136 - Easy and Tough Spats

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"Did you really need me to figure that out? You can sense negativity just fine like you have before," I said as I stepped through a portal with Nightmare. I didn't want to get pulled through darkness again. Too much makes me feel nauseous.

"It was multiple spots and assistance was greatly appreciated." He said strolling passed me ignoring my annoyed look. He didn't need my help.

"Coffee?" He asked and I drooped a bit before following him.

"Sure. Sounds good." In the kitchen we both decided to ignore the knife that was currently sticking out, stuck in a cabinet door. Killer's been around for sure. I sat down as Nightmare made the coffee. It was peaceful. We didn't have to really talk much to feel comfortable. Despite his overpowered heavy presence it just reminded me of a weighted blanket. The weight reminded me that I wasn't on my own. I blame Horror for that feeling.

As I waited I let my thoughts drift. My current thoughts thos time around were about my own age. I remember how old I was when I died as a human, I think, but after that I wasn't really sure. I have no idea how much time went by when I first arrived and stayed in the Anti-Void. Time wasn't really a thing there. I've also been through a lot from then to now so at least a considerable amount of time has passed already.

How old was I? How old was Error? Did his age add to my human age? Was it a complete reset back to zero when I showed up here? Is time the same here and in my old world? Did no time pass, a few minutes, a few days, months, years-

"Error." I blinked and noticed a mug in front of me. Nightmare was looking at me waiting for me to respond.

"Oh, thank you." He nodded and took his seat nearby but not directly next to me.

"You were stuck in your head for a bit. Mind sharing?" He asked looking at me for a moment before bringing his gaze to his drink.

"Just thinking about something that never crossed my mind. My age."

"Oh. Really?" 

"Yeah, it's not something I really kept track of so... thats a fun thought. I could mess with people and they wouldn't know." I could say my age was whatever and no one would really know if I was telling the truth.

"Of course you would find a way to mess with others."

"Please, you act like I mess with people on a regular." 

Nightmare just hummed but didn't answer as he drank his coffee. I also sipped mine since it was still pretty hot, it tasted just as I liked it. 

"You do know I will string you up if you tell anybody what you saw."

"You can try, I welcome it." I felt my eye twitch hearing his response.

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"You don't know that."

"I do."

"...you're cheating," I said after remembering what he could do.

"I'm using my resources naturally. That's not my fault."

I just narrowed my gaze and turned away sipping my drink. The back and forth wasn't going to go anywhere anyways and it was better to stop it rather than drag it on. By the time I was about three quarters of the way through my drink Killer decided to make his appearance. 

"Killer, stop leaving your knives everywhere." Nightmare said immediately cause Killer to jump a bit.

"Wow boss not even a friendly 'hello'? You wound me truly." He was quick to notice both of our annoyed looks and chuckled nervously before getting the knife that was stuck it the cabinet. 

"But I hear you loud and clear, no need to repeat yourself."


"Seriously watch your stuff. One day Gradient is going to get cut from it." I said also having my reasons for being annoyed.

"What and you wont?" Killer asked me as he spun the knife he just retrieved.

"If I hurt myself accidentally then I'll blame myself. If Gradient got hurt, I'm blaming you. See the difference." I glitched a bit and he pocketed his blade.

"Messaged received, I'll be careful." Killer said before turning to leave. I went to take another drink of my coffee, a mistake on my part.

"Oh by the way that Underfell version of us is here." I almost choked on my coffee, coughing and sputtering a bit. As I hunched over covering my mouth Nightmare stood up with a sigh.

"And you didn't start with that?"

"I forgot! My bad." 

I grabbed a napkin cleaning up my mess. I waved off Nightmare when I some him walk towards me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Ugh that was unexpected. Why is the red mess here?" I said still not the biggest fan of Underfell Sans.

"Well, funny you say that, he's currently a mess," Killer said and I froze for a second.

"Wait, what?" 

Nightmare and me followed Killer and we ended up in the main room. I spotted Red and he looked like he's seen better days. Hunched over on the couch, face in his hands, and Cross was sitting by him patting his back.

"Yikes, what happened?" I asked Killer.

"A fight with his brother."

"Ah, say no more," I said understanding the situation better. Underfell was pretty harsh but I knew the brothers cared for each other. However, this must of been a pretty bad fight if he decided that he should come here of all place. 

"Ok... this is something..." I muttered and Nightmare placed his hand on my shoulder for a moment before stepping ahead of me.

"How about you sit this one out Error." He said, not suggested.

"What? Why?" 

"You can go talk to his brother instead. Or at least check on him. I've already dragged you to different aus today, you need a break from me." 

"Making yourself sound like a burden. Fine. Whatever. I'll check on Fell." I huffed a bit before opening a portal under me and dropping through into a darker terrain. I ended up in Waterfall instead of the outskirts of the snowy town. Not bad but I was just used to ending up there instead. 

Now here I had to refrain from just killing any monster that approached me to fight since I wasn't in the mood and killing them would be much faster. However I did used a few to tell me where Papyrus would be located. It's was pretty easy to get information out of monsters when their head was being threatened under the weight of my foot followed by the rest of my body if I didn't hear what I wanted. 

I was walking through the Underground with ease only dealing with a few stubborn individuals before hearing Papyrus in the distance. I wandered over and saw Papyrus talking with Undyne. She was clad in armor and seemed, well like Undyne. I waited, out of her view, until they finished talking. Once she left and Papyrus faced me I gave a mocking salute.


"Error?! What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Rude off the bat. Honestly I shouldn't expected it. Well you know me, going here and there doing whatever. Speaking of doing whatever, not a good segway, what's up with you and you're brother?"


"And don't try to play dumb, act coy, brush me off, or yada yada. I might like you but I will use threats if necessary since this au is full of hard heads, except a given few but still. So either start talking or meet the ground. Take your pick."

Fell Papyrus just looked agitated and I rose a bone brow waiting for him to make his choice. He grumbled a response before crossing his arms.

"How much do you know?" 

"Just that you fought. Nothing more. I'm not here to point fingers or chose sides. Just here to check on your mental state if anything. So with that being said, have you gotten your shit together or do you need some more time?" He stiffened up and stepped forward like he wanted to fight.

"How dare you-"

"Oh spare me! You're a big boy you can handle it."

"You can't talk to me like this!"

"I'm pretty sure I can." I said before dodging a bone that came flying at me. 

"...I'm going to ignore that one. Fell, come on, it's just me. I'm not going to go around seeing anything knowing how much you value your reputation."

"You don't know anything!" He grabbed at my collar and now I looked agitated. 

"I know enough. Like how you must be still in your head since, in your normal state, you would know this doesn't work on me like it does others." I flicked my hand out and strings came up behind him yanking him back and a bit downwards. I fixed my clothing ignoring his struggles until I was satisfied.

"Now then where we're we? Right, you were going to start talking. " I said with a smirk. Eventually after a long fit of angry silence he did spill the beans.

He was just concerned for his brother since he was not a strong monster, health wise. Sure he was physically strong and could fight but if all it took was a good hit then that was it. Papyrus knows his is capable being seeing other versions of themselves, of his brother, really changed his view of their own strengths. Papyrus has been training more and trying to get Sans to do the same. He pushed a bit too hard, hurtful words were said, and that leads to now. 

I listened to everything he said, understanding where he's coming from. I didn't say my own opinions and just listened since he didn't need that. Once he was finished I freed him.

"There, was that so hard?" I asked and he grumbled.

"Well... what do I do? Because I'm not apologizing for my reasons."

"Oh, yeah no don't apologize for that but apologize for the hurtful things said. You didn't mean it and you know how much he cares about your views. You've been through a lot, this is just another hurdle to get over. You can figure out the rest, you're smart." I gave my two cents and headed off once Papyrus decided to March off towards his home. Either to find his brother or do something else. 

I also went back to the domain to see how things were going. Once I got there Nightmare and Red were no where to be seen. I'm guessing they went somewhere since Cross and Killer were still present.

"So, how'd it go?" I asked and Cross looked over.

"Fine. For the most part. Red vented, a lot a yelling. He was pretty drained by the end and Nightmare took him to talk privately."

"Sounds about right. Wanna watch Undernovela?" I asked as I sat down on the couch. Killer quickly joined grabbing the remote as Cross took up an arm chair also wanting to watch. A decent way to end the day in my opinion. It was still early but I wasn't going to do anything else today. I needed just entertainment.

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