aunt said tossing me my star ring and Bruce's box. I caught both and placed my ring on.

"Bruce let's take flight!" I said opening his box as he transformed into wing mode.

He then ejected his sword and I connected it with my Omni Blade.

"How'd you do that!" Deverok yelled at me. "To be honest I dunno" I answered.

We began our fight again but this time was different. I was wining it but right before I could end it Charmcaster blasted me back with a spell and then gave Deverok more magic.

He transformed into his dragon form and was twice as tall as before.

"Muahahaha!!! Try to defeat me now you pathetic little bug!" He roared.

I then started flying and slashing at him but nothing worked when I suddenly had an idea.

"I hope this works" I said firing an ice blast from my Omni blade freezing him for a bit.

I then took out my dimensional remote and typed in 20 different dimensions and opened up the portal. I flew through 19 different worlds and the 20th was actually Omni Fairy Tail.

I ended up in the guild hall. "Oh hey ben" I said seeing Ben drinking a smoothie. "Oh uh hey Athius? What are you doing?" He asked confused. "About to fly through like 20 or so portals to defeat a villain" I explained. "Oh hey Athius" Tahu said and then he noticed my wing pack and swords. "Woah where'd you get those!" He asked amazed.

"Well Bruce Can now become a wing pack and the sword that's curved on top is from it. The other sword is my Omni blade. I just got it. I can use my aliens powers with it." I explained and noticed some shark pups running by. "I see you got the sharkpups" I said. "Yea. Ezra really like the light blue one. She named her Marine" fairy Ben explained. "Aw that's cute. Anyway can I have a boost?" I asked.

"Oh sure" Fairy Ben said as he transformed into Omni and got ready to throw me. "One more thing" I said. "ABLR-9867" I said transferring copies of any new aliens I had gotten after Fairy Ben and I first met. "Tahu you'll love Ebony Sentinel. Bye!" I said as Fairy Ben threw me.

As I traveled back between the dimensions I started spinning and caught on fire with my dying will flame. "SHOOTING STAR STREAM CUTTER!!!!!!" I yelled loudly, it was loud enough to be heard through the dimensions I went through and then I attacked Deverok.

After that was a massive explosion. As the dust cleared I saw Charmcaster and Madeline escape into a portal as Charmcaster held what looked like a small stone statue of Deverok. After that I passed out.

I woke up a few moments later in a bed. "Huh where am I?" I asked. "A medical hall in my dad's castle" Tohru said as he was in her maid outfit.

"Wait why you in your maid outfit?" I asked. "Well Miss Kobayashi explained everything to my father and he's letting me stay in your world!" Tohru said happily.

"Oh cool" I said noticing the handle of my Omni blade resting on a table with a sky blue cloth on top.

"Wait what happened to the Omni blade." I asked. Damocles then walked in and said "after you defeated Deverok your sword's blade shrunk down into the handle. It's rare to see magical weapons like these in our times" Damocles said giving my the handle.

"Thank you for saving our faction. You may be a useful ally in battle against the Harmony And Order Faction." Damocles said. "Why don't you all make peace?" I asked. "How could we do that?" Tohru asked when I had an idea.

Tohru headed back to my place to get Albedo Helena Hellen and Heather in order for my plan to work. Once he arrived with Danny and Tsuna we got to work. Danny and Tsuna went to go get the leader of the Harmony and Order Faction with Helena as Albedo began to lock me as Gravattack. "Ok everything's set Athius" he said. "Ok it's time to transform!" I said and then transformed. "Nice catchphrase" Albedo said.

Once the leader of the Harmony and Order Faction arrived we begun our peace meeting.

After an hour or two we finally made an agreement, the Harmony and Order Faction will not trespass onto the Chaos Factions land and the Chaos Faction will only attack enemies they have that are allied with the Harmony and Order Faction.

With that the Harmony and Order Faction leader went to his kingdom to tell the news and Albedo turned me human.

"I am impressed with your work Athius. From now on in our world you will be known as Athius, the warrior of Peace who united the Chaos Faction with the Harmony and Order Faction" Damocles said.

Helena, Aunt Kobayashi, Tohru, Vera, Kana, Louise, Saito, Kirche, Flame, Tabitha, Slyphid, Montmorency, Robin, Guiche, Verdante, Danny, Tsuna and I headed back to Tristan academy.

"Before you go why don't you show us one of your performances. Saito said you four are a band" Kirche said.

"Sure" I said only to realize we didn't have our equipment. "Don't worry I got ya" Fiwi said as she appeared with our equipment. "Thanks" I said. We got our instruments and began.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: Ignore the Sonic animated part at the beginning)

Whoaaaa whoaaa whoaaa whoaa whoaaaa!
Hey all (hey all)
Welcome to the greatest storm
I know (I know)
You have waited much to long
And I (and I)
I will be your shining star
I'm here (I'm here)
Here to conquer near and far
Like the sword, I'm drawn,
Into the heat of day
Like a knight, I'll fight
Until the fight is won
In the rage, I'll slay
Each and every
Each and every
Each and every one
'Till this war is won
And I live to rule
By the sword
Slashing through the every inch of the power
The power in you
As I sit
As I stand
By the table I command
My kingdom
I'm the knight of the wind
Whoaaaa whoaaa whoaaa whoaa whoaaaa!
Hey all (hey all)
Welcome to the end is near
I know (I know)
I will bring you pain and fear
On the ground, to the sky
Faced with you and I
In a flash, I'm gone
Holding your crown high
In the rage, I'll slay
Each and every
Each and every
Each and every one
'Till this war is won
And I live to rule
By the sword
Slashing through the every inch of the power
The power in you
As I sit
As I stand
By the table I command
My kingdom
I'm the knight of the wind
The knight of the wind
I'm the knight of the wind
Our castle is a massive force
A stronghold of power
My armor stays unbreakable
In battle every hour
Whoaaaa whoaaa whoaaa whoaa whoaaaa!
Like the sword, I'm drawn
Into the heat of day
Like a knight, I'll fight
Until the fight is won
In the rage, I'll slay
Each and every
Each and every
Each and every one
'Till this war is won
And I live to rule
By the sword
Slashing through the every inch of the power
The power in you
As I sit
As I stand
By the table I command
My kingdom
I'm the knight of the wind
The knight of the wind

Once we were finished the students of the academy enjoyed it while the teachers didn't that much.

"Welp Allons-y!" I said as we headed home for a much needed rest.

A/N: Done!!!! So now I bet y'all are wondering what the other 19 dimensions Athius went through were well here they are in the order Athius went through them:
BraedimusSupreme Hotwheels battle force five book, his Monster Musume book, his DxD book and his Highschool of the Dead book
Misaka_Omnitrix A Certain Scientific Omnitrix,
Aphromatrix-C-37  Demi's and Aliens
humatrix-X-24  My Ancient Academia,Slime and an alien ,Ben 10 and Lee 9,Chaotic,codes of the ancients: monsters meet machines, Omni Ben 10 x 2, Omni Leviathan,Omni raildex, Omni Ninja,Omni Hero 108,Omni Totally spies,Omni TMNT,Xenoterra,Half Genie Hero and the ten alien single hero, and of course Omni Fairy Tail.
Yea mostly books that are here on Wattpad that you all should read and have something ben 10 related about them. BYE

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