A spectral alliance

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It's been a few weeks after me Tsuna's adventure in Fairy Ben's world. "I still cannot believe that the version of Benjamin you found not only was married but he had 5 children as well as a form of all of his aliens combined." Albedo said currently in his ultimate form.

"Not only that but Ezra the youngest is special as she can sing and she's physically older although she's suppose to be as young as Ken and Kelly" Tsuna said. "Don't forget she already has magic similar to her mothers but it's based off of Ben's aliens" I said as brainstorm. The reason why Albedo and I were the smartest aliens in our omnitrix's was because we were working on something. "She's also a good singer" Tsuna added. "Hm you know a device that allows the wearer to wear outfits based off of the aliens in the omnitrix would be interesting" Ultimate Albedo said. "Yes I would make a better one though" I said smugly. "I'm a hyper evolved Galvan. I am smarter than you crab boy" Albedo then said. "Oh yeah? What would you make this device then?" I asked once more smugly. "A bracelet or watch like the omnitrix." Albedo answered.

Albedo and I began to argue only to have Looma hit the two of us on our heads. I then turned back human. "Anyway why am I here?" Tsuna asked. "Because we need your memories" I answered. "Oh ok. Uh will it hurt?" Tsuna asked. "Not really" I said as I placed a helmet on Tsuna's Head. Albedo then began to activate the computer for it to scan Tsuna's brain and memories. "So what is it?" Looma asked. "A special designed Galvanic Mechamorph Albedo and I made from some of Upgrade" I said.

"Why did you make a version of Upgrade?" Tsuna asked. "Well no. Like I said this one is specially made. It does not have an AI instead it's connected to this computer. This is just a prototype though. Once we are done we will make a few more. This is all for training" I said.

Once Tsuna's memory was scanned and downloaded he went home because it was late. "You guys hear about the ghost spottings at a place called Amity Park?" Looma asked as I was cooking diner. "Think it could be Ectonurites?" Albedo asked. "Not really look" Looma said as a blurry image of what looked like a boy in a black and white jump suite flying. "What's that?" I asked.

"Some kind of ghost boy." Looma said "Could be fake" Albedo said. "Well that's what people would say if they saw a picture of you in your actual form Albedo" I then said causing Looma to giggle a bit.

"Anyway are all of the security sensors  and cameras at the school?" Albedo asked trying to change the subject. "Yep. Well I haven't put the cameras in yet but the motion sensors are" I said as I continued to cook. "What are you making anyway?" Looma asked. "Steamed bun's, Dumplings, Rice, Noodles and fried chicken." I said.

I then noticed Fiwi was still chilling in her lamp. "Hey Fiwi you ok?" I asked her as I began to rub her lamp summoning her. Fiwi then emerged. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" she said looking kinda upset about something. "Fiwi listen if something is wrong you can tell us" I told her. "Don't worry I'm fine." She said smiling.

After we ate I headed back down to continue to work on the training bot as Greymatter. "Alright Almost Done then I can work on its shapeshifting into the opponents." I said as I turned back human. Yawning I then said "time to hit the hay". I was about to head up to my room when suddenly the alarm went off showing that one of the Sensors at the school were triggered.

Groaning I checked the sensors to see where they were triggered. "I swear if it's just a raccoon" I said as I began to check the scanners but the ones inside the school went off. "Ok. This my be a problem" I then said. I then dialed up Bigchill to transform into but I got ghostfreak instead. "Ok. Don't mind that much." I said as I flew to the school.

Once I got to the school I first flew around it trying to see if any doors or windows were broken but they weren't. "How did this person get in? Well that is if there is someone here. If there isn't I really wish I brought my 3DS or my switch so I could play Xenoblade. Man I wish I had a monado." I thought as I phased through the wall of the school and then began floating around still as ghost freak.

I soon felt like I was being followed. My suspicion was confirmed when a green energy blast shot at my hand when I reached for a door. "Your new. Tell me who are you and why couldn't my ghost sense detect you?" A voice said. I turned around and saw a boy in a black and white jump suit with green eyes and Snow White hair. On his chest was the letter D with what looked like a P in it. He looked 16 similar to me and Tsuna

"Looks like the boy in that image Looma showed me" I thought. "Well who are ya?" The ghost boy asked me. "I could ask you the same question" I then said. "I asked you first. Are you working with Skulker?" He asked. "Who? I don't know any Skulkers. Anyway I'm Ghostfreak" I said. "Ghostfreak? Not an original name. Then again I have fought the box ghost. Names Danny Phantom" The ghost boy named Danny then said.

"You must be new to the name game" I said as I took a moment to fly away passing through the floors going to the roof. "Oh and why's that?" Danny asked as he chased after me also flying through the floor. We both eventually arrived on the roof. "Well Danny is most likely your first name when you are in a civilian form. No one uses an actual name to name a super hero persona." I said. "Oh yeah and what kinda name is Ghostfreak? And what's that on your chest?" Danny asked pointing at the omnitrix.

"Well my name is somewhat based off of my powers. I'm a ghost and what's under this sheet is freaky" I said as I had one of Ghostfreak tentacles come out of my sheet and go back in. "Freaky. Anyway why don't you head back to the ghost zone. I'll help you" He said as he took out a thermos.

I then began to laugh hysterically. "What's that's suppose to do? Give me a cup of hot cocoa?" I said and then was rolling on the floor laughing. While I was I accidentally hit the Omnitrix turning back human. "Uh oh" I said realizing that I'm human. "You can transform too?" Danny asked. "What?" I then asked.

Rings of light then surrounded Danny and he changed. His eyes were now blue and his hair was black. And he was wearing a white shirt with a red dot on it and blue jeans.

"Lemme guess your real name is Danny?" I asked. "Yeah How did you figure it out?" Danny asked as he walked towards me. "Well my teacher Ben had three forms known as Ben wolf Ben mummy and Ben victor. He renamed them to Blitzwolfer, Snare-oh and Frakenstrike" I said. I then told Danny my story and he told me his. "So why are you here in Japan?" I asked. "Well I signed up for an exchange student program here at this school and I flew here. My parents are ghost hunters and they gave me some tech but it rarely works." He explained. "I can fix all of it up" I then said.

Suddenly a small blue mist came out of Danny's mouth. "Weird. It's not cold enough for that to happen" I said. "No it isn't cold out. It's my Ghost Sense" Danny said when suddenly two blue energy nets captured each of us electrocuting us. We both fell unconscious.

When I came to I saw a figure with a flaming skull and he looked like a hunter.

"Who are you?" I then asked. "He's Skulker. A ghost hunter" Danny said as he was also awake. "Yes and I finally caught you Halfa and your new friend. Tell me what are you?" Skulker asked. "Well I'm human." I said smiling. "I saw you transform from a ghost form. You must be a halfa." He said. "Oh no that's an alien. I used this wrist watch called the omnitrix to become it." I explained. "Are there any more aliens in that watch?" Flame Head asked. "Well the Omnitrix has a total of at least 1,000,958 different alien DNA codes in it." I said. Smirking Skulker said "What a fascinating device. Looks like there are more interesting prey out for me to hunt"

"Listen you ain't the first Hunter who tried to take something of mine. Your just the first that has a flaming goatee and Mohawk." I said. "Maybe I'll cut your head off first to shut your mouth" Skulker said. "Uh or you could not" I said. When skull head wasn't looking I took a metal throwing card and threw it out of the cage and had it hit a tree getting Skulkers attention. He then flew away to see what it was.

"Alright hero time" I said as I began to dial up an alien. "Since he's a ghost himself these cages must prevent someone from phasing through so" I said as I transformed into Upchuck and said "I'll eat my way out". I then began to eat my cage and Danny's. As soon as I finished Skulker returned. "What?!" He said sounding furious. "Eat this!" I said firing the energy blast at him. Unfortunately it passed right through him. "Hm. Don't know why I thought that would work" I said.

Danny then transformed and I did as well but once again I got Ghostfreak. "Are you serious omnitrix? I can't fight a ghost with Ghostfreak" I said dodging some lasers from Skulker's blaster. "Why not? You can't do this?" Danny asked firing his own energy blasts from his hands. "What is that?" I asked. "Ecto-energy. Wait you can't fire your ectoplasm?" Danny asked as we both flew away. "All I can do is fly survive in space turn invisible pass through solid objects and possess people." I said as we hid.

"That's all?" Danny asked. "Yeah. Unless" I said as I turned human. "Ghostfreak wants an upgrade." I said. "What do you mean by that?" Danny asked. "Well Ghostfreak is an Ectonurite. Ectonurite's can be reformed from one single strand of DNA. But zs'skayr the first Extonurite whose DNA was in the omnitrix was evil changes had been made. The Ectonurite DNA is different now." I explained. "So?" Danny Asked. "So stand still" I said as I scanned Danny.

"Looks like it will take time for the omnitrix to modify your DNA and combine it with Ghostfreaks DNA and it looks like I won't be able to transform till then. "Here. Use this" Danny said as he handed me a green handle with a white stripe on it

"What's this?" I asked holding it. "It's basically a lightsaber for ghosts" Danny said as I figured out how to turn it on. "Let's do this" I said as we both charged out at Skulker.

We soon defeated the skull head and Danny sucked him up into his thermos. "So where you gonna be staying?" I then asked as Danny and I were walking to an address on a slip of paper carrying his stuff. "Here's the place" He said as we stoped in front of my house. "Oh. Well ok then. Let's head in. I guess we are living together" I said as I unlocked the front door.

We both headed in and I took Danny to the guest room. "Lemme lay down some ground rules. My parents room is off limits. Only I can go in." I said as I told Danny more stuff. Suddenly the lights flickered as Danny's ghost sense went off.

"That's not good" I said as suddenly a green skinned man with black glasses white hair a black jacket with silver cape appeared before us from the tv.

"Technus!" Danny said. "Lemme guess he has technological powers?" I asked. "Yep. Now time to go ghost!" Danny said as he transformed. "Same here!" I said as I became Ghost freak and was different

Soon all the new info came rushing to me. "Interesting. I can clone myself,fire ecto-beams,a ghostly wail Cryokenisis and many many more powers. I like" I said as I began to use my new powers on Technus as we chased him out of my house and defeated him.

We then set up Danny's ghost gear and tech in my basement and by using the smaller ghost portal he was given I made a larger version of one.

"What are you doing now?" Danny asked me as I was wiring some stuff together as Brain storm. "I have Modified the Ecto Saber you gave me into something of my own design" I said as I turned human and showed Danny my new sword

"I call it the Omni-nado" I said picking it up. "It looks like a green Monado with an Omnitrix symbol on it" Danny said. "Yeah it is basically." I said. I then activated it and the blade part of it opened energy emerge from it. "So cool" Danny said. "Agreed" I said nodding
(A/N: Jus imagine the image below as the Omni-nado and make the big energy blade green)

A/N: FINALLY!!!!! Also yeah Danny Phantom is in this universe as well. Now the season finally episode never happened in my book. But there are some changes. For example Ghostfreak has Danny's powers. Yay. Also my friend Will made the Omni-nado and the Monado itself is made by Nintendo of course. Now your probably wondering "Flame why didn't you ask humatrix-X-24 to make the Omni-nado?" Well because I just thought of it the night this chapter is published. So yeah. BYE

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