127 - Another Travel Buddy

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"I'll bring him back in one piece, I swear to it." I was currently already in the Anti-Void with Lust but I had my portal opened to talk to Papyrus, reassuring him that his brother would be fine.

"I know but I can still worry, for the both of you. Just don't do anything stupid that you can avoid."

"Yes Papyrus," Lust and myself said in synch in the same kind of way kids would to their parents. I gave the taller skeleton a wave before closing the portal. Lust gave a dramatic sigh as he looked around at the Anti-Void. I honestly can't remember if he's been here or not with how many time I go in and out either by myself or briefly with others.

"Mhm, just as I thought. You really shouldn't have lived here as long as you did." Lust spoke in a tone like he confirmed a suspicion he's had for awhile.

"Well, I showed up here so I figured at the time that I had to stay. It was my safe zone, no one else could really just show up. Except for Fresh but we don't talk about that."

"Uh huh, and you're a wreck because of it. Now, where are we going?" He asked brushing off what he just said.

"You know... I'm going to let that one slide. We're going to the Doodle-Sphere. Hopefully Ink will be there already." I wandered over to my area of few things and managed to find a spare charm before giving it to Lust. He raised a bone brow at the item I handed over.

"What's this? A present for me?" He said in a teasing tone but I could see his curiosity as he turned it over in his hand.

"Yes and no. It's a gift but it's also a charm I made with my magic in it. Wherever we go, if we get into trouble and we're separated then you should be able to use that to call for me. Just mess it up and I'll know. I'm not taking chances with."

"Ohh a special charm? Whatever, I'll still take it." Lust accepted the charm without issue and we headed to the Doodle-Sphere. I was pleased to see that it looked the same as the last time I was here.

"Be careful ok. Each of those is an au and I have no idea if they're affected by just brushing them. Tearing yes, but I'm not sure about small disturbances." Sure, I've moved aus before but I'm pretty sure I had the power to be able to. I've never seen what would happen if I tried other things.

"Relax cutie, I'll be careful." Lust said with a smirk as I let out a heavy sigh from the name he used. 

"Let's just... find Ink. Ink!" I called out into the empty yet clustered space having no patience whatsoever as I walked further into the area. 

"Ink!" I called out again with a different result other than silence.

"Error?" I heard seeing Ink pop around some aus with a confused expression.

"Oh, and Lust is here too? Hi! What are you doing here?"

"Hello there Ink-" Lust said in his usual tone but I quickly shut that down.

"Don't start flirting, especially with him. Ink, did you forget we still need to check out that other au we haven't seen yet?" I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets while leaning my weight to one side.

"Huh?" He tilted his head and I saw one of his colorful eyelights was a question mark.

"You seriously forgot-" I was fully prepared to scold him until he suddenly perked up.

"Oh! That! Yeah I already got plans so I can't go." He said with a shrug and I stared for a few seconds.

"What? You have-" He cut me off again and my gaze narrowed in annoyance. 

"Hmm, but we do need to figure out what that au is. You know what, wait right here." Ink quickly made a portal and jumped into it. I sighed rubbing my temple.

"It's going to be one of those days..." I muttered as I heard Lust chuckle and felt him pat the center of my back.

"There, there~ It'll be ok."

"I don't wanna hear it." 

We waited around that puddle of darkness for awhile. Not like we had much of a choice and I didn't want to go without another person. Safety in numbers and all that. Staring at the dark mass I can't remember if it's paint or ink. Possibly paint since ink is such a mess. I could be wrong. 

"So... thoughts on dresses?" I heard before I blinked and looked at Lust.

"What?" I wasn't sure that I heard what I heard but he didn't falter.

"Dresses." He stated confirming that I did hear what I heard.

"What about dresses?" I asked not quite understanding his question.

"Would you wear one? Willingly of course."

"Uh... you know this is a really random thing to bring up suddenly." I said and he shrugged resting a hand on his hip.

"Well, when the day comes when I can dress you however I please you don't really get much of a say so I'm curious how far you're willing to go on your own."

"You bored?" I asked raising a bone brow.

"Very much so." He said with a nod.

There was silence. I was looking at him in slight disbelief while he was looking at me expectantly.

"...what kind of dress?" I asked and he was pleased that I was going along withthis conversation.


"Hell no." I answered immediately. 

"Why not?"

"I'm not wearing a tight or short dress willingly." I had nothing against people that liked those kind of clothes, just not me.

"Ok then, what about a grand ballgown?" He asked pendulum swinging is the complete opposite direction.

"What? Why that one? No." I shook my head at the thought.

"Why not? They're big and pretty." 

"It would get in the way and I don't look intimidating in a big ball gown. Plus I have no reason to just wear one."

"Why would you want to be intimidating?" He asked and I looked amused.

"It gives me joy."

"Uh huh, sure it does." Unfortunately the topic of conversation was brought to a sudden halt.

"I'm back!" Ink popped out of the mess pulling Swap Sans along with him.

"Ok! So Swap will be taking my place today. He can tell me every after you all get back. Ok? Ok. OK! See ya." Ink really didn't give any of us time to react before he was gone again. Swap looked about as lost as we did before he bounced back. 

"So... guess I'm going with you guys. This will be fun, I've never been on a trip like this with Error. I'm pretty sure we shopped together in Classic's au but thats not the same."

"Oh my, same here. This is also new to me, we also shopped together in Classic's au."

"So I'm traveling with the people I shopped with... huh. What a coincidence. Anyways, follow me," I said to them before walking off to where the weird aus were. I looked at the different ones and took a moment to check which was which. After traveling back from one of these places I was able to identify the au. So I just had to find the unknown one. It didn't take long.

"Ok, stay close. I have no idea what will happen. Our bodies can change drastically or not at all so be careful. Try not to freak out." 

"How many times have you done this Error," Swap asked and I paused to think. 

"Let's see. Ocean, kingdom, jungle, desert, and western. There was that one daycare thing in the other multiverse and... yeah that's it so far." I looked back when I noticed it was silent. Lust and Swap were staring at me in disbelief.

"What?" I asked confused by their expressions.

"That's a lot dear, why haven't you told me about these sooner? Those sound like so much fun." Lust said in a slight pout and Swap just looked excited hearing about these different au worlds. 

"Oh wowie! I can't wait to see what this one is. I bet it'll be so much fun!"

"And now we're jinxed from that. Alright then." I said opening up a screen and going through the usual process accepting that I wanted to continue forwards into this mystery au. I saw the large sheet shift and it open up a portal. 

"It'll close once we go through. Come on." I said before I leaped through the portal. I felt the familiar feeling of falling and darkness. I woke up pretty fast. I was getting use to the sensations from going through these things. I looked at myself.


I was honestly surprised.

The area was unknown but I would worry about that later. Getting up to my feet I saw Swap and Lust not awake yet so I waited patiently keeping my guard up. I don't know why but the fact that I didn't go through a physical change, either with form or clothes, was more unsettling. But on the plus side, I didn't have to try functioning in a new body. 

Right now however, I just had to wait. 

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