103 - Bad Fights

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My gaze ran over the trio in front of me. I had to admit I was struggling a bit. I know that they aren't the same trio that I know and grew to care about but they are the same at the same time. Thinking about how the multiverses are like is enough to give me a headache. If I do end up killing these three... that's going to a new problem to add to my mental state.

A problem for future me to worry about.

I saw Dust move slightly and my gaze locked onto him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. This is your only warning from me. If you attack first, I get the green light to fight back. Just because there's three of you doesn't mean you have a chance in beating me." 

I saw them look agitated at my comment which just amused me.

Usually I wouldn't be so confident but I have sparred and trained with the trio before multiple times. They know how to hold there own pretty well against me with our rules in place. These three don't have that same experience. Thinking about it Killer would be the most likely out of the three to be able to fight me. He might have his dumb moments but he paid attention when we fought and knows how to counter or avoid my attacks better than the other two. He recklessness was his advantage at times.

Meanwhile this Killer feels the exact opposite, he looks the easiest to deal with. His recklessness will be his downfall.

"Now then, I'm not sure why you decided to be here... or attack me... but I really don't care. I've got things to do and you three...." I paused and pointed at Killer and Dust. "You two aren't exactly important at the moment." 

"Oh and what's that supposed to mean?" Killer said looking ready to start slashing. 

"Nothing to you. I'm not a fool who's going to stand around monologging about my plans and give you a chance to attack. That being said..." My gaze went to Horror and he tensed since I didn't include him in what I said earlier. 

"What do you want with Horror?" Dust asked.

"That is none of your business. The way I see it you all have two options. Option A, Horror comes with me quietly to have a talk and I return him once I'm done. Option B, I deal with three skeletons here and now. Trust me, the second option sounds fun for me but I like to be fair to those who don't stand a chance."

I was definitely baiting them with my words. Horror looked skeptical but it wouldn't matter. I stepped to the side as another knife whizzed by and my expression went blank. It went silent as the realization of what happened sunk in for them.


"What? You expect him to actually just talk with Horror. The boss would be pissed if we allowed that." Killer said to justify his actions.

"It's still Error!" Dust exclaimed.

"Option B then?" I said bringing their attention back to me. I shrugged off my jacket tossing it to the side and shuffling in place. "Fine by me. Also it's 'they' not 'he' just thought I'd let you know." 

I grinned before I summoned a sharp bone in one hand and my strings in the other. I leaped for the trio immediately blocking Horror's weapon when he was the first to respond to my attack. I wrapped up Dust and tossed him to the side before kicking Killer back. I turned my gaze to Horror before stomping the ground making a bone come out from under him. 

I dodged a slash from Killer and quickly dropped dodging another. Feeling a shift of magic I rolled back pushing off the ground with my hands to avoid a barrage of bones from Dust. 

They were uncoordinated. I was easily able to dance around them and evade their attacks especially since their attacks liked to clash. Even though a couple of minutes passed I was losing patience.

"This would be easier if you all could actually manage to fight together." I muttered before hearing a gaster blaster charge up. I huffed and shortcutted away to avoid the blast. I held onto some strings attached to a branch and watched as they watched the area clear. Seeing I wasn't there they looked around. 

I took a moment to think. Time to bait. I swung a bit before letting go and landing on Dust. I attached strings to him and jumped to avoid Killer attaching the strings to him as well tangling them up. Horror swung and I sprung up placing a hand on the blunt side of his weapon before swinging me legs around latching Horror by his neck and letting gravity do the rest of the work for me. With Horror down I used my sharp bone to keep him down hovering to sharp point near his eye. I whistled a bit gaining the struggling duos attention.

"Well it's been fun, really it had. But I actually have things to do so...." I looked down at Horror. "You stay right there and don't move. Don't make me drag your brother into this." I said to him before getting up. He stayed down. I then separated the duo and properly tied them up. I lowered the bones that surrounded us and observed the three. For safety reasons I tied Horror as well.

"So... as far as I can see you three are stuck with me until your boss comes to save you... or until I dust you. Which one will it be?"

"Why don't you just dust us?" Dust asked with a glare and I snickered a bit. 

"If my goal was to kill you a would. I've got a bigger thing in mind." I said before dragging Killer over to me and dropping him. I fiddled with the sharp bone I had and knew I was full on ggrinning. I could get Nightmare to be on my side... or I could kill Killer and force the other two to make a choice. 

"I sure do hope your boss is not a piece of shit since this is going to cause more issues for me than you realize." I knelt down raising the bone up ignoring the look on Killer's face and the other two as I plunged the bone down. 

I immediately felt a force strike my side and was flung away from Killer. I quickly oriented myself as skidded in the snow seeing a dark mass. 

"Ah... good timing. You three lucked out." I casually clasped my hands behind my back eyeing the king of negativity. I wasn't exactly pleased to see he buy he needed to know things for everything to go smooth. 

"What are you doing Error? You-"

"Woah you remember me? Well a guess more accurate would be you remember the old me but it doesn't matter. And just so we can talk....." I snapped my fingers opening three portals under the trio and they all fell in before I closed them.

"Where did they-" 

"Not important." I interrupted with a grin," You'll get them back in one piece as long as you listen. I know you don't really care about a lot and just want to spread your negativity so I'll get right to it." I could see Nightmare was skeptical as I walked over and picked up my jacket shaking off the snow. Once I put it on I started.

"So... what do you know about the multiverse?" I told Nightmare mostly everything. I answered his questions as he started to realize that I wasn't on any side and that I already spoke to Dream. He confirmed that he has been feeling a lot of negativity and it was distracting for him. I showed him the window of the Doodle-Sphere and explained a few other things. 

The talk wasn't the smoothest with him threatening me which in turn had me threatening himself, his trio, and the multiverse. Yeah safe to say I could easily separated this Nightmare from the one I actually liked being around. I could barely tolerate this one.

In the end I told him he didn't need to be working with me but I wouldn't spare him if he stood against me. Having something was better than nothing anyways. 

As much as I would love to purge the aus that had bad fates I couldn't really do that for the balance to stay intact. So I returned the idiot trio, told Nightmare to keep what I said in mind, and opened a portal underneath myself dropping into the Anti-Void. 

That part was done and over with. Dream was aware and now Nightmare was too. Next up was to start getting revenge on Ink. I would like to take my time but the sooner I finished the sooner I could go home.

Author note: I'm guilty of lack of dialog... I didn't want to...

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