19 - Visit

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I needed to visit Sci again. Its been a while and even though we both know I can be busy I still felt a bit guilty. Plus I wanted to let him know that I would be watching over his au. I know some Sans aren't aware of other Sans and such but since I already told Sci about the multiverse it should be fine. It'll give me more reason to visit.

I was currently eating breakfast when this thought accured. I was getting use to having to eat again. Either it was with others, by myself, or I was doing something else and waited until the next meal. 

Ever since Nightmare spoke to me about Underswap I've made it my mission to check it at least three times a day. Maybe in a few days I will actually go there to see if I can find anything. But for now I will just observe it. 

Back to my previous thought, Sci. I needed to catch up with him. So that's what I'll do. When I finished my breakfast I put my plate in the sink and headed out. 

"What are you doing today Error?" 

Oh yeah forgot to mention that Killer was also eating, well he finished before I did and just stuck around. I guess I figured out why now, since he was now following me.


"What kind of stuff?"

"None of your business."

"Such a buzz kill."

"Don't you have someone else to bug?"

"Not really, it's your lucky day."

"Goodie," I said full of sarcasm before ending up at my room. I've pretty much accepted that Killer was going to bug me so ignored him. I snatched up my books and the puppet I recently finished before opening a portal to the Anti-Void. I stepped in and pointed at Killer.


Did he listen. Ha! No. He went through as soon as I turned around. I really think I just didn't care at the moment and so let that happen. 

"What is this place."

"The Anti-Void. You don't want to stay long." 

I walked over to the area with my belongings and looked at the strings hanging above. I put the books down before reaching up and added the new puppet to the collection. 

"You made those?"

"Yes, touch them you die."

"I won't geez....... what the hell is that?" 

I glanced over and saw him looking at the furby with a slightly disturbed expression.

"...don't worry about it."

"It's staring at me..." 

I ignored that and was finished with my little task. 

"Ok time to leave." I opened a portal back to Nightmare's domain and pointed at it cause Killer to be disappointed.

"What? No way. I can stay here while you do.... whatever you're going to do."

"I don't recommend that Killer."

"It'll be fine, there's nothing here anyways."

I sighed rubbing between my eyes before continuing.

"Fine. You can stay here but if someone comes here your on your own."

"What do you mean by-" 

"Touch that thing," I gestured to the furby, "and damage it in some way, I won't be responsible for the consequences."

I didn't let him respond. I opened a portal to Sci's place, picked up the books, and jumped through making sure to close the portal immediately behind me. I didn't need Killer meeting Papyrus. 

Sci would be pissed. I don't want that.

I find myself at the edges of Snowdin. I didn't need to startle some random monster by suddenly appearing in front of them. I adjusted my scarf before making my way the the brother's house. To my luck Sci was home and welcomed me in before going to make some tea like usual. 

"Where's Papyrus?"

"Oh he went to see the royal guards train. He seems to be quite fascinated with them."

"Of course he is, he's still young and is impressed easily."

"Well yeah. Anyways, what have you been up to? I was expecting a visit about a week ago but you never showed."

"Oh.... yeah there's a lot to catch up on."

Sci returned and gave me my mug, yes my mug. Papyrus had found one of Sci's black mugs and painted splotches of reds, blue, and yellow on it dubbing it 'Error's mug'. I love it honestly.

"Well I'm all ears despite not having any. So destroyer, what happened?"

So I began to tell him what's happened since the last time I visited. I told him almost everything keeping some things to myself, things like Fresh and the identity of Nightmare. He might be ok with me but I don't know what his boundaries were. He listened intently and only stopped me a few times to ask questions. Mostly about who was who and what made who I spoke of different than the others. 

It felt like hours passed when the tea was gone and I had finished speaking.

"Well... that's a lot."

"You're telling me. So what about you, what's been happening?"

"Not much really, its been pretty quiet lately. That's it."

"Peaceful, anyways I should probably head back now. I did leave someone in the Anti-Void and I don't need them losing their minds."

"Wait you left someone in your Anti-Void?"

"Yeah but he followed me so that's his fault. And I didn't need Papyrus to see him."

"Eh... you got a point. I'm guessing it's one of those not as friendly looking Sanses that you mentioned."


"Welp, let me get you some books and you can be on your way." He stood up first and went to retrieve said books and I waited patiently. Once we had that all settled I stepped out and shortcutted away to the outside of the town. Once I was in the clear I opened a portal to the white emptiness and went through. Immediately I saw Killer hunched over in my beanbag seat and walked over.

"See, you lived."

He head snapped to me and he stood up angry.

"Where were you?! I've been here for like a day!"

".....it's only been a few hours tops."

".....no way. It felt so much longer than that! That's what you've had to deal with! I don't get why you didn't accept the boss's offer immediately. I would've if I had to live in there."

"Yeah yeah complain all you want. I told you to stay but you didn't listen."

Killer just grumbled as I opened another portal into the domain and he went in first not wanting to get stuck there again. Once I stepped through he was already leaving and I shrugged.

Oh well, that's what he gets.

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