Birthday Brawl

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It was finally December 23rd the day Jun and I were born.

We both woke up to Vera and Violet waking us up. "GOOD MORNING ATHIUS AND JUN!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!" The two yelled waking us up. "Oh yea it's our birthday. We 18 now!!!!!" Jun said.

"I'm 18 first" I said with a smirk. "Yea by like 10 seconds" jun said.

Soon after washing up and getting dressed we headed down stairs and saw Haru and Clover making us breakfast. "Haru clover you two didn't have to" I said looking at all the food. "Well we did. Here's a plate of Belgian Dark Chocolate Mouse Pancakes" Haru said handing me the pancakes.

"And for my amazing boyfriend se red velvet waffles" clover said giving my brother some waffles with cream cheese on it.

"Man your breakfast looks delicious" jun and I said to each other.

Jun and I then decided to split our breakfasts so we would each get a taste. "So good" we said in unison causing our girlfriends to laugh a bit. "So what do you two wanna do today?" Clover asked.

"Laser tag" I said. "Nah I wanna go ride go kart. "Go kart driving isn't that fun when I've been in so many different car chases so I'll win" I said. "Well I've been in so many different shoot outs that I'd win at Laser Tag" jun then said.

"Laser tag!!" I yelled.

"Go karts!!" Jun then yelled

"Laser tag!!" I yelled back.

"Go karts!!" Jun yelled at me again.

"Laser tag!!" I yelled once more.

"Go karts!!" Jun then yelled again

"Laser tag!!" I then yelled back.

"Go karts!!" Jun then yelled at me again.

We continued to yell at each other till eventually things got physical.

"Fine then! You go have fun with you Guns!" Jun said as he headed out slamming the door. "FINE!!!" I yelled.

"FINE!!!!" I heard jun yell from outside followed by the sound of his ATV.

"Fine" I mumbled crossing my arms sitting on the couch.

A few hours later jun still hasn't returned and I still sat on the couch. "Shouldn't you be worried?" Haru asked me sitting next to me. "No. He started it. If anyone should be worried it's him" I said.

"Technically you started the fight. Besides there's an arcade with go karts and laser tag" Violet said looking on a tablet of hers.

"Ok fine I'll go find him" I said as I went outside and got onto my Triple Accelerator and went after him.

As I was looking for him I realized that we shouldn't be fighting as it's been many years since we have been together. I then decided to own up for the argument I started and apologize. Eventually I was able to find him at the docs.

"What do you want?" He asked annoyed that I showed up. "Listen I wanna say I'm sorry ok? We should t be fighting bro cause we haven't been together in so long" I said.

With a sigh Jun nodded. "Yea your right. I mean I kinda started the fight" he said. "No I started it." I then said. "No I'm pretty sure I did" jun said.

"I did!!" I yelled.

"No I did!!" Jun then yelled

"I did!!" I yelled back.

"I did!!" Jun yelled at me again.

"I did!!" I yelled once more.

"I did!!" Jun then yelled again

"I did!!" I then yelled back.

"I did!!" Jun then yelled at me again.

We soon stoped and laughed as we knew we were being hot headed.

"How touching" a voice said. Looking up jun and I saw a tan and purple robot flying above us.

On his chest was the Decepticon emblem. "Blitzwing" I said. "Let's just crush them now!!" The Decepticon said as his head changed to a red one then to a black one. "I agree smash them to little pieces Ahahahaha" he then said.

"Honestly you two need to let me take care of this" he said switching back to his blue face.

"What the f**k is his deal?" Jun asked telepathically. "I read up on him. His name is Blitzwing. A Decepticon that has three personalities. Red is a hot head blue is calm cool and collective while the one with the jack o lantern face is a wild card. Let's kick some robot butt" I replied telepathically.

Blitzwing then transformed into a tank and started blasting beams of fire at us.

"On it!" I said transforming into Articguana to stop the fire. "You think that will stop me?!" Blitzwing yelled as right now his hot headed head was in control. He then continues firing this super heated cannons at us.

"I think so" I said hitting my Omnitrix going Ultimate.

I then fired ice from my shoulder canons freezing the fire even more. "Enough if fire can't be ice and maybe I can over power you" Blitzwing said as his calm head took over and he transformed into a jet.

The decepticon soon began to fire ice missiles at us.

"I got it this time!" Jun said as he turned his arms into Heatblasts arms and blasted fire at the ice missiles melting them. "Bro remeber earlier?" I asked him. "Yea why?" He asked. "I have an idea" I then said. Jun then caught on. "Yea. And I gotta say that ice blast is pretty cool!" Jun said throwing a fire ball at Blitzwing. "You little!" Blitzwing said.

"Nah the superheater canon is way cooler" I said blasting ice at him causing him to change back into a tank.

Jun and I continued this causing him to change between his vehicle modes as well as his calm and hot headed personalities.

Soon we were able to take Blitzwing down but his Crazy face was able to distract us by creating a mist and flew off.

"Damn!" Jun yelled. "We will get him next time. Come on we got a party to head to" I said.

Jun and I then returned home. "Oh before we go I have a gift for ya" I said as I lead Jun into our garage.

Inside was a silver truck with a bow on it.

"Tada!" I said. "Is this for me?" He asked. "Yup. Hope ya like it" I said. "It's awesome!!!!!" He said.

Soon jun Haru clover violet Vera Helena Hellen Heather and my self all headed to the party place Violet told us about. "Come on let's have some go kart races first" I said. "Nah let's do laser tag first. "No no no I insist Go karts" I said. "Ok then" jun said.

After the races Violet ended up beating us as Jun and I tied for third place and Clover got second. "Yea big sis!!!!!" Vera cheered.

After that we headed into the laser tag arena. After an hour or so Haru and Clover got the high score while jun and I were second best. "Man we suck" jun said with a chuckle. "Agreed" I said with a laugh.

We then headed home for some dinner where Jun and I made burgers. My aunt, Torhu and Kana also came by.

At one point Torhu accidentally stepped on Helena Hellen and Heather's tail but jun gave our hydra assistant a burger.

After dinner I had one more gift for jun. "here bro." I said giving him a DJ Soundboard.

"WOAH!!!! This is dope!!! Come on let's play something." Jun said. "Alright!" I said getting my guitar and two microphones.

We then set up some speakers and begun to play.

(Play music now)

Hey guitar player

Watch me backflip, watch me backflip
Let me work my magic, let me work my magic
Watch me backflip, watch me backflip
Let me work my magic

If you only knew how to laugh and dance

Whether you're a pancake or waffles man
We still got a whole lot left to learn
If you only knew (if you only knew)
We'll do something new start a snowball fight in June
If you only knew (if you only knew)

Watch me backflip, watch me backflip
Let me work my magic, let me work my magic
Watch me backflip, watch me backflip
Let me work my magic

If you only new how the game has changed
You'd think it's kind of nice even when it rains
But take any advice with a grain of salt
If you only knew (if you only knew)
We'll do something new start a snowball fight in June
If you only knew (if you only knew)

Watch me backflip, watch me backflip
Let me work my magic, let me work my magic
Watch me backflip, watch me backflip
Let me work my magic

You know what to do
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
You know what to do
Ooh, let your freak flag fly

Watch me backflip, watch me backflip
Let me work my magic, let me work my magic
Watch me backflip, watch me backflip
Let me work my magic.

"WOOOO!!!!" Haru Clover Violet Vera Helena Hellen Heather, our aunt, Torhu and Kana all cheered for us. 

That night jun and I begun getting ready for bed. "Hey bro here" jun said giving me a box. "What is it?" I asked him. "Open it dummy" he said.

I opened it and inside was an exact replica of Sly Coopers Cane.

"Woah!!" I said looking at it. "Hope ya like it. Made it myself. Heck you can even use it as an actual Cooper cane." He said.

"I freaking love it!!!" I said. "Good. Happy birthday bro" he said to me. "Happy birthday" I said back.

A/N: Done!!!! Sorry this is late by a day. This should have come out the 23rd but I got busy and stuff. Expect Christmas special either tomorrow the 25th or maybe later the month. Don't forget to like and comment. BYE!!!!!!

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