159 - Resurfaced Thoughts

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My old home. I was back breathing the familiar air, hearing the familiar sounds, grounded by reality.

I felt a wash of nostalgia go through me that was followed by a crash of dread, like a sudden wave hitting calm waters. After concluding that I wasn't going to throw up, I was up on my feet running my hand through my hair.

It was so weird having hair on my head again. It was a bit messy and I barely smoothed it out before looking around. It was the same scenery I would've seen from time to time.

"The source of the problem is somewhere here. The sooner we find it the soon we can leave," I said more than eager to go home. Not here, back in Nightmare's domain.

"Will you be ok?" Gaster asked and I nodded.

"I'll live. I just need to... adjust." I felt my hand trailing up as I remembered the moments before my end. My hand clenched into a fist to stop my actions.

It really was a case of unfortunate timing. If I had left the area earlier, if I had stayed home, if I had just paid attention... But at the same time, if I had the choice to avoid my death or face it again... to fall, to meet Error, to go through everything once more...

A touch on my shoulder brought me out of it. Looking over to the touch, the hand belonged to Nightmare. Even though I'm almost certain our powers were scrambled or just none existent since reality doesn't let us have nice things, he can still sense my mood.

I was grateful.

I took a breath and faced the rest.

"I'm not going to sugarcoat it, I have no idea what's going to happen. I will be lying if we see anyone that knows me since I doubt saying I died and am just chilling as a magical skeleton will fly here."

"I mean I wasn't believing you were going to tell the truth brah. Why are you telling us?" Fresh inquired as his gaze wandered a bit.

"I'm telling you because I don't trust you won't say something for your own amusement," I said, pointing to him to show I really meant it believing he would do something.

"Brah, cold."

"Any ideas of where to go?" Gaster asked and I thought about it.

"Well if it's a rift I would assume that the issue would be where I met my end since that's the moment where I crossed over," I guessed. It was all I really had.

"Error, you've been around us... me for a long time. If that was the answer then why hasn't it been a problem sooner?" Nightmare asked. He didn't have a point but it really could just be a time thing. I'm pretty sure I was Error for years, many years. But that didn't mean time here passed the same way.

"I don't know, it's just an idea." I shrugged.

"Well, while we look I can assure you we'll be able to come up with a cover story. So, excuse this question but how did you die exactly?" Gaster asked. I grimaced, the details were faint but I knew it.

"Yeah... ok. I was out one evening, or night, whatever. I was out, I was at a bridge. I wasn't doing anything, just having a moment to myself thinking about things. I heard running I believe... I didn't pay attention to it. I should've." I was naive then, hearing running shouldn't been a red flag for me but I assumed nothing from it. I continued recalling the events of that day.

"Some crazed man was running from a cop, used me as a hostage. They had a knife. The details are a bit fuzzy but I remember the cop shot. It definitely either hit the man or missed since that blade definitely sliced my neck. I just remembered my body getting pulled, maybe that cop's shot did land and it cause that man to pull me while that blade was at my neck. Anyways, I remember just falling and then crashing into the water. I couldn't really doing anything, blood was leaving, I was stunned, I was drowning. I faded."

I explained it to the best of my abilities. I felt weight on shoulders. Fresh had latched himself behind me with his head on my head.


"Shush. I'm not harming ya. I can feel upset too you know." Fresh said, his tone a bit more serious than what I was used to.

"Ok, give Error their space. The least we can doing is walk towards that bridge and they can't do that with you hanging off them." Gaster seemed to lighten up the mood which just made me remember something.

"Ugh, ok. We need to do something about your names. As much as I care for you guys I really can't call you by your names in front of people." I said realizing that their names were a bit too unique here and I didn't need more attention than what I was probably going to get.

"Ooh! Can I be Michael? Wait, no, Christopher or Daniel. Mmm... Jacob? Nicholas? Joseph? Andrew? Nah I think I'm viking with a J name. I feel like I'd be a Joshua," Fresh said listing many names, turning his head so his cheek was pressed on my head. I looked confused and shrugged, squirming a bit to see if Fresh would loosen up, he didn't.

"Hey just pick what you feel like. I'll only call you a different name in front of others." I didn't know why he seemed excited over a name but I wouldn't rain on his parade. Yet.

"We'll figure it out if it comes to it," I heard from Nightmare.

"Hmm, I believe my professional title will definitely help. I'll handle the story to tell others, let's walk," Gaster said and got me walking with a slight push. Fresh got off me as Gaster had suggested and Nightmare walked next to me. I wandered to a path and followed it to leave the park.

Time to walk down memory lane.

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