119 - Glitch Free

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Today was the day I went to go visit some others I haven't seen in awhile. I really couldn't push down my curiosity any longer. I've had Glitchtale waiting and ready for a while but never went through with going back. The au was stable now and I wouldn't get stuck but the memories are not all great. 

I headed off to Glitchtale. I was debating if I should've brought Gradient along but I decided not to. I loved him but I didn't need to drag him everywhere I go. Plus I didn't want to explain his existence to others without sounding really weird about it. 

I popped into Glitchtale, after checking it multiple times so I didn't get stuck, and immediately started my search. I wandered a bit to a spot so I wasn't in the way of anyone and opened up a screen.

"Let's see.... where are you..." I was scrolling through the list on the screen looking at different named entities. I didn't notice the footsteps that were going to walk by that only stopped when the person noticed me.

"Error? Is that you? Oh wow it is!" I heard and turned my head towards the voice. A blonde woman with dark pants and a purple sweater.

"Um.... hi?" I sounded very unsure. I don't think I knew who this was but something felt familiar. 

"You don't remember me? You saved me and the other two from that whole big blob mess, we work with Ronan." I sifted through my memories for a blonde woman that worked with Ronan. Three individuals popped up and my expression changed to realization.

"Oh... hold on... Marsha?" I guessed and she shook her head.

"Rena." She corrected and I immediately rubbed the back of my neck. It was a short moment back then but I felt bad getting it wrong.

"Sorry, Marsha was the brunette right? I don't remember the last one.... uh how are you?" I attempted to start a conversation and thankfully she didn't find it weird to talk to me.

"The last one was Azim and I'm doing good. I wasn't expecting to see you today, what a nice surprise. What have you been up to? Its like you dissappeared."

"I had to go home. Been busy with... family drama... you know how it can be. Anyways I was just visiting, looking for Dr. Gaster actually. Would you happen to know where he is? I would just check his lab but... it's so far..." I had to come up with a little lie but figured family drama was a good enough excuse. No one liked dealing with that kind of stuff usually.

"Dr. Gast- oh him! I don't know where he is but Rave might. I can walkie Ronan to ask him?" Rena suggested but I shook my head. Ronan was still close by Rave, that's good to know. Either things were going well or Rave was pushing it, I had no idea. I started to wonder about them as well but pushed it down.

"No need to bother them. They're probably busy. I'm sure I can find him or anyone else really. So... were you going somewhere? I don't mind the chat but if you have somewhere you need to go to..." I saw her eyes widen.

"Oh right, I'm going to be late! Sorry for cutting this short but I got to go. See ya Error, I'll tell the others you said hi!" Rena ran off and I blinked. She was out of view pretty fast. My gaze went to my screen that was just there and I closed it. 

"Huh... well ok then. Either I can teleport or just walk and run into more people... I'll walk. No need to interrupt someone by showing up suddenly. Or cause some kind of accident... these people have gone through enough." 

With that in mind I was off with my hands in my pockets. I could go towards a home, the school, or anywhere really. There were a lot of possibilities to run into someone. One of those possibilities I wasn't expecting by just walking. I walked by some shops coming to a sudden halt as a familiar lanky skeleton stepped out in front of me hold a couple bags. Groceries I believed. My suddenly halt caught his attention.

"I'm sorry I almost- oh Error! It's good to see you again! Have have you been? Did you take care of things? Are you visiting?" Papyrus was firing off questions fast and I couldn't answer before he asked something else. When he realized he stopped.

"How rude of me trying to ask question in the middle of a walkway. Come along Error, I'm sure the others will be thrilled to see you. Unless you're busy?" He started to walk and I just followed him.

"No I'm not busy. I'm just here to visit and see how things are since the incident." I listened to Papyrus go on and on about things that have happened since I've been gone. Nothing too crazy has happened which was a good thing.

We arrived at a familiar home and Papyrus hurried in. I remembered being here. A nice simple place if you don't think about the area below much. 

"I'm back! I've brought a guest today!" I heard Papyrus announce, I'm glad he still had energy, not sure if that energy would remain if I didn't do what I did. I followed Papyrus towards the kitchen a paused when I spotted Sans lounging and Gaster sitting at a table. When they looked over I waved.


"The ceiling. Good to see you again Error." Sans said and I took a moment to huff as Papyrus gave his brother a look.

"Yeah, ok I walked into that. Hey doc." I greeted when I saw him stand up, he walked over where I was, hands placed into his pockets.

"Error. I hope things are well?" I nodded but gave a verbal answer anyways.

"They are for the most part. I managed to get to where I wanted to be. That's all that matters." There was a pause as Gaster looked me over before seemingly accepting my answer.

"Good. Would you like something to drink?" He asked with a gesture towards the table.

"If it's not too much trouble." I said as I walked over to the wooden furniture pieces.

"On it!" I heard from the kitchen and took a seat. Gaster only sat down once I did and Sans popped up into an empty seat. 

"So is there a reason for the visit?" Sans asked which I just shrugged. 

"Not really, I just remembered Papyrus asked if I would visit and I said I wouldn't forget... or something similar to that. Unless some disaster is happening that I don't know about?" My gaze went to Sans and he shook his head

"Nope, disaster free for now." Sans said with his usual grin.

"That's good to hear. It's nice not hearing about chaos."

"So... rough time after you left?" The smiling skeleton asked.

"It's a really long story I don't want to get into. But things are better now. Which is mainly why I wanted to visit."

Papyrus arrived placing four cups on the table. A steamy liquid was inside them.

"I brought tea, I hope that's fine." He said as his put down a box of sugar cubes and took a seat. Sans immediately moved his closer using magic. Gaster doing the same but pushing one to me as well.

"It's good, I could use some good tea." I said taking a cup. I added sugar, can't have tea without sugar I refuse otherwise.

I honestly couldn't give a good enough reason for my visit without sounding weird. I missed Gaster. I don't know why, it was weird. I wanted to see the others too but Gaster was my main reason. I didn't think I was attached, yet I was. I don't know, something to think about.

Right now I just want to sit here and listen to Papyrus talk about everything. Toriel, Asgore, the kids, Undyne, Alphys, all of it. This au was unique in its own way but it didn't bother me. I liked that it was different and not just another Undertale au with slight changes. 

Sans just liked listening to his brother and Gaster seemed like he was using that moment to take an excused break from whatever he was doing.

I should probably go and see Geno when I get the chance to. I'll have to bring Fresh if I do since I said I would. Soon, I'll forget otherwise if I don't. But for now I'll enjoy my time catching up with this magic skeletal family.

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