131 - A Light Place pt.4

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Author's note: If I get something wrong about a character I'm sorry, you've been warned though. That's all.

"Swap... speak. Before I ask Lust to." I was on Swap's case pretty fast. His behavior was noticeable and something was definitely up. Lust looked around the room while listening to the conversation, not like he had much of a choice.

"Well, it's just we had a run in with the other me- wait! Before you do anything!" Swap said quickly as I got up to my feet. I huffed before sitting back down. Lust was in a seat with his legs crossed looking rather relaxed. 

"Speak." I said resting my head in my hand.

"Right, well other me said some... weird things." 

"Weird how?" I asked raising a bone brow. Weird could mean anything.

"He was asking if I was faking... what happened between us... and weird questions like that. I think he did something to this au's version of you. He was just really weird about it. I don't like it." 

I stared for a bit. He was vague about what Blue said but it was probably for the best since I didn't need the whole story. A few words were enough for me to dislike someone greatly. It was getting late and we needed to rest before we could attempt to head back. I didn't want to stay here longer than I needed to.

The room we were allowed to rest in was pretty spacious.

Lust crashed on the large sofa after I tossed a blanket on him when I noticed he was dozing. He wasn't used to this kind of stiff so him being tired didn't surprise me. Swap was fighting sleep since I was still awake myself. He wanted to stand guard and watch over us but I eased him to lay down for a bit and he fell asleep on the bed. 

I made sure both were asleep before I left the room. The halls were quiet as I wandered. It was almost eerie how similar this place was the Nightmare's domain, of course not with the heavy atmosphere and darker setting that I'm used to. I was just walking with no real set destination but just went where I felt was the best. 

Hearing my own steps was something I was used to so when I heard another set I was immediately on edge. I didn't stop walking however and kept my gaze forward. 

After a bit I knew whoever was following me was aware that I wasn't oblivious to them.

"What, you gonna just ignore me?" It was Blue. Great.

"Did I ever show interest in acknowledging you?" I asked in return as I walked. Blue wasn't a fan of that.

My instincts kicked up and I tilted my body a bit avoiding some strings. My eyelights focused on the thin lines before I grabbed them. I tugged quite harshly as I turn around grabbing Blue by his collar. 

He looked surprised, good.

"Listen here, to me you're just an abomination, I don't need you around. However I'm playing nice for the sake of my companions. That being said I will turn you into a pile of broken nothing if you ever try putting ideas in Swap's head. He's been through enough and doesn't need a discounted version of him ruining his day. Are we clear? Yes? Good." I didn't wait for a response as I pushed him away from me rubbing my hand on my jacket like touching him disgusted me. 

"Who do you-" I cut him off as something crossed my mind.

"Oh right, if you try to do that little string trick to me again then I'll show you how it's really done. Those were weak if anything, don't test my limited patience." 

"What? Is that a threat or a promise?"

"That depends, do you feel threatened?" I asked giving him.a lazed looked and he answered sharply.

"No." I grinned at his response.

"Then it's a promise." There was a tense moment were we were staring at each other. Blue looking less than pleased while I looked the opposite. I wanted to harm him, I wouldn't lie about that, but there was no benefit in it. Not yet anyways. I turned and walked away.

"Have a good night Blue. If you want to fight someone, maybe go for someone at your level." I said in my normal tone as a parting. Was I being a bit cocky? A little but I trusted my abilities, especially when I wanted to put someone in their place. 

I've also had time to calm down too so my mind was much sharper. I would be lying if I said I wasn't itching to toss someone into a wall but that was the monster side talking mainly.

Up a set of stairs I went, planning on just heading back to the room. Of course I couldn't have it that easy. I felt an odd feeling crawl up as I got closer to the room. It happened fast too. 

My vision got blocked for a second and I swung my elbow back hitting someone. At first I thought it was Blue trying to fight but I heard unfamiliar voice. I was caught off guard and felt a blow to the back of my skull that threw me for a loop. I was unstable and collapsed slowly going into unconsciousness. The last thing I heard was someone calling someone else an idiot before I was lifted.






I woke up to a raging headache. I was prepared to cause problems until I heard talking.

"You guys are idiots. Why did you kidnap-" the first voice was cut off by another speaking defensively.

"Hey we thought it was you."

"So you would've knocked me out?!"

"I panicked! I didn't want Dream to hear us." A different voice said.

"Oh my god... Last time I go anywhere without saying something." I heard the first voice groan in disappointment. 

I could feel I was in a chair. I wasn't blinded but I was a bit restricted. How annoying on top of listening to three voices arguing about what's happening. 

I rose my head seeing this version of Nightmare, Cross, and Error. Not a fan. I was extremely uncomfortable seeing another version of myself, I could feel my glitches buzzing over the idea and getting out of or rid of this situation. Seeing another me felt wrong but it's not like I was the original. Well on second thought I am the original of my multiverse if I really wanted to think about the matter. 

"He's awake," A forth voice said. I instantly corrected like it was habit.

"They, not he," I said and looked over seeing someone I wasn't expecting but probably should have. Nightmare, Swapdream Nightmare to be exact. There was one Nightmare, who was Dreamswap with a large crescent weapon, passive colored hood, and an aura that was less serious than I was ok with. The other Nightmare looked tired, a long hooded coat, darker colors, more serious over all, and a cigarette, or something similar, in his mouth. 

At the moment everyone was looking at me while I was looking unimpressed with my predicament.

"Uh... hi. Um you might have questions. I'm-"

"I know who you are along with the two other stooges with you. Plus the other skeleton." I cut off the other me. 

"Wait why isn't he a stooge also?" Cross said gesturing to the other Nightmare who narrowed his gaze in annoyance.

"I know he's not affiliated with you, he's sitting away from you guys and definitely has a different vibe. That being said, what's the deal? You know exactly who I'm talking about." I saw Night, Swapdream Nightmare's nickname, straighten up and remove his cigarette.

"I'm not entirely sure. One moment I was fighting and the next thing I know we ended up here. My guess is a magic surge or something. I just want to go home but Dream wanted to 'try his luck' here. A pain really. I saw you and your companions were attacked before meeting these guys. I'm sorry about that by the way."

"It's not your fault." I reassured him that he didn't need to apologize for something out of his control.

"Why are you so relaxed right now? Shouldn't you be freaking out?" The other Nightmare asked catching the attention of Night and myself.

"Why?" We asked at the same time. Night gestured to me. 

"It's clear different versions of us exist and I'm pretty sure they could break out if they wanted."

"It's true, I could. But I'm still tired. I don't consider being knocked out properly sleeping, though properly sleep isn't a normal thing for me. But I do have two others I left behind so I need to go back to them." I thought about something and glanced at Night. 

"I could probably send you and your brother back to your au if I can find it and somehow get Dream to go in there."

"You can?"

"I can make portals and I'm itching to use force if necessary. I'm not sure about this Error but I believe I'm capable enough. It could be a similar situation where something needs to happen to fill a requirement. It's a whole thing, don't ask."

"So, what does that mean?" Night asked.

"Do you remember where you showed up?"

"I know the general area if that helps?"

"It does, I can probably find something." I let out a yawn and glanced at the bonds at my arms. Before I could act Night reached over with his sword and cut me free. 

"Hey, they were our captive." I heard one of the three protest as I crossed my legs and rubbed at my arms checking myself. No damage to me, good enough.

"Not much of a captive when it was a mistake on your end." Night muttered as he slouched a bit obviously wishing he was anywhere else.

"You lucky I'm playing nice because if I was here by myself I would have done something. That's not me making empty threats, I'm just saying things would be different if I didn't have others here." 

"So what exactly is your plan... uh other me?" I stopped for a second, hearing the other Error, not feeling a pleasant feeling from that but brushed it off.

"In daylight I will go with Night to his arrival location, open the way home, bait Dream through it, close it once they're both through, get my companions, then go home." I explained.

At the very least Lust and Swap would be safe and hopefully I can be quick enough to return before they notice.

Second author's note: Swapdream Nightmare looks really cool.

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