144 - Burnt Sugar

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I had wandered into a random Undertale au. Completely normal, no changes, constant resets, no alternative versions. Just normal. It's been awhile since I just saw a normal, basic, Undertale au. Even the au that has been determined as Classic's au at least reached the point where the resets weren't needed anymore. They were fine.

I almost forgot that I wasn't alone.

"So... why are we here?" Dream asked which dragged my attention to him. He was relatively quiet at the moment but usually his bright presence was a constant reminder of his existence. Chances were that I just couldn't really feel anything or that Dream was just feeling a bit meh himself.

Regardless he asked a question and I still haven't responded.

"You're here because you followed me. I'm here for my own reasons," I said glancing back at the brighter skeleton for a moment. It was a complete lie, I had no reason. He didn't need to know my intentions, or lack there of.

"What? No clues?" Dream asked. I didn't respond and I heard him sigh after a bit. I couldn't tell what kind of sigh it was.

"You know, I forget that I don't need to be a constant reminder to Ink when we decide to go and do something." He sounded like he was referring to Ink's overall attention span.

"Why would you forget that? I'm not Ink." I just heard Dream hum in acknowledgement. I noticed we were nearing the Hotland area. I could only really tell because of the temperature's slow increase. I couldn't tell on sight since a rocky wall was still a rocky wall.

"I know! It's just... habit I guess," Dream said and picked up his pace a bit to catch up with me. I opened up a screen and decide to check on the au anyways. If there was an issue then I'll deal with it now.

"Gah!" I heard before feeling Dream collide into my back. I stumbled but managed to not fall.

"Dream!" My voice glitched a bit.

"Sorry! Sorry, I tripped!" Dream tried explaining himself as we separated and I gave him a slight glare.

"Seriously, how have you been a threat to Nightmare before?" I said trying to keep my agitation low.

"Hey." Dream sounded offended but huffed as he fixed himself. I rolled my eyelights and turned away to continue looking at the screens I had opened up.

My face suddenly scrunched, not because of something I read. A scent caught me off guard.

It smelled like burnt sugar. I would've said something but a feeling was telling me not to. I continued to look at the data of the au trying to ignore to scent that sudden made itself aware to me. There was nothing really wrong with the smell but it was very out of place.

I glanced over at Dream as he wandered ahead of nr looking around with interest. I had a feeling that I didn't like. I closed the screens and groaned a bit.

"Well this was a waste."

"What? What's wrong?" Dream asked and I just shook my head.

"Nothing is wrong. That's the thing. No issues means I have no reason to be here. Today really just feels slow. Let's go." I opened up a portal back to the Doodle-Sphere and gestured for him to go in first. He went through and I followed after him.

The scent just got stronger.

I spotted Ink was sitting a bit away looking at some aus that were together. I walked over once I saw Dream looking over at some other ones.

"What are you doing?" I asked once I was close enough.

"Hmm? Oh you're back! So soon? What am I doing- oh, I'm just looking at some of these aus. I could've sworn I had some of these somewhere else.... hmm I'm not good at keeping track of where I put these. As long as they're here it's fine. Anyways, why are you back?" He seemed a bit scattered but put together, nothing new.

"Ink, I think you should stay out of the Doodle-Sphere for a bit."


"Wait, hear me out. I just think that if there is an entity going around then it would be easier to know where they're going if your not constant moving these things around. Maybe we'll see a pattern or have an idea of where they're going. Just for a few days."

"I don't know Error. That seems a bit risky." Ink sounded unsure but he body language seemed relaxed.

"It'll only be for a bit. If a mess happens I'll help fix it."

"Hmm... ok. I'll give this idea a try." Ink agreed and I felt a bit better.

"Good, take Dream with you. See ya around." I didn't let Ink question my words as I opened a portal under myself and fell through.

I left quickly mainly because of Dream. I didn't want him to pick up on my emotions. I landed in the main room of Nightmare's domain and heard a sound of surprise.

"Oh, there you are." I looked over seeing a familiar skeleton.

"Ah, Scoundrel. It's been awhile."

"Yeah well I'm a busy guy. I'm just here for a break."

"You came to the domain of the king of negativity for a break?" I pointed out how that sounded and he chuckled.

"Crazy right? Anyways Horror is making something so... just waiting for that." I perked up a bit hearing that Horror was making food. He didn't often but I enjoyed when he did.

"Oh, I'll pop by later for that then. I need to do something first." I waved at Scoundrel as I headed up. I wanted to talk to Nightmare, if I could find him. I took a pit stop to my room and still smelt that burnt sugar smell. I was confused about where it was coming from, even smelling myself and taking off my jacket.

There was a dark smudge on the fur of my hood. I must've rubbed up against something. It's what the smell was coming from.

How odd.

I put my jacket down and didn't think much of it before going off. I needed to find Nightmare.

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