I Should Have a Game Breaking Ability Right? I'M THE MAIN CHARACTER RIGHT?

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Eliminate Cursed Warriors (2/7)

Remembering the words that old Kami-sama had told me, I began to enthusiastically attack one of the [Cursed Warrior] monsters with my long knife. It was a zombie-like knight dressed in leather armor and wielded a double edged sword with two hands. Fortunately, the [Cursed Warrior] was extremely slow and was less intelligent than a bug. Making use of this, I began to use the mob as my punching bag in order to practice and develop an affinity for using my knife. Listening to my blade go *cling* and *clang* against the opposing blade was an addicting sensation.

"Luka! Be careful with how you use your knife! If you keep hearing those sounds, it means you're using it wrong! Your knife could break!" Ester jumped in and cut down the [Cursed Warrior] I was playing with.

"Alright~ I'll keep that in mind," I said.

The two of us continued as we fended against the four remaining monsters. Ester was fairly agile despite utilizing the sword and shield combo befitting of a paladin, but I was much faster due to being lightly equipped. Unfortunately, I do not have any incredible speed boosts or abilities of the such thanks to Kami-sama. At least He gave me the knowledge and instincts required to fight and survive. Otherwise, I would have been skewered like a kabob about ten minutes ago. The fight dragged on as there were only two of us fighting against four of the [Cursed Warrior]'s. With our agility and Ester's reliable defensive skills, we were able to hang on. However, the lack of true firepower or anything of the such proved to be painful as I could only chip away and distract the enemy while Ester got in a few good blows. It was a real pain to land a deciding blow. We continued to coordinate ourselves with one another to battle against the numeric disadvantage. Ester would step up and take the incoming blows with the shield, and I would slip through to attack various blind spots or the other monsters aiming for Ester's back. Then, Ester would also counter attack with her sword as I retreated behind her before the process repeated again. It was simple but effective. One after another, over the course of much time, the two of us managed to eliminate five of the seven [Cursed Warrior]'s in the forest.

One of the monsters began to retreat deeper into the forest. The other stood behind the retreating brethren and covered our advances. Ester and I glanced at each other and came to a silent agreement: we weren't letting our prey get away. The two of us trudged forward to make chase, but the [Cursed Warrior] that was left behind stood in our way with an aura of determination. Could it be that monsters in this world have some sort of emotional consciousness? Maybe the human spirit within the [Cursed Warrior] still had some sort of control and wished to protect its comrade? I couldn't tell for sure. However, I had no intention of ignoring it. Neither did Ester as she bashed the enemy upfront with her large shield. Off balance, the [Cursed Warrior] fell to the ground while I moved in to finish it off. My knife pierced through the leather armor and the body of the warrior. It didn't flinch and swung its blade at me. Panicking, I abandoned my knife that was still embedded in the zombie-like foe and leaped backwards. Slowly, the [Cursed Warrior] stood again. Ester immediately covered for me as she lunged forward with an overhead swing of the sword. The sudden attack pressured the enemy as it barely caught the incoming sword with its own in a defensive stance. The warrior's sword was held horizontally with both hands while Ester was vertically pushing down with one. The two were at a stalemate as Ester couldn't muster enough strength to push back with one arm while the [Cursed Warrior] could not push due to being weakened by my attack. Seizing the opportunity, I ran around the two and gave a flying jump kick to the undead warrior's head. The blow disturbed the stalemate between it and Ester. Ester took the chance to step up and deal the finishing blow with her sword. Success. Six of the seven monsters were destroyed. Nice! I retrieved my knife back from the corpse of the slain [Cursed Warrior]. Gross... the disgusting sound of the knife exiting the gap of meat made me cringe internally. Next time, I'll try to cut its head off. I don't think I can be sane if this happened every single time. Before moving on, we collected the hands of each [Cursed Warrior] as proof of elimination. Ester and I continued on to chase after the seventh monster that fled earlier. It shouldn't take that long to find it since it moved slowly.

Following the escape route that the last [Cursed Warrior] took, we continued to be on the alert while jogging at a brisk speed. I was holding a large bag that was holding six chopped off hands of the monsters from earlier. I couldn't help but feel incredibly conscious of the fact that I was holding six hands of zombies. In fact, the thought alone made me feel incredibly awkward.

"Ester... how come we haven't found the last monster yet? It's supposed to be slow according to you." I threw the question at Ester who was running alongside me. Her shield was hanging on the edge of her left shoulder while her sword was in its sheath on her right. Both were unequiped for the sake of running without too much limitation, but they would easily be reached in a blink of an eye if need be. Once again, I must admire how strong Ester is to be running with those two heavy things dragging her down.

Ester turned her head and answered, "I don't know. We should have found it by now."

It didn't take us long to find it. To be more precise, it found us. Not in the super creepy way though. The [Cursed Warrior] just happened to fly through the sky and land in between Ester and I. It didn't move a bit afterwards.

"Wow... our work is done." I moved towards the corpse and grimaced as I cut off its hand.

~Quest Completed~
Eliminated Cursed Warriors (7/7)

"Time to go back and take a bath now~ Should we go for lunch while we're at it?" I asked while stretching in the sun. A gust of wind blew through the trees of the forest the chirping of the local birds and bugs suddenly ceased.

"Luka, get ready!" Ester yelled. She was in a battle stance with her sword and shield in her grasp. I cautiously held the hilt of my knife after tying the bag of hands securely onto my body. It would be a shame if we lost the bag after all our hard work. From the sides of the road, a large creature stormed out of the forest's shrubbery and roared with enough force to shake the branches of the surrounding trees. It had a massive frame like a bear's and stood on its hind legs. Its head was a bull's, but the mouth only showed sharp, meat-cutting teeth. Two lengthy horns extended from the sides of its head and the forearms had claws.

"It's [Demon Beast] Luka! They are created from two or more different animals fused together with demonic power by the Demon King! It's a pretty strong one too, so be careful!" Ester shouted. The beast turned to stare at us as we cautiously attempted to retreat backwards. Then, it charged directly at us with more vigor than the Attack on Titan's first opening theme song.

"Get ready Luka!"


Ester braced herself with the shield, but she realized that would be a bad move against a bigger opponent and quickly moved out of the way at the last moment and slashed at the monster with her sword. The bear-like bull didn't flinch and lashed out at Ester. Ester barely had time to react and blocked it with her shield. However, the brute force sent her flying across the dirt path. Ester hit one of the sturdy trees of the forest hard against her back as she gasped. She collapsed to the ground and couldn't move. I quickly moved in to distract the [Demon Beast] while Ester recovered.

I was pretty mad. No monster will get away with attacking my girls (unless it's a slime monster or a tentacle monster) without divine retribution! Even if I'm a girl myself, I will still at least lose my virginity to a girl! "Have at thy!" I yelled.

The beast turned in the direction of my shout, but I wasn't there anymore. I was directly above it after leaping with all my strength and drove my knife downwards to pierce its head. The monster quickly noticed me hanging in the air, but it could not do much to counter. Instead, it shifted its head sideways to let my knife slide against its horn slightly. The friction reduced the force of my throw down and my knife merely pierced the skin and stopped at the skull. The [Demon Beast] flipped its head and threw me off. I landed on the road and began my attack again. In the corner of my eye, I saw Ester slowly recovering by the tree.

"Ester! If you can move, get out of here!" I said in a heroic tone. However, my voice unfortunately cracked halfway, and I ended up sounding extremely pathetic.  I barely dodged an attack and retreated multiple feet away. My arm holding the knife was shaking. My legs felt like jelly. I had only one move up my sleeves, but I couldn't pull it off. I looked back where Ester was and saw her shield left behind. Good, she got away. I should get going too. However, the [Demon Beast] didn't allow me to even think about running away as it charged directly at me with its horns pointed at me.

Its arms were dropping on its sides and ready to intercept me from the sides if I dodged. Perhaps it planned to catch me in the air with its horns if I jumped. Whatever the case, this beast showed signs of legitimate intelligence as I used the little time I had left to decide on an action plan. The stomping got louder as the bull-like creature stormed through the dirt path while kicking up much dust.

I made my move. Desperately, with fear evident in my shaky legs, I slid under the beast and cut at the underbelly with my knife. Luckily, the belly was much softer compared to the other areas of the body, and my knife slid into the monster with ease. I rolled to the side immediately as I couldn't slide all the way through. Quickly, I backed off as my ears caught another one of its deafening roars. The [Demon Beast] stood up on its back legs once again and raised its arms. An eerie aura exuded from the monster as I noticed the freshly spewed blood quickly drying up. Could it regenerate?! Unsteadily, I took my knife up again and held it with two hands in order to steady it. I was absolutely terrified of this thing and wanted to run. I wanted to go back to my old world and play video games. I should have a game breaking ability right? I was reborn here to rule over the masses as compensation for getting killed right? I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE MAIN CHARACTER RIGHT?!

I sighed. I have one ability, and I can't even use it. I would DEFINITELY use this ability if I could, but Kami-sama put a few restrictions upon it. Seriously, I thought I would be able to wield the strongest of magic or use the strongest sword. I faced reality and gripped my sword as the [Demon Beast] got ready to attack again. The wind started blowing again in a suspenseful way.

"Kurumi of the Dandelion house hold has arrived to provide assistance!"

A well equipped girl rushed forward from behind me while yelling out her honorary introduction. Judging from her fancy outfit, cape, and usage of language, I assumed that she was a person of ranking or a noble of some sort. Her long hair waved in the air while her skirt fluttered ever-so-slightly to reveal her leggings yet not her panties. Wait, this isn't the right time for that.

"Luka! Are you okay?! I brought someone who could help!" I heard Ester in the distance behind me. I see! Nice job Ester!

"Well, Miss Kurumi, I'm extremely grateful for your assistance, but you don't have to do anything." I immediately rushed in.

"Hold up! I'll support you!" Kurumi insisted.

Too late. I took on a direct attack from the [Demon Beast] and felt the wind get knocked out of me. However, this was part of my plan. Mwahahaha! All the conditions for my ability have been met!

While still in the air after being hit by the monster, I turned my head to face it directly and said, "Flip."

A massive updraft of wind came out of nowhere and blew upwards. The [Demon Beast] was sent flying as a portion of the ground was lifted up by an unknown force. A gale of wind continued to blow upwards as the beast was sent higher and higher into the sky.

"Kyahhh!" Kurumi cried out in shock. I turned back and saw her completely exposed undergarments. Oh... they were white. Maybe I was expecting too much from a person of rank?

Eventually, the [Demon Beast] came down and landed in a tree off to the sides. The impact completely mutilated the body, but Ester and I were still able to at least harvest its fur to sell it at the guild. I guess this was a successful day. I was extremely tired though. My stomach certainly hurt, but there wasn't anything severe. For the first time, I started to believe Kami-sama blessed me after all.

And then I coughed out blood. Damn it Kami-sama. You had one job. I'm should have a game breaking ability right? I'M THE MAIN CHARACTER RIGHT?!!

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