109 - Where the Heart is

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It felt weird stepping through the portal. Gradient just clicked a button and the portal dissappeared behind us. I immediately took the watch device off of him. 


"No more multiverse travel for you. I'm giving this to Sci." I said just realizing what happened could've been really bad if things went wrong. My parent self coming out full swing. 

"Oh come on-" He tried to complain but I shook my head.

"Don't fight me, I'm still on edge and I don't need to think about traveling for a long time." I said as Fresh chuckled rubbing Gradient's head like he was ruffling hair.

"Maybe you'll get it back little broski," he said before leaving the room with a chuckle. I yawned and felt Gradient tug on my arm to get my attention. Nice to see he still did that.

"Are you ok? Like actually?" He asked concerned.

"Kid I'm ok. Its going to take a lot of rest and relaxation but I'll be ok. Come on." We walked out of the room and headed for the main one.

"Error!" I heard before feeling a small force latch to my side. I stiffened but looked down and smiled.

"Hey Paps, how are you?" I greeted the small future giant.

"I'm good, I summoned so many bones two days ago! You should've seen it!" I walked with the young ones listening to Paps ramble about anything and everything he could think of. It was nice. We came upon everyone else in the main room and I walked up to Sci. 

"Here you go." I held the device in front of him cutting off whatever he was saying to Dream. 

"Oh thank you Error." He grabbed the device and blinked. "Wait Error! It's good to see you back in one piece. I'm glad this was a successful rescue mission."

"Rescue mission?" I asked amused and Sci rubbed his head a bit sheepish.

"I mean yeah. Not gonna lie I was worried we would have to try looking for you in the Void. Luckily Gradient was able to avoid that whole thing from becoming a mess." He said and I had to agree.

"I'm done with the Void, been there more times than I am ok with... which is zero." I sighed but nodded with a smile. "It's good to see you too." 

"What happened after that 404 mess?" I heard Dream ask out of concern and I shook my head. 

"Long story, too long to tell and not enough energy to tell it. I'm... I'm thankful that you guys tolerate me enough to come looking for me. That was a joke don't hit me." I said glancing towards Nightmare immediately so he didn't smack me again. "I'm glad that you guys were able to figure that out. As pleased as I am that you guys took care of Gradient, and the multiverse hasn't collapsed, it's good to be back. That being said, I would like to go home now." 

"Of course, I can't imagine what you went through. We can always catch up with a cup of tea some other time." Sci reassured me.

"Alright, let's get everyone home. All those not going to Nightmare's place with me!" Ink said gathering up the others that came with him. He opened an inky portal and the others went in. Ink looked over at myself and Gradient giving us a salute before hopping in. 

I felt some pressure on my shoulder before a familiar chill went over me. I saw darkness before I found myself standing in the familiar surrounds of the negativity king's domain. 

"I have missed this place must more than I realize.... which way..." I trailed off not knowing the exact location I was supposed to go to.

"Come on." Dust said heading up to where my room was. It's been so long I forget the directions I needed to get there. Our small group headed upstairs and down the hall til we reached it. My room. It was the same as I left it... mostly. I noticed other blankets and pillows that I don't remember having before. 

"Some nights were restless... it was easier for Gradient..." I heard Nightmare say as he noticed what caught my attention. I wandered over to my bed and sat down on the mattress. A rush of exhaustion went through me and I flopped back laying on top of everything.

"Baba, you can't sleep like that."

"Watch me." I muttered as I closed my eyes feeling humor bubble up when Gradient tried to move me on his own. I chuckled and forced myself to sit up.

"Alright, alright." I removed my boots, jacket, and arm warmers before getting off of one sheet so I could cover myself. I laid on my side opening my arms as Gradient got in as well holding him close. As I started to drift I could hear and feel the others settle closer to us before I was no longer awake. 

It was a much needed rest and a dreamless sleep. I don't know if that was Nightmare's doing but I was thankful. It was like all my stress and worries were washing away as I slept in a place I considered home. I went through a lot but it was worth it. 

I was with my family, my real family. 

Waking up was a treat.

Gradient was still in my hold, Horror was resting putting weight on my legs, and Dust was sat up on an empty spot sleeping against the headboard. Nightmare had just entered the room. 

"Alright you two, out, you need to eat." Nightmare said as his tendrils picked up Dust and Horror waking them. They grumbled tired but walked out when lowered to their feet. Then he looked at me seeing I was awake.

"You can rest here if you want and I can just bring something up." He suggested but I denied it.

"No... I need to get up a bit and not sleep all day. Plus Gradient needs to eat." I said before Nightmare headed out. I sat up waking Gradient.

"Come on kid, we need to eat." I felt Gradient trying to tuck himself in more.

"No.... I don't want to... I wanna sleep..." he groaned out.

"Come on kid. I need to eat to." That seemed to be enough to get Gradient to scoot off the bed. I put my boots on and picked up my arm warmers setting them to the side.

When I picked up my jacket I heard an item thunk on the ground. Curious I looked and noticed something I haven't seen in a long time. I picked up the item and sat down feeling Gradient sit next to me.

"What is that?" He asked looking at the flat object curiously.

"It's a mirror," I said turning it over seeing my reflection. I didn't crash this time it seems. Why would I? This was me and I was more than happy with that. I held it out to Gradient.

"You want it?" I asked and he blinked before taking it.

"Sure, not sure when I'll need it."

"Who knows, but it'll be good to keep around to keep you grounded." I said as I pulled him closer to my side.


"A fun saying I remember. Despite everything, it's still you. Never forget who you are no matter what you go through." I said with a small smile as we both looked in the mirror gazing at our reflection.

"I guess that's true. I'll go put this away." Gradient said before rushing out the room. I sat there for a moment before leaving the jacket and standing up. I could already hear Killler and Dust arguing about something with Cross trying to calm them, or stop them. 

Yeah, it was good to be back. I stepped out and headed off to eat breakfast, or whichever meal it was, with the others.

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