Chapter Seventeen

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Gabe couldn't help but look at the Forest Badge he had in his hand. It had always been his favorite of the eight in terms of design. Though Gabe was often seen as a nerdy gamer with practically no life, it wasn't until people got to know him a little better that they found out about his love for the outdoors. A smile crept onto his visage as he rubbed the badge between his fingers. Taking out his badge case, he placed it inside and put it inside his bag.

With a sigh, he stood up and turned to exit the Pokémon Center. A lot was weighing on his mind. Most of it had to do with the small but significant change in Gardenia's team lineup.

Facing off against a Grotle wasn't exactly something I was expecting. She didn't evolve her Turtwig in the games or the anime... at least not until the rematch that is. But by then she had a Torterra...

Gabe adjusted his scarf and exhaled a breath of cold air. It was sunny but chilly the morning after the gym battle. Jamming his hands in his jacket pockets, Gabe made his way towards the café. He was in the mood for a good mocha and some Rawst Berry waffles. Upon entering the café, he took note that a lot of trainers were inside.

The establishment was abuzz with activity and it wasn't difficult to see why. Sitting at the end of the counter, with one leg over the other and a smoothie in hand, was a woman with platinum blond locks, penetrating silver eyes and a delicate yet well toned frame, clothed in obsidian garments. It took every ounce of willpower imaginable for Gabe to not start squealing like the fanboy that he was.

Holy Miltank! It's Cynthia! Gabe thought as he looked in her direction.

Okay... don't freak out. She's only your favorite champion of all time that you have several posters of, and a remix of her theme song on your YouTube channel... that you can't use anymore for obvious reasons...

Gabe took a deep breath and shook his head vigorously before turning his attention to the barista behind the counter. Making his way to the counter, he placed an order and sat down on a barstool.

"Hey did you guys hear? someone robbed the museum the other night," Gabe heard one trainer say as he waited on his order.

"What? But isn't their security like... top notch or something?" another replied with a confused tone.

"Supposedly, however... whoever did it, managed to get in and out without leaving so much as a trace. It has the police baffled!"

Gabe narrowed his eyes as he heard the conversation. There weren't that many possibilities pertaining to what could have happened. Some were saying that it was a common thief, while others thought otherwise. Gabe was inclined to agree with the latter, especially since Jupiter was in the café the night the robbery took place. Stupid didn't cut it when it came to how Gabe felt.

I should have known something was up when I saw her here! For Her to just be "hanging out" should have been a red flag...

Gabe clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Easy Gabe... there's no way you could have known that she was going to rob the museum. It's not your fault...

"You seem troubled. Is something wrong?" came a familiar voice from beside him.

Gabe blinked and turned his head towards the source, silver meeting copper as his eyes met with Cynthia's. If ever there were a record for how fast a heart could beat, Gabe would have shattered it.

"I-I... um..." Gabe stammered, his mind fumbling for words, any words at all.

Cynthia canted her head as she observed the nervous look on Gabe's face.

"Sorry to interrupt your thought process. It looked like you were upset about something," Cynthia continued.

"Err... well... not upset, just confused I guess?" Gabe replied, not exactly certain where he was going with his thought process there.

"Ah, you must be thinking about that robbery too huh?" Cynthia replied, taking a sip of her smoothie.

"How did you-"

"Everyone is talking about it. That, and the countenance on your face changed the moment you came in here. Everyone's been on edge because of it," Cynthia stated.

"I don't blame them," Gabe responded, moving his hands as his plate of waffles and his drink were set in front of him.

"Neither do I. Normally this sort of thing would be sorted out the next morning. But whoever did this was very meticulous. They didn't leave any hints behind at all," Cynthia muttered. "After hearing that, I decided to do some investigating of my own. But it seems that this might take more time than I had originally thought..."

Gabe nodded and began eating his breakfast. All the while, he was debating on whether or not he should disclose his suspicions to her.

It seems like the right thing to do. However... if I'm too informed I might become a suspect myself. I can't prove anything, but there's strong evidence that what I think happened is right...

Gabe continued to wrestle with his thoughts as he ate, growing more uncomfortable with every passing minute. Cynthia set her smoothie down and sighed, rising to a stand.

"It would appear that I need to get going. I'm needed elsewhere,"  she stated, looking down at Gabe and then at his belt. "Good luck on your journey Barry," Cynthia smiled, turning to make her exit.

"Thank you... wait... how did you-?"

Cynthia chuckled and turned her head to look over her shoulder at him.

"I know your father well, and we've briefly met before," Cynthia replied with a wave before exiting the establishment.

That's right, Barry's err... my dad is known all over Sinnoh. Heh... so this is what it's like to be famous... sorta...

Gabe shrugged and cleaned up his plate before sipping on his hot drink. Setting it down, he turned to face the rest of the café and simply observed the patrons.  As he did, something suspicious caught his eye. Walking out the door was a woman with what appeared to be short, teal hair. She wore a trench coat and had boots on beneath. Narrowing his eyes, he stood up and casually followed her out the door.

Looking around, he saw that she was nowhere to be found as she had seemingly vanished. Puzzled, Gabe turned around to make his way back into the café, all the while being observed from the side of the building. After being certain he had left, the woman made her way to a tall structure in the farthest reaches of the city.

The automatic doors opened to receive her and closed behind her as she distanced herself from them. Taking the staircase, she made her way over to a large glowing circle. Stepping onto it, she waited a few seconds and was soon teleported from her position only to reappear moments later in another room on the very top floor of the building.

"Commander Jupiter, I'm here to report," said the woman as she shed her coat, revealing the Galactic uniform.

Jupiter turned away from her computer screen and looked at the Grunt.

"Were our suspicions correct?" Jupiter inquired, crossing one leg over the other while stroking the Skuntank in her lap.

"It's as you suspected. The champion is indeed involved in the investigation. It would appear that the International Police aren't our only concern," the woman added.

Jupiter folded her hands and gave an amused smile.

"As expected, the champion can't be kept from sticking her nose into matters that don't concern her. Still, if she gets involved any further, she could hinder our leader greatly," Jupiter mused.

"At any rate, is there anything else you wish to report?" Jupiter inquired.

After a moment, the woman shrugged.

"Not really. She was just talking about it with some guy," she added.

"Some guy huh? Tell me... did this guy happen to be named Barry by any chance?" Jupiter smirked.

"Now that I think of it, that is what the champion called him. Why? Is that important?" asked the subordinate with a tilt of her head.

"No, not really. That will be all, you're free to go," Jupiter stated with a wave of dismissal.

As the Grunt left, Jupiter chuckled to herself.

"So Barry spoke with the champion did he? I wonder what she disclosed to him," Jupiter thought aloud, stroking her nonexistent beard with a grin.

"I suppose we will need to seek him out now won't we?" she purred, itching behind Skuntank's ears, causing him to nudge his head into her hand.

The only question is... where would he be going now?

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