A Multi Dimensional Christmas Celebration

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'Twas the night before Christmas and all through my hose two creatures were staring but they weren't a mouse. It was me and Fiwi.

The reason why is because I was putting presents under the tree and getting ready for a Christmas party. "Ah Christmas" Fiwi said as she was helping me. "I should visit my Cousin Shante" she added. "Wait Shante as in Shante the half Genie Hero?" I asked. "Yea. There are a lot of different ones through the multiverse but the one I'm related to is actually dating an Omni Ben" Fiwi explained. "Huh. Small multiverse" I said. "Yea. Don't get me started on my sister Desiree" Fiwi then said.

"Wait your sister is that ghost genie Danny told me about?" I asked. "Yea. She's my older sister" Fiwi explained.

We then heard some beeps coming from down stairs. We went down stairs and on the monitor we saw Santa.

"Is this a prank or something?" I asked Fiwi. "Oh I assure you Athius this is no joke." Santa said. "Wait but how do I know if this is true?" I asked. "Easy. When you were 8 in Bens world I got you a sumo slammers trading card pack" Santa said. "This is real. Wait but how are you talking to me?" I asked. "Quiet Easy you see. I can travel across time and space as well as other worlds. I'm also in contact with other versions of myself" Santa explained. "And I need your help" He added.

"My help? Do you need me to fight some evil foe trying to stop Christmas?!" I asked. "Ho Ho Ho! Very funny" Santa said with a laugh. "But no. I need you and Fiwi to deliver presents" he said. "That's even better than delivering presents!" I said excited.

"There's a sleigh up on your roof. Which has a list of the worlds and house you two shall be visiting" Santa said. "Wait why us?" Fiwi asked. "Well I am unable to make it. I twisted my ankle and it hasn't healed" Santa explained.

With that Fiwi and I headed up onto the roof and saw the sleigh.

"Where's the sack?" Fiwi asked. I got in and saw an empty bag with a note attached to it. "Says here the bag will have the toys in it when we get to the worlds. "We got 10 stops, 10 houses each stop. That's 100 in total. Ready?" Fiwi asked as we hopped in. "Yea" I answered. Suddenly my hoodie transformed into one looking like Santa's suit. "Gotta be festive" Fiwi said as we took off.

"Ok. Looks like these ten worlds each have a ben." I said as we began.

Nothing much really happened in the first five worlds. "So thats the Omni Dragon Maid world, the Omni world with Shante in it, the Omni RWBY world, the Omni Xiaolin world and the Omni Gormiti worlds. The next five worlds are Omni TMNT, Omni Spies, Omni Raildex, Phantom Aliens and oh cool Omni Fairy Tail" I said in the portal.

"Convenient. Also I hope Shante likes the gift I left her myself" Fiwi said. "Oh hey when we get to the Omni fairy tail world last can you get the gifts I made for them?" I asked. "Sure thing" Fiwi said and we were off.

In the Omni TMNT world I found out it was a world where Ben meet the Teenage mutant ninja turtles. I left them all gifts they would each like.  In the Omni Spies world I did the same and Fiwi left a huge piece of coal shaped as a sports car at the house of someone who was rude to ben and his friends.

In Omni Raildex one of the gifts I gave was a plush frog from a tv show. Finally in Phantom Aliens one of the more interesting gifts was a sword for a small phantom.

When I arrived in the Omni Fairy Tail world I parked on Bens roof and went down the chimney and Fiwi got the gifts.

"A baby treadmill for Ken?" She asked. "Yea I made it. It's safe for him" I explained. Some other gifts were a cake cook boom for Erza, a guitar for Ezra as well as a karaoke stand and I got Kelly some building blocks. For Ben I gave him some more Summo slammer merchandise and I left Tahu some weapon books.

We then headed to the guild and left presents for all the guild members there and made the place more festive. Back at Ben's place I decided to leave some old Christmas books and on some gifts I said they were from me as a thank you for the birthday gifts.

Fiwi and I started to head home but my list was updated. We had to go to the future of the Omni fairy world where Ken Kelly and Ezra are around my age.

When I arrived I was happy to see that they kept the gifts I got them.

This time Ken got sports gear. Kelly got some more high tech gadgets for her to play with. As for Ezra she got a new guitar and sheet music.

After that we headed home and I went to bed.

"Wake up Athius you got the show!!!" Fiwi said waking me Danny and Saito up.

We then rushed to Tsunas house and then to a park.

There we set up on a stage and get ready. "Ok. You all ready?" I asked. "Yea/Let's rock/this will be awesome" Danny Saito and Tsuna said.

Tsuna and I then sung.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why.
Santa Claus is coming, to town.
He's makin' a list,
and checkin' it twice.
He's gonna find out who's naughty and nice.
Santa Claus is coming, to town.
He sees you when you're sleepin'.
He knows if you're awake.
He knows if you've been bad or good,
So be good,
For goodness sake.
Oh, you better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm tellin' you why.
Santa Claus is coming to town,
Santa Claus is coming to town,
Santa Claus is coming, to town.
You better not pout,
You better not cry.
You better not pout,
You better not cry.
You better not pout,
I'm tellin' you why.
You better not pout,
You better not cry.
(Santa Claus) You better be good,
Or it's not gonna fly.
(Santa Claus) You better not pout,
You better not cry.
(Santa Claus) You better not pout,
You better not cry.
(Santa Claus) You better not pout,
Don't let me catch you now!
You better not pout,
You better not cry!
You better not pout,
I'm tellin' you why!
Santa Claus is coming, coming to town!
He's makin' a list,
and checkin' it twice.
He's gonna find out
Who's naughty or nice!
Santa Claus is coming, to town!
He sees you when you're sleepin'
He know's when your awake.
He knows if you've been bad or good,
So be good,
Goodness sake!
Oh, you better watch out!
You better not cry!
You better not pout,
I'm tellin' you why!
Santa Claus is coming to town,
Santa Claus is coming to town,
Santa Claus is coming,
Ohh, Santa Claus is coming,
Santa Claus is coming, to town.
He's comin'...
To town,
To town,
Santa Claus!"

Tsuna and I sang together.

While we sang I saw all of the different Bens and their friends I visited were there as well. I was the only one who could see them and it was awesome. But after the song however they went away.

"Christmas magic" I thought. After that we headed back to my place for my Christmas party. After the party I saw three gifts in my room under Bruce's little perch and I saw his little Santa hat on top of it.

A gift from Santa himself as well as a gift from fairy Ben, but the final one was unknown. "Athius. Thank you for helping me this Christmas. In side is a special gift. Thank you
-Santa" The letter said. In side the box was a picture of my parents and me on my first Christmas but it wasn't an ordinary photo, it was a digital photo frame which held a slide show of images of me, my friends in my world and my friends back in Bens world.

"Athius. Thanks for the gifts. Here's a gift from us to you.
Ben and everyone else at the guild" Fairy Bens letter said. Inside was a large snow globe of the Fairy Tail guild hall with statuettes of everyone. "Cool" I said.

I finally opened the last one. "Hello Athius. You may not know me but I was a friend of your parents. They gave this to me before they left. I think it's time for you to have this. The box will not open yet however. It will only open when the time is right.
From your father's teacher" the nite said.

Inside was a rectangle box that looked as big as my ring and Bruce's weapon box as well. "Weird" I thought.

Outside I saw Santa fly off and I heard him say "Merry Christmas to all. And to all a good night!!!!!!"

A/N: Merry Christmas. Or happy holidays if any of you don't calibrate Christmas. humatrix-X-24  hope you don't mind I used your Omni books. And to all my readers I hope you enjoyed. have a great holiday.

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