21 - Tiny pt.2

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We all settled down in the kitchen and Cross let Moon out of his blanket wrap.

"Do you want some tea kid?" Sci asked causing the small sans to shy up and shake his head no.

"Alright, you two?"

"Yes please"


Sci started to make the beverages and the room built up an awkward silence. It was a bit tense. This was entirely new for Cross and Moon so I should've expected this to happen. Sci seemed to notice and waited til he put the mugs down before talking.

"Paps why don't you and...?"


"-Moon go up to your room and play?"

"Ok Sans! Come on new friend let's play!"

Moon looked to me asking for permission in a nonverbal way. I just nodded towards Paps.

"Go on. We'll be right here."

"Ok." He slipped past us and let Papyrus grab his hand before they ran off most likely going upstairs. Once we heard a door close Cross decided to speak up.

"Ok Error what's going on? I don't know you well but you seem way too calm about this random kid appearing. Unless you're trying to hide something from the boss." He narrowed his eyes in suspension and that just kinda annoyed me for some reason.

"Drink your tea first."

"Why? What did you do to it?"

"Seriously, does that look like to type of guy to poison you?" I said gesturing to Sci. Cross looked over at Sci, who was a bit embarrassed that the attention suddenly went to him, and sighed before grabbing the mug.

I took a sip and gestured for Sci to grab something that was on the counter. Once Cross started to drink I spoke.

"That kid is Nightmare."

Cue the spit take and furious coughing. Luckily it didn't make much of a mess and Sci handed Cross the wash cloth I gestured to.

"Why didn't you just say that?" He said in between coughs while cleaning up.

"Do you think Nightmare would want you guys to know? He doesn't seem like the type to share information about himself."

"....ok fair enough."

"And now I know why you came to me for help," Sci said seeing what was going on.

"Do you think you can?"

"I can certainly try but I need to know how he got changed in the first place."

With that said I stood up and put the bag on the table before taking out stuff.

"This is what I found in the area he was in." I pushed over the beaker and powder pouch to him bit held onto the book and started flipping pages until I saw the one it was opened on. It could've changed while he changed but it's all I got. I pushed it also to Sci.

"I have other things too but these three were to most obvious."

"Alright, give me a moment." Sci took the objects and headed upstairs.

Now that Cross wasn't in the process of dieing he enjoyed his tea rather quickly before bringing his attention to me.

"What now? Do we just wait?"

"Yes. But be on guard. If Dream or someone else shows up and knows us their going to think something is up."

"If Dream sees his brother he might try to take him, I see." Cross mulled over his thoughts for a bit before standing up and heading for the snowy outside.

"I'll keep watch outside, let you know if I see something."

"Be careful," I muttered before he left. He would be fine but anything could happen.

I don't know how long I was in my head but eventually I decided to check up on the two youngsters. This is the first time I think I went to the upstairs area of a Sans's home. I stopped at the door I heard giggling from and knocked my boney knuckles against the door.

"Paps? Moon? How's it going in there?" I heard footsteps then the door opened revealing Papyrus.

"Hi Error! We're playing Knight and King! Come in!"

Paps hurried back inside and I followed suit closing the door behind me. I saw Moon wearing a fake golden crown with the Cross puppet sitting by him on the floor. Papyrus picked up a wooden sword and swung it around a few times.

"I was protecting the king from the dangerous human!"

"Are you winning?" I asked while leaning against the wall by the door.

"Of course! I am the amazing Papyrus! No human will ever beat me!"

"No one will beat Papyrus!" Moon said in a cheerful tone that honestly made my heart ache a bit. I enjoyed seeing him cheerful and its upsetting how it doesn't last long.

I stayed with the kids entertaining their play and talking for a bit with them. It made me miss my younger years when there was no worries.

Then I heard the door downstairs close a bit harshly and had a feeling something was up.

"I'll be right back you two."

"Ok!" They said in unison before I stepped out and saw Cross at the bottom of the stairs.


"Dream and another Sans is coming here!"

"He must've sensed his brother." I cursed a bit under my breath and tried to think of something. I gestured Cross up the stairs and went back to the room with the kids.

"Welcome back!"

"You kids want to play hide and seek?"

Their eyes lit up which lead me to hiding the group in Papyrus's closet. I was going to stall for as long as I could. I needed Sci to make a break through on how to fix Nightmare and if I opened a portal I don't need Dream to sense it or something.

I closed the door and headed downstairs just as their was a knock on the door. I sucked in a breath before adjusting my posture and opening the door to see two surprised expressions.


"Error! What are you doing here?!" Dream asked looking suspicious as I noticed the other skeleton was Underswap Sans, must have just been recruited to the group.

"I'm visiting an acquaintance getting time to myself. Why are you here?"

He seemed hesitant to answer but Swap Sans stepped in.

"We were just looking for someone. I'm the magnificent Sans by the way from Underswap! You can just call me Blue!" He held out his gloved hand for a handshake and the gesture made me uncomfortable even though his hand was covered. His grin faltered a bit as he saw my reaction.

"I don't do handshakes."

"Oh! That's ok!" He retracted his hand and Dream was trying to look past me.

"Is the Sans that lives here available?"

"Why do you need to kno-"

"Error?" I heard behind me and saw Sci has come downstairs, probably after hearing the talking. Blue was loud.

"Oh hi, we were just looking for my brother. Do you mind if we do a quick search?"

This was bad. If I said anything he will get suspicious. If Sci said no he will think his brother is hiding. If Sci says yes then he'll find him along with Cross and Paps. It was a tense silence before Sci spoke up.

"Just one of you can search, I'm trying to entertain a guest and I'm not comfortable at the idea of two strangers wandering around my home."

"Oh! I'll do it! It'll be really quick!" Blue exclaimed looking excited. I could tell his personality was seen as a good thing to Sci since he seemed to relax a bit allowing Blue into the house. He headed off to the kitchen first to begin his search leaving the three of us by the door.

"What happened to you Error? The last I saw you was in Outertale."

"That's none of your business really. I remember waking up somewhere before promptly leaving so I couldn't tell you anyways."

Blue finished searching the downstairs area and headed upstairs.

"I though my brother had hurt you."

"Why would you think that? I could handle myself just fine. At least I was fine until you came in with that other one and started a fight."

Dream seemed annoyed with me bringing it up but I was more focused on the noise upstairs. It was quiet. I was expecting to hear talking or yelling or even fighting but no.... it was quiet. Blue eventually came down and went back to Dream.

"There's no one else here Dream. I checked bottom to top and I found nothing."

Nothing? That didn't seem right.

Dream sighed but nodded.

"Alright, sorry for bugging you." With that he left with Blue and I shut the door. After a moment of silence we both booked it upstairs to Papyrus's room.

"Paps!" Sci called out hearing nothing in return. When I opened the closet it was empty of skeletons. But I did noticed a piece of paper folded and hidden in the corner. I opened it and didn't know if I should be relieved or feel dread.

From: The freshest bro

To: My glitchy amigo

This favor is on the house ;)

I sighed and looked at Sci with a strained smile.

"I know where he is, I'll be right back."

I opened a portal to the Anti-Void and hopped in hoping nothing bad has happened to the group.

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