164 - Déjà vu

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It took some time for Gaster and Fresh to finally leave the house and meet up with Nightmare and me. I have no idea what they might have spoken about with my parents and I had no need to really ask. I felt like it would be for the best if I let that private conversation stay as that, private.

With that little detour done with we were back on our main objective. The bridge. The rift had to be there, it was the only place I could think of. I doubt it was a visible thing since I'm sure people would've noticed and I would've heard something from somebody. Probably. I don't know, it's just a guess at this point.

Returning to my old living space did help jog my memories so I knew exactly which way I had to go.

"Some of your behaviors certainly make more sense now Error." I heard Gaster say and I brought my gaze back towards him.

"Is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I'll let you come to that conclusion on your own." Gaster said looking amusing as I looked a bit annoyed.

"So helpful. Thanks." I said sarcastically. I knew he meant no harm by it and just let it go.

It didn't take long for Fresh to lose interest in simply walking.

Fresh had wandered ahead of the group after about a couple of blocks, humming and looking around to his heart's content. He seemed to have made a game out of his decision. I noticed he would try and stay ahead but of course that meant he couldn't look back and know which way he should be going.

Basically he was trying to guess the correct way to go without asking for help. Either going straight or turning. I've learned to just stop questioning him from time to time. Makes life easier for me that's for sure.

The overall walk was pretty uneventful and straightforward. We trekked by shops and buildings, crossed streets, talked and observed, the usual things one would do just walking. Once we started walking along side a river I knew we were close.

I saw the bridge. It was the exact same as I last saw it. Not all that big but not tiny like something one would find in a park. The metal beams that made up it's framing was slightly discolored with spots of chipped paint but that didn't make it look ugly by any true means.

I walked along with my hand on the railing as we started making our way across it. As we neared the middle I felt a shift in the air, like a crackle of electricity. It made goosebumps shudder up my arms, so weird to have that kind of feeling again.

The rift was definitely here. I wasn't the only one that could feel it. Nightmare's visible eye looked less natural bright in hue and more like the unnatural color and intensity I was used to.

So now that we were here the only thing left to do was to figure out how to close it up and also where it was.

"It should be near, you guys can feel it as well right?" I asked outloud just to make sure I wasn't assuming anything.

"Oh definitely brah, it's totally giving off a weird energy a kinda vibe with," Fresh said and that only would've been enough to convince me but I wanted to hear from the other two as well.

"Not how I would word it but yes, I feel it too," Nightmare confirmed agreeing with Fresh. I saw Gaster nod as he was more interested in feeling the air, literally. He had his hand up and was moving it around like he was guiding himself.

"Such a strange occurrence. As a man of science I could probably stay here for hours studying this kind of energy. It's like there's a static pull but it's not affecting anything of this world. I'm fairly certain if other humans could feel what we were now, this bridge would be closed off. Humans, and monsters as well, do tend to let intrusive thoughts make their decisions for them at times. Though I guess that would be more of an impulsive thought since you would actually have to think about such an act like jumping." As he came to the end of his thought his hand went past the railing hovering over a lot of nothing and water.

"Jumping... so the rift isn't on the bridge but rather next to it?" Nightmare asked and Gaster nodded.

"It feels that way and based on what Error told us it would make since. They didn't die on the bridge they fell down into the water. I would assume that on the way down they was a connection or point that was breached and allowed Error to end up as the monster we know them as. I don't believe it's in the river but possibly above it. As to why this breach was made I have no idea, life is certainly funny in that way."

As Gaster explained his thought process I leaned over the railing to look down before. I felt a bit sick to my stomach looking down unlike the last time I did so feeling at peace. I reached out and focused before swiping at the air. A screen had barely flicked to life. I leaned forwards more to try again and felt a hand grab at Nightmare's jacket around my frame.

"Careful broski."

"I'm fine Fresh. Just hold on to me real quick." I had no interest in accidently falling into the river. Fresh held on with ease and I was leaned over and swiped again. A screen came up, much more stable this time.

Anomaly Found.

Irregular rift bleeding through to the remainder of the multiverse. Instability levels slowly increasing, results unfixable if left unattended.

I hummed and focused on trying to figure out what I could do. I opened other screens and read through data I could manage to scrape up. Only one thing really came up, deletion.

It sounded cryptic but I carefully looked through it not wanting to accidentally delete something.

Deletion process:

Once all foreign entities are removed from area a deletion can be performed to disconnect from the remainder of the multiverse. Deletion will nullify the rift.


Once deletion process has begun it can not be stopped. Once deletion process is completed return to the disconnect area will no longer be possible.

Do you wish to proceed?

Yes                                 No

I gestured for Fresh to pull me back up slowly as I stared at the screen keeping it stable. I could sever the connection. But if I did I could never return and have no chances in returning to this place. It should be easy, I'm living my best life in the multiverse as Error. But there's that little annoying voice in my head wondering can I really commit to the act now that I was here.

Was it worth it? This was my last chance for something.

I felt a weight on my shoulder once I was upright. Fresh was leaning over reading the same information I was. He didn't voice his opinion though and I kind of hated it. It would be easier for someone to just tell me what to do.

Of course I don't get that luxury.

The more I thought about it the more my thoughts became definitive.

"So, what are you going to do?" I heard Nightmare ask. I glanced over and saw him already looking at me. With us being so close to the rift I'm wouldn't be surprised if that meant his natural abilities were flaring up able to sense my mood accurately.

I brought my gaze to the screen and pressed yes. It flickered a bit before fizzling out of sight. Down below just above the river a portal, or a window as I like to call them, opened up. I gripped the railing of the bridge pulling myself up to sit on the railing. I looked down at the choice I've committed to and looked at the others.

"I'm ready to go home."

Fresh grinned and got up with me, sitting himself right next to me.

"This'll be fun."

Nightmare rolled his eyes but pulled himself up as well letting his feet dangle over the portal.

"I swear if this doesn't work and I get wet I'm killing you."

Gaster simply hummed as he got up like Nightmare.

"There's no need for threats, you can see the opening so I doubt you'll hit the water."

I took a deep breath. Fresh hook his arm with mine and I saw him silently counting with his wide grin.

'Three... two... one...'

I felt our weight shift and I found myself repeating history. Staring up at the sky as I was falling back to the waters below. This time I wasn't coming back. I relaxed as I fell in with the others feeling a buzzing warmth that was more than welcomed as the sky disappeared from my view.

I closed my eyes and let out that breath I took in. Slowly. Calmly. I was safe and would be home soon enough.

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