111 - Ink's Finding

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Upon entering the Doodle-Sphere I immediately took notice of Ink balancing on his brush looking at some aus that were near each other but not dangerously close. Not very worrisome really.

"Ink," I called out as I approached and saw him perk up before looking at me.

"Oh hey Error! I wasn't expecting a visit from you, what's up?" He faced me and I pushed down that little urge that said to destroy. Now wasn't the time for it.

"Well after the disaster that was my old multiverse's Doodle-Sphere, I decided to check on this one. Honestly even though there's more than I'm comfortable with this is pretty mild in comparison."

"Ha! Guess I'm the better Ink then?" He grinned and I shot it down.

"Don't push it. I tolerate you at most." He just chuckled in response.

"Sure you do, but since you're here... what if I wanted to make something? Before you do something hear me out!" He quickly held a hand up to stop me. I sighed and closed my arms before gesturing for him to continue.

"Right so I've put thought into it. You can't really stop destroying, I need to create, other wise we go stir crazy. I want to make something good but I'm not sure what yet. But when I do I'll let you... destroy three aus. Sound fair?"

"...Why three? I'm curious." What the heck did he want to make that he offered three to create what I'm assuming was an au.

"Well... I mean... there are a lot but I don't want them all gone at once. Plus it gives me time to really think about things." There was a moment of odd silence between us.

"You... doing ok Ink? Take in some bad paint or something?" I asked looking him up and down. He seemed to been normal, not a faker or something and he didn't look sick.

"Pfft! I'm fine! I can think about things too." He waved off my concerns.

"That's up for debate." I walked further into the area and Ink followed me.

"Yeesh, Fresh wasn't kidding about the cold thing?"

"Are you only now just realizing that?" I replied immediately and heard him huffed before appearing in front of me waving his arms around. 

"Hey! Give me a break it's been tiring keeping everything going all by myself." Ink pouted but I just groaned and pushed him to the side.


"What are you doing anyways?" He asked in a curious tone.

"I'm looking."

"Looking for?" He pried for more answers.

"That's none of your- found it." I stopped at an au I felt familiar with and checked it before I started moving it to a safer location. Once again, Ink followed.

"What is that?"

"An au." I could practically hear him roll his eyes at my answer.

"Ugh, you know what I meant.

"It's Glitchtale. Usually I'm not a fan of these type of things but this one fixed its own problem so I'm moving it to a better spot so I can monitor it." I stopped by other aus an placed Glitchtale next to them.

"Ok, why can't I just do that?"

"Because you would probably forget and I have to remember to go back eventually."

"Alright, whatever." Ink seemed pretty relaxed and just wandered around what ever area I occupied looking at the different aus. Eventually I was done checking amd figured that everything was fine. So I should head back.

"Welp I'm done." I turned and opened a portal before hearing Ink.

"Actually... there's one more thing I almost forgot about. I need to show you something." He waved for me to follow him and didn't wait before heading off.

I didn't want to follow him but there was a chance. It could be anything. Something pointless and dumb or something very important. I gave in and hurried after him. I caught up pretty easily and we wandered along the outer, less dense, area of the Doodle-Sphere. 

Ink looked around and checked his scarf multiple during the duration of our walk before coming to a stop. 

"Ah, look over there," he said pointing in a specific direction. I looked over where he gestured and was immediately confused by what I was looking at.

It was an au paper like the others but there were noticeable differences. It was bigger than the rest. The outer part was a gold trimming with random swirl like patterns along the inner edge.

"What the hell is that?" I asked him a question.

"I don't know."

"How long has it been here?" Another question.

"I don't know."

"Why is it-"

"I don't know! Agh! Sorry for yelling but I don't know. I spotted it during the time you were gone and I didn't want to risk anything. I'm usually more than thrilled to explore new aus but this... it was too risky without someone else here that also traveled to aus. I didn't want to get stuck like you did and have this multiverse abandoned by us because of my curiosity."

We both took a moment to breathe and think.

"Alright then. Let me look." I walked over and opened up a screen once I was close enough. I got nothing. No name or much data really. Just a small screen with a question.

Do you wish to enter?

Yes                    No

That was it. I had nothing else. I didn't touch any option and closed the screen.

"Ok this is definitely weird but I would like to not go running into the unknown after what happened."

"I know and that's why I hesitated. But, if it became a problem then it would be on me for not saying anything." Ink explained and I nodded.

"Hmm, you have a point... I could always bring Fresh but I still have no idea what that is and wouldn't want to toss him to danger like that. Did you find any others?" I saw him shake his head.

"To be honest I didn't try looking. This was already alarming as is."

"Alright, how about I talk with Nightmare about this... you chat with Dream and we figure out how to proceed next."

"Why them?" He asked and I gave him a look.

"You really want to venture into the unknown without telling someone?"

"...never mind. I mean if they come with us then there's not an imbalance, right?" I had to pause at that question.

"...Maybe? I don't know, too much to think about. I'll talk to him and we'll meet back here in... a week."

"A week? I was thinking at most three days." He countered but I denied it.

"No, a week." 

"That's so long though." He whined like a child.

"Just write it down and shut up." I responded eyeing the odd paper thing.

Ink complied and we agreed to meet back before I left. I went to Nightmare's domain and mainly just relaxed in the living room area. I decided to wait since I gave myself a week to actually talk about what I found.

It didn't take long though. I want to say it took me two days before I decided to talk to him.

When Gradient went to train with the others and strided over to Nightmare.

"I need to talk to you about something Ink found." I started off immediately gaining his attention.

"Ink? Is it important?"

"It... freaks me out a bit." I admitted and he changed his tune.

"Of course, follow me." I was going to follow him. But he just kind of teleported me with him to his personal work space. 

"That wasn't necessary you know." I could've walked or teleported on my own. He shrugged taking a seat.

"I know. So, what did Ink find?"

"An au, we think. We're actually not sure." He raised a bone brow.

"...how are you not sure?"

"Well it looked different, I couldn't get info on it, and it asked if I wanted to enter when I tried to use a screen, I put it away after that. It looked bigger than the usual au papers and had some details on it. A gold trim and a swirling pattern." Nightmare remained silent listening to what I wanted to say and thinking over the information.

"That is concerning."

"I thought so as well. Ink is telling Dream and I'm telling you. We don't know what to do but we have to check it out. I already dealt with lives at risk for things out of my control. I want to control this before something happens." I was really afraid that curiousity was going to cause issues for me. A hand landed on my shoulder after a bit.

"You will. We will. When are you meeting up with Ink?"

"In five days. Are you thinking of going?"

"Just to see if I can sense a threat. Also I've been curious about the Doodle-Sphere, why waste an opportunity?"

"Thank you. I didn't want to get scolded if I didn't tell anyone and something happened." I sighed in relief and Nightmare walked passed me.

"Well at least you're learning this time."

"Hey!" I followed after him as I protested against his statement.

Well at least this time around I won't feel alone during this. Hopefully it's nothing horrendous.

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