146 - Troubling West

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Either I've just been more expressive lately or others got very good at reading me. I apparently couldn't hide a disturbed look on my face. Upon returning I was asked if I was ok by the others in Nightmare's domain. When I asked for clarification I was told I looked a certain way. Annoyed, disturbed, bothered, anything along those lines.

Nightmare however revealed something.

Like anyone else he asked what was up with me and I told him it wasn't anything to worry about yet. But then I asked.

"So what about you? You kinda hurried off there." I did as well but he left faster.

"I felt a negativity spike. It was odd since it was so extreme."

"Really? What happened?"

"Not sure since it just went away. However, it's probably because my brother got there first. He managed to calm things down. I suppose I should've expected as much. He tends to use his positivity to help if he can. Even when he doesn't need to."

"Ah good. Did you see anything else?"

"No. With my brother there it was hard to sense anything else. But I'll definitely keep an eye out in that area." He answered my question.

"Hmm, ok." I brushed off the conversation and didn't think about it until a red flag suddenly made itself very known to me.

"Wait... you said your brother was there?" I asked unsure if I heard correctly.

"Yes. Dream. Why?" He asked.

"That's... that's not possible."

"What do you mean?"

"I went to Underswap when you left and he showed up there because of Swap's distress. He even said that's what he sensed. There's no way he could've been in two places at once." I explained and Nightmare stared, taking in the information.

"Are you sure it was Dream?"

"Yes, he helped give me a bit of a boost after I fixed up my issue. Unless he came to me after he was with you?"

"I don't believe so. He was in no rush with me... now that I think about it he seemed relaxed, not bubbly or any form of energetic. He didn't greet me as he usually does now a days. I figured it was because of the issue but now..." Nightmare trailed off letting his thoughts go.

"We probably have two Dreams running around. Who's to say either we saw is even the real one." I said after a bit.

We both fell into silence. A certain dread was definitely in my core. I've gotten used to one Dream which was tricky on its own. So far I've met two more. One that I didn't like that could fly and another that I did like that also could fly. What more was there? Was it even a different Dream? What if it was just a normal Dream just from different au that didn't belong?

I knew that there were different versions of me but I never actively tried to seek them out. I would have no idea if they would be a different version of me or a different version of just Error. Plus I've met one and that was enough for me.

Then I remembered what I went through. With the glitches, the console, and Underswap.

The intruder and this possible other Dream weren't the same beings.

Dream and Nightmare couldn't exactly ruin an au the same way myself and Ink were able to. Even though Ink can create he was still very much capable of the opposite if he decided to alter things.

"We won't tell the others. Not yet," Nightmare said getting my attention back.

"Any particular reason?"

"I don't want Dream, either one, to be alerted. If the imposter is hostile then I'd rather catch them off guard instead of having them aware that we're suspicious. Understand?"

"Hmm, yeah. I understand." I nodded getting his point. Then an idea hit me.

"Just real quick, did you happen to smell something around the Dream you were with?"

"Smell?" He sounded perplexed but took the time to think and give a response. "Just an overly sweet scent and I figured he was just baking with the other stars."

"Burnt sugar?" I threw out there and he shrugged before giving a nod.

"Essentially." That was a good enough sign for me. Burnt sugar would be associated with the possible fake Dream.

"Ok. Just checking." Now I had to find that intruder. Wherever they went.

One issue at a time.







It's took weeks. Weeks before anything happened.

Ink returned to the Doodle-Sphere a good while ago and saw nothing off with the aus. I told him about what happened with Underswap and he started taking his guardian position a bit more seriously. He wouldn't hop around and just stayed in the Doodle-Sphere watching over the aus for anything.

I thought he would've stopped at one point, a few days at least, but he didn't. It was surprising. I was actually concerned a bit and had Gradient at least visit him to kept his mind from losing it.

I never really visited myself since I didn't want to get pulled into something. Or argue with Ink.

One day thpugh Ink actually left the Doodle-Sphere looking for me. He noticed something weird with one of the special aus and decided it was enough to look into. Of course I went back with him and Gradient was already waiting. I didn't bother telling him that he couldn't or could go. I wasn't leaving him here with unknown factors around the multiverse.

Into the au we went.

It was the western one. I haven't really bothered visiting the special aus after going through them once. I probably should but there was no time to really think about it.

"Woah, our clothes changed just like... uh that one au with Geno," Gradient said and I looked over seeing him dressed differently.

"These aus seem to change our appearance to whatever would suit us best for its setting. Very useful but there might be a possibility of another you running around so... yeah." Ink explained as I opened a screen to try and figure out what was the issue.

It was a bit tricky.

I just straggled from behind as they other two made it out of the mine shaft we arrived in. Like last time.

"Any luck?" Ink asked and I shook my head while adjusting the hat on my head as we stepped out into the dry heat.

"No, these aus are so tricky at times." I huffed and felt a shift of magic. I looked at Gradient and saw his green colored screen. I honestly forgot he could do that.

"Seems fine to me. Uh these three points are us... there's two other points nearby... there's a well down there... I see what I think is a town and... you're both staring at me." Gradient said looking at Ink and me.

"Oh don't mind us. Just watching you use your powers," Ink said and I nodded.

We didn't even walk far before seeing the two dots in the shade around a corner. Horses. Ink was immediately stoke and wasted no time trying to get on one of them. I looked at Gradient's screen, nothing seemed off but the best bet in finding something would probably that town he spotted.

"Gradient go ride with Ink." I said after a bit.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because he has confidence and I'd rather not have you ride with me when I'm not used to it." I gestured him off as I approached the other horse.

It took a bit since I had to muster up the courage to even touch the large creature. Once I figured out how to actually get on I felt no better or worst. Ink came up, Gradient in front of him, and had to get me to actually hold on properly before we headed off. Ink didn't run off to my relief and my horse seemed content just following Ink's speed.

To the town we go.

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