A new set of 10

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"Two flames like no other. One warm yet able to be frozen. Another green from another place and space entirely. The tenth boss and the next hero of ten forms" a voice said as a beeping was heard waking me up.
"Huh wazzat?" I said waking up groggily. "Athius you up?" I heard a familiar voice from my watch. "Yeah Ben? I'm up." I said answering my watch. Well it's not a watch it's called the omnitrix. Let me say who I am. My name is Athius. No last name that I know of. You see all I remember about my parents is that they were killed when I was 4 years old. Now I'm 16. All I remember about their deaths was their bodies were gone and that's is. I was then taken to Bellwood from my home in Japan. When I was 14 a meteor crash landed in a forest. I went to go check it out and I got my omnitirx. A month after that Ben Tenneson also known as Ben 10 found me and told me that the creator of the omnitrix made mine for me. It resembles the one Ben has now but circular instead of a square. "Well I need some back up" Ben said as I heard lasers being fired. "Oh okay. I'll be there" I said as I fully got up,washed up and got dressed. I have blue eyes,green hair with red high lights. A green and black hoodie, blue pants and white and black shoes.

After I got dressed I walked onto the balcony of my apartment building. "Let's go Stinkfly" I said as I became a big bug alien.

"Alright let's go!" I said as I flew off to Ben.
When I arrived I saw he was being attacked by robots. "Hey what's going on?" I said as I landed next to him and turned back human. "Techadon" Ben said. He wore a green and Black jacket,black shirt he had brown hair and green eyes.

"F**k again?" I asked ducking. "Yeah. It's worse since Gwen and Kevin are at Rooks home world" Ben replied. We were being attacked by grey techadon robots.

"What should we do?" I asked. "Easy. Fight!" Ben said as we broth transformed. Ben became Diamondhead

And I went Heatblast

"Let's kick some butt" Ben and I said as we began to fight the techadons. "I love going Heatblast" I said as I started fire surfing on some rock. "Yeah you are good at using him more than most aliens." Diamondhead said as he encased some of the techadons in crystal. (A/N: When ever Ben transforms in my book he will talk I will say the name of his alien or I will say Ben. Just to let you guys know) "I bet if there ever a girl who has Heatblast powers I could teach her how to fire surf" I said melting the ground underneath the robots for Ben to puncture their armor with some crystals. Diamondhead then ripped off the head of one of the robots and turned back human. "Let's take this back to the base to see who wants me dead......again" He said. "TO SPACE!!!!!" I said. Ben Went Big Chill and I went Ghost Freak.

After we got to our base I did some training while Ben got the robo head he took analyzed.
"What was with that dream? Two fires, tenth boss. Next hero of ten?" I thought to my self as I punched some robots. "I don't get it!" I said as I kicked one into the rest. "What's wrong?" Ben asked as he walked in. "Oh nothing. It's just I had a weird dream involving flame's and the number ten and stuff." I said. "Oh maybe you need some more rest." Ben said. I then looked down at my red t-shirt under I was wearing that was under my hoodie. "So what did you get about the Technadons?" I asked. Ben replied with "nothing. My guess is someone programmed them. Any way it's time for training" "already done" I said. "Alien combat training. Today your gonna be locked as an alien. Give me your omnitrix" Ben said. I then gave him my wrist and he turned me into Greymatter and I was already locked as him.

"Okay. So who are you gonna be?" I asked. "Rath" Ben said as he transformed into Rath.

(A/N: This Ben's Rath DNA came clothed but Athius's is in a different outfit)
"I'm dead" I said as I when on the offense. "LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING ATHIUS WHO IS NOW GREYMATTER WHO IS MY APPERNTACE!!!!!! RATH IS GONNA BREAK YOU LIKE A TWIG!!!!!" RATH said as he stared trying to punch me. I then ran up him arm and ran up to his shoulder and hit a nerve on him. Ben then turned back to normal. "Nice one" he said "thanks. So can I go back?" I asked. "Nope. One more challenger" Ben said as a red flash comes from a door behind Ben. "And she's here. Good luck." Ben said as he walked away.
When the doors opened I saw Greymatter's natural predator.

The Omnivoracious. "Nope. Now I am dead" I said as the Omnivoracious charged at me. "WHY NOT BRAINBUG!!!!!!" I screamed running for my life. After a while the omnitrix on my back was grabbed and I was tossed in the air I then screamed and shut my eyes "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "that's enough Leena" I heard Ben said as a blue flash appeared and I was caught. When I opened my eyes I saw a girl with red hair and eyes around Bens age (A/N: Ben is 17) She was wearing a jacket like Bens but Red with the number 9 and it was sleevless and on her left arm was a red band with a device similar to the omnitrix. She was Bens girlfriend Leena and she wears a device called the Nematrix. Like the omnitrix she can become the predators of Ben and mine aliens.  "That was one minute longer Athius." Leena said as she put me on the ground and Ben turned me back Human. "Thanks. I've never been that scars though" I said. "Well when your locked as an alien that species instincts take over a bit more. One time I was stuck as greymatter and I was smarter. Any way that's enough for today." Ben said. "Alright. See you guys" I said as I turned into BigChill.

(A/N: Athius's aliens look different from Bens)
I then flew down to earth and turned back human when I landed. I took my hoverboard out and rode around Bellwood.

I made it my self based off of Bens first hoverboard. As I rode around I thought about my dream more and more.
"It just doesn't make sense. 'Two flames like no other. One warm yet able to be frozen. Another green from another place and space entirely. The tenth boss and the next hero of ten forms' What the f**k does that mean?" I thought to my self.
"Hey your Athius right?" A man said as he stoped me. "Yeah. Why?" I said. The man was the owner of an electronics store. "My stores be robbed and I don't know how. Can you look?" He asked me. "Sure thing." I said. I then activated my omnitirx and activated it. I started growing orange fur and black claws. I soon stood on all four legs and became Wildmutt.

I started sniffing around and picked up a scent. It eventually went up and I lost the scent. After I released a low growl I turned back. "I lost the track. Sorry." I said. "It's fine" I store clerk said. "Don't worry. I'll call a friend of mine to help me." Said as I called one of my friends on the omnitirx. After I hung up I heard the sound of a motorcycle engine stoping outside. "He's here" I said as a Hispanic teenage boy walked it. He wore an orange jacket,googles and black pants. It was Rex Salazar

"Alright lets go Rex" I said. "On it" he replied. Rex and I went outside. Rex activated his wing pack build and I went wildmutt again. We then followed the scent to a valley and found an alien ship.
The ship opened and Albedo Bens evil twin came out.
"Well well well. If it isn't Jr and the robot kid" Albedo said. "Take care of them" He said as more techadons came out and he went back inside. "Let's do this" Rex said as he activated his slap hands. I then turned into Bigchill again. Leena and Ben then came,Leena as Omnivoracious and Ben as Diamondhead. "Athius you get Albedo" Diamond head said. "On it." I said as I flew after albedo and turned Wildmutt. I was then attacked by another vulpimance. "RAHHHRRAHHH" I said which meant Albedo. Albedo replied with "RAWWWWHHHHA" which was Hello Jr. After we fought we both turned back. "You can't win" Albedo said. A baby Vulpumancer then attacked Albedo and I arrested him.
After that I adopted the vulpimancer pup.
A/N: Hey guys. Flame here. So this is my newest book!!! Hugs thanks to humatrix-X-24 GangstaGenos  and Mark248X  for supporting me. Now I want you guys to name the vulpimancer pup and think of its gender. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Also Misaka_Omnitrix thank you for making your Ben 10 Raildex books and Humatrix thanks for drawing the images of Athius and his Wildmutt form. Also thanks for letting me use Leena. Bye guys!!

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