Athius gets an upgrade

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(A/N: hey guys Flame here. So the answers for the Easter eggs in last chapter: Shaggy from Scooby Doo BraedimusSupreme transformatrix Oc Braedey, Steven From Steven Universe and Yuma Tsukumo From Yugioh Zexal. humatrix-X-24 won and you'll see what he gets as a winner. Anyway play the vid)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Was the first thing I heard waking up. "Finally Saturday" I said turning off my alarm clock. Looking down at my chest I saw Fin, Noir and Exo sleeping in my chest. "Wake uo you three" I said rubbing their heads.

Soon the three got up and saw me. "Hey" I said. "Brap!" Fin said wagging his tail. "Mrow" noir said as she nuzzled my cheek. Exo then let out a small grunt as he nodded. The three soon hopped off my chest and ran down stairs.

I soon followed and went down stairs. "Morning Athius!" Hellen said greeting me. "Morning Hellen. You too Helena and Heather" I said greeting my hydra assistant.

"So what are you gonna do today?" Heather asked as she took control. "Well Haru Kyoko Tsuna and I are gonna hang out today." I said. "Ok how many times do you four hang out?" Albedo asked as he was looking over some things. "It's was earth teens do" I said with a shrug. "Besides I'm glad to be doing this. Back in bens world I didn't have many days off." I added. "So what you looking at?" I asked. "Nothing much. The computer picked up some strange warp signal but it was small" Albedo said.

"Hopefully there's no situation involving me having to go hero. Kyoko only knows about me being green shade from Monday a few days ago but that's it." I thought.

After eating I got dressed in my usual clothes, I then headed out and met up with Haru Kyoko and Tusna, all were wearing their usual outfits, Tsuna in his white and orange hoodie Kyoko wearing a pink jacket over a white shirt and blue jeans while Haru was wearing a yellow pullover hoodie and white yoga pants.

"Hey tsuna" I said fist bumping Tsuna. "Hey Athius" he said with a smile. "Morning Haru you too Kyoko." I said to the girls and kisses Haru in the cheek. "Morning Athius" Kyoko said with a bow. "Morning! Now let's go!" Haru said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me.

We soon arrived at a newly opened mall.

"This is so cool" I said looking around. "So where are we gonna go first?" Tsuna asked. "Let's just walk around" I said as we looked around.

Out of the corner of my eye though I thought I saw something move. "Must have been nothing" I thought as we began to walk around.

As we looked around the mall I couldn't help but feel as if we were being followed. Suddenly I got an alert on my phone from Albedo. His text read "Athius there was a loud explosion at a ship yard as 3 strange red black and orange robots were seen. Your the closest so hurry."

"I gotta go use the bathroom" I said as I forward the message to Tusna and he gave me a slight nod.

I headed off to the restroom and turned into ghostfreak where I flew out to the docks. Once I got there I saw the three robots. They almost looked to be galvanic mechamorphs.

(A/N: that is what all 3 look like)

"Hey!" I said turning tangible as I was still Ghostfreak. "Target acquired" all three said in unison as they began to fire at me.

I dodged most of them and hit the omnitrix transforming into someone new. This new alien was an orange reptile that was the size of a full grown lion with wings three tails and a strange large horn.

"He's new" I said but heard my voice three times. Looking behind me I saw this alien was three in one, the main orange lizard body, a large alien wasp and a squid on the head "Ok then well I guess we should each have a name" I said switching to the squid. "Ok Stride is the orange lizard" stride and I said in unison. "I will be Sting" the wasp now named sting said with my thinking of the name. "Making me Shell" the shelled squid said.

Species: Volantan Speedile, Volantan Nautiran, Volantan Darber Wasp.
Homeworld: Volanta
-Stride: speed comparable to fasttrack, Powerful tail swing, strong fangs, energy blast from mouth, able to transfer oxygen to partner organisms.
-Shell: nearly indestructible Shell that can enlarge and act as a shield or even a battering ram. Or drill if he spins it around, strong powerful and dexterous tentacles capable of bending iron and other types of metals alien or not, acidic ink blast, sharp beak, can extract oxygen from water and transfer it and allow symbiotic partners to breath underwater.
-Sting: capable of flight, hard Exo skeleton, strong enough to lift the combined weight of an Arburian Pelarota and Vaxesaurian, has two twin pincer tails behind him that are lethally sharp and fire stinger bullets like a mini gun, has a paralytic poison similar to ammophila like wasps that paralyzes his victims long enough for it too get the upper hand, is able to transfer already digested nutrients to symbiotic partners if they haven't eaten any food in a long time.
-Stride: isn't very dexterous as he has no hands at all, limber frame makes him easy to push around and isn't very armored.
-Shell: incapable of moving very easily on land alone, while Shell is hard is extremely heavy on land and he can't support it with his own strength alone, tentacles are easy to cut off if he isn't careful.
-Sting: while he can fly on his own he can't fly at high speeds low to the ground due to his blind spot and despite having nearly hundreds of eye lenses he can't see beneath him which is his blind spot.
Other information: These three symbiotic aliens all need the eachother to be the strongest symbiotic species alive. Stride needs the others for combat, protection, mobility and utility with both of them having strong armor with Shell's shell and Sting's Exo skeleton, combat with the acidic ink blast and stinger shooting pincers, mobility with Shell's underwater breathing and Sting's wings, and utility with the Sting's pincers acting as hands and Shell's tentacles being very dexterous. Shell needs his partners predominantly for mobility as he isn't very traversal on land and can't fly in the air, additionally his kind are unusually emotional and need companionship. Stings needs the others because his kind have a blind spot beneath them and needs Stride to escort him around on the ground so he isn't vulnerable and can find more food and has more eyes around him. Additionally Sting's species favorite choice of prey is underwater and he can't swim which is why he needs Shell as he allows him and Stride to breath underwater. Bonus Stride's energy Blast is able to ignite Shell's acidic ink and light enemies on fire.
Species info:
The lush jungle world of Voltanta home to the symbiotic trio transformation of Stride, Shell and Sting. This world while beautiful happens to be one of the most dangerous as it's large indigenous predatory species have deadly abilities and a constant need to feed. For most of the smaller and more intelligent species to survive, members from multiple species often partner up with one another to form symbiotic relationships to ensure the greatest chance for survival and become the strongest of warriors. For Speediles like Stride, his kind while fast aren't as armored as most species so they need partners to make up for their lack of armament. as such Nautirans like Shell desire the ability to acquire more exotic foods on land but due to the weight of their shells they can't get further than a few meters from the water so they desire partners that can move fast and assist them with the weight of their own armor. Going onto Darber Wasps like Sting, their kind can fly at immense speeds but due to not being able to see beneath them they aren't able to fly too close to the ground as any predator can take advantage of that weak point and get the jump on them, additionally their choice of prey are ground dwellers so they need to be close to the ground, in tern they desire partners who can cover their blind spot and escort them around the jungle substrate so they are able to find more food. Together these three species are the fastest, most well armored and combat efficient species on the planet, in fact the symbiotic bond between the species of Volanta is so strong, being together long enough can cause their bond to increase at the genetic level.

"Seems like the data dump was modified for us as it used our names" sting said. "I mean yea that happens" I added.

The three of us were able to take down the drones with ease. When we were finished we headed back to the mall and turned human. I was only gone for 30 minutes.

"Sorry I took awhile. It kinda got crowded" I said as I found Tsuna Kyoko and Haru. "It's fine. Come on let's get some food" Kyoko said as we headed to the food court but I still felt as if we were being watched.

After was got some food to eat was sat by a window and began to eat. I then saw the Circus Freaks minus Zombozo robbing a bank across the street. "I gotta go make a call" I said running off.

"Why is it that I can't have a day off?!" I yelled internally as I ran into an empty alleyway dialed up an alien and then transformed not knowing who I picked, as well as not noticing I dropped a small shard of taydenite  that I keep incase of emergency.

This new alien had a liquid metal body with a golden harness that held the omnitrix on it there were also shoulder spikes. "He's new" I said as I noticed the taydenite and picked it up. Suddenly my right shoulder spike turned into taydenite and my fist became a ball with taydenite spikes. "Hm I think I'll call this form Alloy but who is he?" I asked as my left arm became a blade.

Name: Alloy
Species: Meltians
Appearance: Base form is a 4ft tall figure made up of liquid metal, has a golden X shaped harness on chest where Omnitrix is. Larger form is 12ft tall not counting shoulder spikes, the spikes in his larger form are 2ft in length. Right hand becomes a large wrecking ball like fist while left hand becomes a claw in his larger form.
Can change his liquid metal body's genetic makeup to other materials either by absorbing the material into his body or by making contact with the material
Can become materials he has absorbed previously (Ex: if he absorbed Iron he can become Iron again just by thinking of Iron)
Will know the chemical makeup of materials he absorbs
In his larger form he can have different parts of his body be different materials as long as he has absorbed the material or has touched it(Ex: Left hand can be a magnet while right hand can be a taydenite mace)
The harness can also change its chemical makeup and it can put up protective shielding over the Omnitrix if needed.
This includes changing body parts into various melee weapons
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Flexibility
Density Alteration
Size Alteration
Must absorb more materials to get larger
Can also shrink to the size of greymatter
Species info: Meltians are a race of living metal beings, some scientists theorize that the Meltians are some type of distant cousin of Polymorphs as they have similar abilities. The Meltians body is an unknown non-magnetic metal. The only thing that can harm Meltians is any type of ice based attack as their body will freeze and their movements will slow down. If they are shattered while frozen they can still regenerate their body but each piece of their body must be thoroughly thawed out.
Other Info:
If Athius gets frozen and shattered as Alloy he must make sure all of his pieces are fully regenerated or else things would be a bit messy.

"So cool" I said as I ran out to the circus freaks. "Hey clowns!" I said punching Thumbskull with a giant hardened metal fist. "It's that kid!" Frightwig said as she tried to whip me with her hair. Luckily it went right through my body. "I'm a living liquid metal." I said.

Beating them was a breeze with Alloy. After the fight I tied them up with a rope. "How'd you three escape jail? Last I heard WOOHP sent you three and Zombozo to a jail for individuals like you." I said. "We dunno our doors just opened" thumbskull said.

Knowing they weren't that bright I figured they had to have help. I knocked them out. After that I headed into the alley way, turned back human and contacted Jerry. "Hey Jerry I need the video footage of the circus freaks cells" I said

I soon returned to the others. "Sorry it was a wrong number" I chucked nervously. "It's fine. Come on there's an arcade let's go!" Haru said as we went over there.

When we went in we got some cards which allowed us to play any game till the cards ran out of credit.

Once we got the cards we began to play so many games. We played racing games, basketball, skee ball, some shooting games and some standard video games. At one point I had to go use the bathroom so I did. When I finished up I got an alert about a bank robbery.

"Ok that does it!" I internally yelled as I snuck out past the others and headed over to the robbers. On my way there I turned into swampfire in an alleyway and then I went ultimate. Wanting to finish things up quickly I trapped the robbers in some roots and headed back. On my way back to the others I timed out.

"Great now i have to wait. Oh well" I said as the omnitrix needed to recharge. Eventually I returned to the others with some snacks. "I got some snacks from a vending machine" I said and I was very tired.

"You ok Athius?" Haru asked. "Yea just all this walking is kinda getting me tired" I nervously chuckled. "Well it's getting late. Let's head home" Kyoko said.

As we began our ways back to each others houses Tsuna and Kyoko parted ways with Haru and I. "See you too" I said waving to Tsuna and Kyoko. "Bye!" Haru waved.

Eventually Haru and I were at her place. "So why don't you fly home?" She asked me. "Can't. Omnitrix is still recharging." I said. "Oh well why don't you have Albedo send over your car or trike?" She then asked.

"My car is being worked on. Same with the trike and I don't wanna bother the others. I'll be fine." I said kissing Haru's cheek. "Ok just message me when you get home" she said blushing and hugged me.

"I will" I said.

My walk home was very long as Haru lives very far away from me. Knowing a shortcut I headed through a park but I still had the sense I was being followed until I head the sound of large footsteps.

"Hello Athius" a familiar but also scary voice said.

Turning around I saw a red and black figure.

"You Uh lose weight?" I asked jokingly as he wasn't as big like how I last saw him. "Maybe but I am here for you" he said as a small watch sized drone walked up onto his shoulder.

"What's that?" I asked. "A drone made by the same things in your robotic mentor" he said as it crawled into his hand. "Nanites?! How!" I demanded.

"As you should remember I once tried to merge with him but Tennyson used that magnetic alien Lodestar to remove me before I finished. Fortunately I took one nanite. Knowing Azmuth would check him I made sure he would be be missing more than one. Hence the injury on his arm" Maleware explained. "So you made him bleed so more nanites would end up leaving his system." I said.

"Yes then I made this drone through reverse engineering nanites. After that I escaped Plumber jail and followed you here. I waited for a day you would relax and I tired you out all day today with the attack at the docks with drones I made using this drone. I then freed those circus freaks as you call them. Finally that bank robbery causing your omnitrix to recharge." maleware added.

"What for?" I asked. "To take you!" Maleware said as the drone lunged at me.

It suddenly latched onto the omnitrix, it's legs painfully stabbing into my wrist as it spread across me just like upgrade merging with tech.

I was about to yell out in pain but my mouth was kept shut. "Shhhh" Maleware said bringing a finger up to where a mouth would be on his head.

My eyes teared up when I suddenly blacked out.

When I opened my eyes I was flying in a strange black tunnel with green circles and green lighting bolts.

"What the?" I asked to myself when I suddenly landed in what looked like a city.

"Where am I?" I asked looking around. "You are inside the omnitrix" a female voice said as suddenly out of thin air a version of myself with an omnitrix on my chest appeared.

"What the?" I asked. "I am the AI of your omnitrix user Athius. First Thinker Azmuth created me to assist you" the hologram me said. "Can you change your look?" I asked the AI. "I can why?" The AI asked. "I don't know how to feel about you looking like me." I said.

"Very well. How does this form look?" The AI said as it changed to become a female girl with green hair in a long ponytail that has a black stripe down it and an outfit that looks like an omnitrix.

"Much better Trixi" I said causing confusion to the AI. "I do not know that name" the AI said. "It's your name. It's short for omnitrix" I explained. "I see very well you shall call me Trixi" Trixi said.

"So why am I here?" I asked. "I have sent your conscience mind into here but Maleware will soon reach here as well" Trixi said. I then noticed some things were turning red.

"What do we do. What are our options?" I asked. "There is only one option." Trixi said pulling up a holographic display. "And that is?" I asked. "Detonating the omnitrix destroying anything in a mile radius including Maleware and the nanites. The explosion won't cause much damage to the Omitrix but may destroy your body which I could repair." Trixi said. "Wouldn't that kill all the innocent people in a mile radius?" I asked. "Indeed. This would include
Haru Miura" Trixi said.

"No. Wait what if we activate Upgrades powers and merge the nanites with the omnitrix reprogramming them" I suggested. "That is plausible as this model has a modification that requires nanites." Trixi explained.

"Uh what?" I asked. "Besides the Omni Enhancements, Hyper evolution and Fusion Functions First Thinker Azimuth made new features in this omnitrix model. The feature involving nanites is known as Omni Armor. It is similar to Omni enhancments but doesn't require the DNA and energy of a Fulmini" Trixi explained. "What's a Fulmini?" I asked.

"Fulmini is the Alien you calm shock rock. They are a species of Brave warriors with amazing electrical abilities. They come in many different sizes and can create wormholes" Trixi explained as a hand pad raised from the ground. "Two questions. How do you know that info on the Fulmini when I never got a data dump about Shockrock?" I first asked. "The species information was not available at the time" Trixi answered as more of the red energy got closed. "Ok second question what's the hand scanner for?" I then asked. "I need you to initiate the upgrade, thus requiring your hand scan." Trixi said. "Oh......right. That makes sense." I replied.

I placed my hand on the pad causing a bright green flash.

When I opened my eyes I saw I was back in my body in the park and the ooze now has green lines and all of it was going into the omnitirx and it was back to normal.

"WHAT?!" Maleware roared in rage. "In your face!" I said as I noticed the Omnitrix began to change. "Huh?" I asked.

The base of the omnitrix became a metallic copper color, it kept the green and black stripes on the wristbands, the face plate also now had black white and orange rings around the Omnitrix emblem.

"So cool" I said with a smirk. "No matter I shall remove the omnitrix off of your corpse myself" Maleware said as he began shapeshifting.

He became larger than before and gained a head which stretched out like humongosaurs, his left arm became a cannon with spikes on it while his right arm gained two spikes as well, there were also spikes running down his back.

"It's time to transform!" I said turning into Heatblast.

Our fight soon began with me mostly dodging laser blasts. "Trixi how do I activate Omni Armor?" I asked. "Press the top bottom and sides of the omnitrix" Trixi said as my omnitrix flashed green. "Like the four compass points?" I asked. "Precisely" she answered.

"Right!" I said as I did what she asked. The sound of shifting metal was suddenly heard from my omnitrix as metal plating began to surround my body. What appeared to be a type of mask went over my mouth, my left arm gained a cannon while my right arm got some armor as well. The armor was mostly red and silver with some green near my legs and yellow on my knees. Although I lost the mini volcanoes on my shoulders there was two plumes of fire on both of my fore arms. I also had gained wings and thrusters under my feet.

Omni Armor Heatblast
Info: Omni Armor Heatblast comes from the DNA of a Pyronite with the Omni Armor feature. With this Armor Heatblast is now stronger and faster than before. Using his jet back on his back and his jet thrusters on his feet Heatblast is able to move twice as fast as he normally could before. The armor also protects Heatblast from being extinguished. His Pyro cannon can now absorb fire, meaning he can take in any wild fire, this will also give him strength. If he goes underwater his flames will go out but can be used as an underwater blowtorch. He also will reignite when exiting the water.
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Pyro Immunity
Cryo Immunity
Flight (via Propulsion)
Limited Terrakinesis
Enhanced Speed (via Propulsion)
Pyro Laser
Pyro Absorption

"This is so cool!" I said looking at the armor. "I will not allow this!!!" Malware said firing another energy blasts at me. I was able to move out of the way before it hit me. "My turn" I said as I aimed my cannon at him. "Do your worst" Malware said aiming his cannon at me.

"Alright. PYRO BLITZER" I yelled as I then fired a massive fire ball from my Pyro Laser at him followed by multiple smaller fire balls. Malware tried to stop it but it was to much for him.

Once the Pyro Blitzer hit him he screamed in pain before getting away. I would have went after him but there was some fire still around. Not wanting to cause alarms I absorbed all the fire with my Pyro Laser.

With that I soared home. Once I got there I texted Haru saying I made it safely.

"Albedo we need to talk" I said. "About what?" The Galvan asked. I then went on to tell him about Malware and the Omni Armor.

"Well that is interesting" he commented as he looked over my omnitrix. "Azmuth said that the Omni Armor functionality was planned to see how the nanites interact with various different alien species but he didn't know how to have this feature work to begin with. My guesses are he figured it out after I stole the original Ultimatrix." Albedo explained.

"Cool. Welp I am going to bed.......I'm tired" I said yawning and heading up stairs.

Before I went to my room I checked on Violet and Vera in their room. The two were happily asleep and I smiled. When I went to my room I saw Orion reading something. "What you got there?" I asked. "Oh nothing" he said putting it away.

"Did you know you were born in a hospital in Tokyo and lived there for a bit before your parents moved here?" Orion asked. "Not really no. Well I kinda have some fuzzy memories about playing in front of a mirror I think" I said. "Well just thought you should know. Good night" Orion said as he went into a little hammock he has and fell asleep.

Shrugging I got dressed and went to bed.

In my dreams I heard a familiar voice saying "Let's cause some havoc......bro"

A/N: Done!!! So yea Omni Armor is a thing now. Based off of Omni-Kix from the reboot but with a name that makes sense even though nothing is known bout omni-Kix right yea. Huge thanks to humatrix-X-24 for making Alloy and Omni Armored Heatblast. Humatrix also made Shell, Stride and Sting cause he figured out all the Easter eggs from last chapter. Also if y'all don't know Alloy was my submission into the 5YL make your own alien contes but was disqualified as it was never stated the alien can't make weapons like Alloy does. Make sure to like and comment on the chapter wether you liked it in general or if you found something cool or funny. Oh also I made the two images of Athius's omnitrix. So yea BYE!!!!!!!

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