The Star Arcobaleno, Athius's new mentor and attack technique

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"So your mom and Aunt were Spies?" Haru asked as her and I were sitting on top of a building eating some pizza. "Yep. Crazy right. I also found out my moms side of the family has a history of taming wild animals" I explained. "I still can't believe you found out all this last night" Haru said taking a bite of the pizza.

Behind us there was a bright green flash as a green portal appeared.

Out of it walked 6 kids. Some were familiar.

"Ezra Ken Kelly" I said seeing the grown up versions of fairy Ben's kids. "Hey Athius, Haru. I don't know if you guys have met yet but these are some of our sisters and brother. This is Charollete" Ezra said gesturing to the girl with spider legs. "Meet Kenna" Kelly said pointing to the girl with a blue claw. "And this is Emerald" Ken said referring to the shy boy levitating with a ditto plushie.

"We need your help" Ezra said.

With that Haru went home and the council members and I went to my house. Luckily we flew so no one would stare at Charollete.

"So what's the problem?" I asked as we were in my basement base.

"A dangerous person known as Antizra is somewhere in your world. She escaped us through a dimensional portal. We need your help to find her" Kelly said. "Who's Antizra?" I asked. "She's an evil clone of me made Incase my parents turn evil but she went evil....almost killed me." Ezra said as she shuddered a bit. "She's able to use armor and weapons based off of dad's aliens just like Ezra. Because of that though she used Gutrots powers to mask her scent. We need you to use magi to track her mana" Ken said.

"Easy peasy" I said as I transformed into Magi and began. "Anything that could help me track her?" I asked. "Here try this" Kelly said giving me an ankle shackle. "Ok" I said as I focused.

I soon was able to locate her. "Got her" I said making a tracking orb and giving it to Ezra and I turned human. "Alright That will help" I said.

"Thanks Athius. She will be gone in no time" Kenna said as they began to leave. "Wait what about me?" I asked. "Sorry. She is dangerous we wouldn't want you to get hurt" Charollete said as they left my house.

"Wait what?!?" I yelled and decided to secretly follow them.

The orb lead them and myself to an empty warehouse. "I can take her." I thought as I saw them sneaking around.

I saw a gleam of something as a wooden crate fell down and was gonna hit Ezra. "Look out!" I said as I pushed her out of the way.

"So close!" A female voice said as an evil looking Ezra jumped down.

"That's Antizra?" I asked. "Yep" Kenna said as she changed into a large blue dragon lol creature.

"Get ready for Azure Galaxy!" She yelled as Ken transformed into Eyeguy and Kelly transformed into Bigchill. Ezra then equipped a bloomed Swampfire armor. Charollete then Turned her arms into Diamondhead arms and Emerald transformed into Cannonbolt.

"My turn" I said as I transformed into Heatblast. "Allow me to crank up the heat" I then said as I twisted the dial and said "Omni Enhanced!" As I went on I Enhanced Heatblast.

"Charge!" Kenna said as we all went after Antizra.

Sadly she got away and we lost the battle. "Dang it!" Kenna yelled as she returned human. "D-Don't be mad Kenna" emerald said trying to calm down his sister. "Yea. We will get her next time" I said only to have Kenna glare at me. "You got in the way Athius. We will capture her and then leave but until then stay out of our way" she said as she was very angry.

"She has a point Athius. You kinda got in the way of some attacks. If this continues she may cause havoc on your world" Kelly said. "Ezra please you've seen me in action before when you were a little girl. I helped your parents save Ken and Kelly when they were babies. I can help" I said. "Although it is true you helped us in the past your way of fighting is different then ours and you could get hurt. I'm sorry Athius but let us take care of this." Ezra said as she nodded to Kelly.

Kelly then walked up to me and tapped my omnitrix. "All Alien DNA codes and modes locked down" the omnitrix said. "You activated the safety lock?" I asked. "Yeah I did. Now you cannot transform or use anything put the translator and the communicator on your omnitrix. I'll turn off the safety lock when we capture Antizra." Kelly said.

With that they all went off to find Antizra leaving me alone in the warehouse. "This totally stink!" I said enraged as I kicked an empty can and heard it hit something.

I walked over and saw a work bench with blue prints and plans for something but it was all written in Galvan and Cerebrocrustacean. "Can't contact Albedo for help. Danny is giving hm Looma Saito Louise Sam Alex Clover Mikoto and Tsuna a tour of the ghost zone." I said to myself and then remembered something. "Wait the translator!" I said activating it and I read the plans.

"Antizra made some form of power drainer. She's gonna drain their powers tonight on a mountain!" I said. "I have to help them but how?" I asked. "I can't contact them and I can't fight as good" I said.

"I can help" a familiar sounding voice said as someone who looked like reborn but in a white suit appeared but his pacifier was green and has the same symbol as my star ring.

"Who are you?" I asked him. "I am Orion. Reborns twin brother and the star Arcobaleno" Orion said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I came here from Italy I train you" He said. "I'm sorry but I don't need any training" I said. "I know how to fight" I answered only to have Orion turn his chameleon into a cane and pulled me down onto my face.

"Lucky shot" I said as I got up and took out my tech staff. "Claw mode!" I said pressing a bottom and a two pronged energy claw appeared at the end.

"Alright if you wish on fighting then let us fight. If you beat me then I will leave." Orion said.

I was about to hit him but he used his chameleon still as a staff and pole vaulted over me and hit me in the back of the head. "Ow!" I said. "I win" Orion said. "Another go!" I then said. Pressing another button on my tech staff. "Spear mode" I said as an energy blade appeared.

We fought 10 more times. Each time though I lost. "You still think you don't need training?" Orion asked. "At this point I am considering it. But I'm strong as it is" I said only to have Orion hit me on the head with his chameleon as a paper fan. "It's not about how powerful you are or how strong you are. It's about knowing what you can and cannot do, knowing your limits and to improve yourself as well as break through your limits." he said.

"Ok. So tell me what are you gonna teach me?" I asked. "Four things" he said.

"Ok. What's the name of your chameleon?" I then asked. "Her name is Lilly" Orion said.

With that we began.

"First two things I'm gonna teach you. The Meteor Storm and Star Blitz" Orion said as some crates were set up as targets.

"What's the meteor storm?" I asked. "Hold twelve of your metal cards. Six in each hand." He said. I did as he asked. "Now cross your arms and throw them behind you" Orion said.

I formed an X with my arms in front of my chest. "Wait throw them behind me?" I asked. "Trust me" He said. "Ok then" I replied.

Doing as asked I threw the cards behind me by throwing my arms behind my body. The cards flew up and soared right down onto the box almost like a meteor shower.

"Alright. Continue doing that and do it 9 more times adding to ten in Total". Orion said.

I followed and each time I threw them harder and harder. Once I reached ten my cards sliced through the box like a hot knife through butter. "Now Star Blitz" Orion said.

"Alright how do I do it?" I asked exited. "This time have five cards in each hand and reverse the Meteor Storm" Orion said.

So I held ten of my cards, five in the left and five in the right and I had my arms to the back of my body. I then brought them up to the front and threw them before I made the X with my arms and they hit the wooden crates like shuriken. "Now do it 9 more times" Orion said.

And so I did ten star blitz's in total. "Alright. What is next" I asked. "Here" Orion said giving me a boomerang.

"Uh Thanks?" I said. "Do you not like it?" He asked. "Well it's jut that Bruce can become a boomerang" I said. "I know but this is special. Your father made this for you" Orion said. "My Dad made this?" I asked looking at it.

"Yes. At the time he made it he was unsure of if you were going to be part of Vongola familia. So he made this for you in case you wanted to join it." Orion explained. "He then gave it to me to hold onto it for you for when I train you. Your ready" Orion said. "Thank you Orion" I said.

I felt as if I was connected to my parents more now than ever.

An with that my training continued.

"It's Almost time. I should get going" I said seeing it was almost time. "Orion than you. For some reason I feel as if I've gained a new level of confidence" I said as my Triple-Excelerator arrived.

Suddenly Bruce's weapon box glowed bright green and the light vanished. "What was that?" I asked Orion but he was gone except for a note on the ground. "Athius that light signifies Bruce has grown as well. Be ready to use it and soar up with the stars" the note read.

With that I road off to the location where Antizra planned on draining the council members powers.

Once I got there I saw they were all chained up to a massive rock.

I ran up to them. "Need help?" I asked. "Athius Duck!" Ezra said as Diamondhead shards when flying at me but I dodged them.

"Well well Well. Looks like you made it. Now I get your powers too" Antizra said walking to me. "Don't let her kiss you!" Ken said as I dodged her trying to kiss me.

"Sorry I have a girlfriend" I said getting in a battle stance as Antizra stood in front of the council members. "Let me guess. You trapped them and uses power inhibiting cuffs to stop their powers?" I asked. "You are smart. But that won't matter when your morning but an empty husk!" Antizra said as she charged at me.

"Meteor Storm!!" I said as I threw my cards behind me causing them to rain down against her cutting her up. "And Star Blitz!!" I added as I reversed the Meteor Storm throwing motions to preform the Star Blitz causing more cuts on Antizra.

"You little!" She yelled as she charged at me. "Oh no you don't!" I said as I threw my boomerang at her causing a cut on her cheek.

"I am Athius Suisei holder of the Vongola Star Ring!" I yelled as I took out Bruce's weapon box and opened it up. Suddenly I knew what to do.

"Bruce Wing mode!" I yelled as Bruce was engulfed in emerald flames and he soared up, then behind me and he formed a set of wings with a handle against my neck.

A helmet also appeared on my head.

"Time to take you down. Bruce eject the sword!" I said as the handle launched out and was a sword.

"Alright now time to end this!" I said as I flew past Antizra and slashed at her.

"How are you doing this?!" Antizra roared in anger. "I am more powerful than you will ever be!!!!" She then said clenching her fists as they caught on fire. "It's not about how powerful you are or how strong you are. It's about knowing what you can and cannot do, knowing your limits and to improve yourself as well as break through your limits. My friend Orion taught me that" I said as I soared right at her with my sword at the ready.

We clashed and I eventually took her down and cut the others down. "I...will not.....LOSE!!" Antizra said as she charged at me.

I took out my boomerang and it took an X shape

It then forced her against a tree and she fainted.

After Antizra was all tied up by Kenna's stand Monster Mash everyone was ready to go.

"Thanks for the help." Kelly said unlocking my omnitrix for me. "Anytime" I said

I then noticed Charollete had two legs.

"Is she ok?" I asked. "Yea I'm just able to do this" Charollete explained.

Soon after Ezra placed her evil clone into a type of containment sphere and we headed to my place for some dinner.

"Your house is very nice" Ezra said as I cooked dinner. "Thanks" I said. "Hey sorry about earlier. We didn't want you to get hurt" Kelly said.

"Nah it's fine" I said. "Yeah!" I heard Vera said as she beat Emerald and Violet both at a video game. "I'm glad you have a family." Ezra said smiling at me. "Yea. My mom and Dad are out there somewhere. I know it" I said. "You are correct. We know you save them but we can't tell you how and when. Sorry but spoilers like that may effect the time line" Ken said.

"It's fine" I said. "Hey Athius I wanna tell you something. Even though your parents are gone they will always be with you in your heart. When I was a little girl and when Ken and Kelly were just babies I was told family is always connected through your heart no matter what" Ezra said.

"I understand. Thanks" I said

Dinner was ready when everyone returned from the ghost zone. "Remind me again to never let you take us near that prison" Albedo said upset. I then introduced everyone to the council members and we had a massive feast.

"Alright I put in the coordinates to the base in here as well as some other worlds that have different versions of our Dad. This includes the version of our home when you first arrived us and our home in our time" Kelly said as my dimensional portal opened. "Your a pretty cool dude Athius" Kenna said. "Thank you for your help" Emerald said bowing. "Visit any time you want" Ezra said as Kenna and Emerald walked through. "Hey maybe when you visit you can meet the other fairy tail children" Ken said. "Yea. Oh and your gadgets and tech are pretty cool." Kelly said when she then whispered to me "I took a peek at your secret project. It will work trust me I've seen you use it before"

"Oh and Athius make sure you save the light blue pup for me. She's still a cute pup" Ezra said as she left.

"Light blue pup?" I asked as the portal closed.

"So you have a boomerang now?" Saito asked.

"Yep" I answered spinning it on my finger as a hoop

"Don't we have a field trip coming up next week?" Danny asked. "Oh yea. We got permission slips that need to be signed" I said. "It should be fun" Orion said as he was in my basement lap. "How did you get here?!" I asked. "I will be staying here" Orion said. "Training me more?" I asked. "Affirmative" Orion said.

A/N: Tada. So huge shoutout to humatrix-X-24 for suggesting the whole thing with the council of infinite 10s. Check out his books on them and dude I'm sorry if they didn't talk much. Anyway see you all later. Bye!!!!!

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