129 - A Light Place pt.2

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"Not Dream?" Swap was confused but soon noticed what I did. I was quick to Lust's side grabbing onto his coat. The 'Dream' above us stared down at us with mismatched eyes and an off putting grin.

"Oh? But I am Dream. Now why don't I help you out of there?" He reached down a hand like an offering, one I wasn't taking.

"Nope." I quickly grabbed Swap and shortcutted our group back to the hill. I quickly pulled the two behind the rock and pressed my own back to it looking panicked. Lust was quick to notice my distress.

"Error?! What's wrong?"

"Ok, listen, look I don't know which... one that is-" Swap was quick to notice what said.

"Which one? What do you-" I interrupted him.

"Shush! Look- I just- he's not.... there are some aus that I just don't know all that well. But what I do know is that is not a good one. At least I'm pretty sure. I'll explain in more detail later but right now we can't be here."

"Why didn't we go to that structure?" Lust asked gesturing towards the place we saw in the distance.

"Because it's an unknown location! We just need to go back to the woods so I can- ack!" I felt a yank and found my feet were no longer touching the ground. My back was still on the rock and I looked seeing my hood was snagged.

"There's no need to run, I could easily catch up you know." The alternate Dream had a good hold on my hood and looked down at the group amused.

"Error!" Swap went to attack but I held my hand out to stop him.

"Don't!" I spoke like an order and Swap stopped. I winced as I was pulled up a bit more. I had to get them out of this mess and fast.

"No, go ahead. I'd like to see you try." The skeleton above me chuckled. I had to get free before he did something to me, to them.

"Sorry Lust," I muttered before adjusting and raising my arms up, slipping myself free. The hoodie was no longer on me and in the other skeleton's hold. He looked surprised as I summoned a glitchy blaster and fired it at him. I saw a flash of yellow go up to the sky and immediately grabbed the other two before doing another shortcut to the woods.


"I'm fine! We need to leave! Run!" I pushed Swap to run and did the same with Lust so he didn't fall behind. Thankfully, they listened and ran down the incline into the woods. I looked back seeing that the flying menace was above baring his blue hued weapon. He didn't look happy despite the grin on his face. I quickly darted into the woods after the other two. 

I ran like my life depended on it, which as far as I'm concerned it did, and caught up to the duo. Blue was patting Lust's back as the sassy skeleton was a bit hunched over. I lightly pushed them so they can at least keep moving.

As we entered the thick of it I had them step off to the side and we hid in the greenery. I leaned against a tree and closed my eyes focusing on my breathing. In and out. Breath in, hold, let it out. 

"Dear, are you ok? We need to know what's going on." Lust said a bit breathless as he had a hand to his heaving chest.

"I know, I know, it's just hard to explain. Ok so... we know how Nightmare and Dream are like right?" I asked and Swap nodded.

"Right, so this has to do with them?" Lust gave Swap a look when he heard that.

"Swap, we faced a Dream with wings. I'm pretty sure it involves them." I nodded with what Lust said.

"Yeah, I'm a bit mixed up but there's two... three... alternative versions that I know of and the one we saw is one of two possibilities."


"Swap you know there are multiple versions of you out there, Nightmare and Dream are no different. But yeah. I know of two versions that have wings. One au is called Dreamswap and the other is called Swapdream. One is pretty bad compared to the other. I'm pretty sure Swapdream was the bad one, he has different colored eyes so I'm guessing it's that one." I really didn't know what to do. This was not something I was prepared for. Do I fear him? Was he stronger than me?

"So what do we do?" Swap asked and I just slowly shook my head.

"I...don't know." Swap blinked at me hearing my response.

"What do you mean? You don't know..."

"I mean I have no idea. I'm trying to not yell right now since we're supposed to be hiding from that... psycho." Swap looked a bit unsure with my word choice for the flying figure.

"I'm sure he's not-"

"He is as far as I'm aware and I'd rather treat him like a threat and be wrong then not and end up regretting it." 

"Well, what do we do?" Swap asked.

"I'm not sure. I think-"

"Shh!" Lust suddenly was in front of us and covered our mouths. I would've protested but then I heard it. Wing flaps. I immediately stayed still looking alarmed. Swap also was looking up and stayed quiet. It was a tense moment.

We heard the sounds of wings before a sudden thud, he landed somewhere. I swear I could hear the sound of humming as he went along, looking for us. I did not want to know what he would do if he found us and closed my eyes to remain calm. We heard leaves rustling as he made he way closer and closer. 

It sounded like he was on the other side of the tree I was pressing myself on. I felt a chill go through me and was ready to attack if I had to. To my relief he moved on without pause to continue his search. 

"Where did they go? I doubt they went too far into the woods... well they were running from me. Hehe." I didn't move, my breathing was slow and he went further and further humming away his tune. Eventually there was silence and I opened my eyes seeing nothing different. The greenery around us was still present, Swap and Lust were staring ahead of themselves trying to remain calm, the birds were silent though.

It wasn't safe here. I wasn't sure if trying to teleport again would help since the action makes noise or Swapdream could sense it. I had no idea how he worked. Slowly I got to my feet and peeked around my current shield, nothing. I looked over to the other two with a nod and realized an issue. Lust wasn't a runner. I didn't want that winged monster to even touch him. 

"Swap, can you carry Lust?" I asked quietly keeping my attention to my surroundings.

"I'm pretty strong Error, it won't be an issue." I heard a bit of shuffling, Swap reassuring Lust, and him stepping up next to me. I glanced over seeing Lust on Swap's back. Just to feel a bit better I wrapped my strings around them keeping Lust secured on Swap. 

Now we had to leave. The woods wasn't safe. I would have summoned a blaster head to cover more ground but these woods were too cluttered. I gestured Swap to go and he ran ahead back the way we came. 

A lot of back and forth but there wasn't much else we could do. Out the woods and through the field. The nice scenery was like a mockery of the current situation. 

Wing flaps.

I summoned a pair of sharp bones and glanced back. Swapdream had spotted us. And was closing distance fast. I turned and used my bones to block his swing.


"Go!" I ordered and engaged in combat with 'Dream'. He had an advantage, being more mobile than myself. I only had the goal of holding off Swapdream as long as I could. 

His weapon was quite deadly. Well I could say that about any weapon but this was a different case. His lightning shaped double daggers were a bit intimidating up close. I noticed my hoodie was no longer with him which was upsetting since I was hoping to get that back. 

I used blasters to push him back and bones to defend myself. 

"Come on now Error, you know you can't keep up forever." 

"I'm pretty sure I can." I muttered as I grabbed him with strings and slammed him down to the ground. The peaceful looking environment was getting damaged. I released him and hurried off to catch up to the other two. I didn't see them anywhere. Did they find a hiding spot? 

I felt a force hit my back and groaned as I hit the ground. Swapdream was already at me again.

"You're a fighter I'll give you that."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically as I hit the ground and moved summoning a bone to shoot up and hit him off me. I turned over and saw Swapdream coming at me with his weapon raised. I didn't notice the ground under me shifting.

Before I could act I felt my body falling and saw Swapdream completely miss me, going over me as I fell. Was this a portal?

I fell and hit a hard surface with a groan before hearing voices.


"Hun, are you ok?!" 

"Swap? Lust?" I groaned out seeing my travel companions above me and an unfamiliar ceiling. 

"Yeah, it's us," Swap said as he helped me sit up.

"What happened? Where are we?" I asked and was met with silence.

"Uh... we're not sure." Lust said before continuing. "We kinda just ended up here."


"That would be my doing." I heard I looked towards the voice. Dream again. I quickly was on guard and was ready to attack until he held up my hoodie. 

"I'm not your enemy, this is yours yes?" He was definitely more calm and taller than Swapdream was. I eyed him as I approached. He was relaxed as I cautiously reached out and took back the jacket. He didn't stop me as I did, just observed me.

His eyes weren't mismatched and he said a serious expression. I saw his gaze focus on the marks on my arms and face and how I was... different than what he was used to.

"You're not from here. I'm aware of this fact. I simply wanted to help you get away from that nuisance you were dealing with." He said. I noticed the others that were with him in the background but returned to my group. Swap spoke up.

"Well, thank you for helping us uh... Dream?" He sounded really unsure but the taller skeleton nodded.

"Dreamswap to be exact but yes, I am Dream. Pleased to meet you."

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