23 - New Encounter

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Author note: *reaches into box labeled 'risks' and pulls out one* Hopefully this doesn't backfire.

Its been awhile since the incident and I informed Nightmare about how it appears that the Sans from Undrrswap has been recruited by his brother. He didn't seem pleased with the information but ultimately shrugged it off. 

That was about a week ago. 

I have agree to joining up with Nightmare and I now officially live with the others. Of course I still go to the Anti-Void to do my job or if I just don't want to talk to anyone. Which has only happened a few times. 

I learned something else about myself when it came to looking at aus. Even though there would be duplicates I didn't immediately hate them. Well sometimes. Even though a part of me, the Error side, knew it was too many the other side wondered if I could do something about it. 

At one point I thought of just taking aus and storing them in the Anti-Void. But I didn't know if that would even be possible. Would they stay stable while in the Anti-Void or would they start falling apart. 

Another concern would be Ink. If he sees open spaces in the Doodle Sphere he might just make more defeating the purpose of moving them.

But anyways, one day I was just looking through different aus and I tuned out a bit. My attention snapped back to my one way window when I saw a Sans I didn't recognize at first. 

At first.

After trying to think I realized who it was and had many mixed emotions. I had a feeling to check it out just for a bit and opened up a portal and stepped through. I immediately hid my form not wanting to be spotted. 

Were these monsters hostile? Not really.

Were they like Horrortale or Underfell? No.

Then what was the issue? They were a bit much for me.

I opened up a screen to checks the coding and saw it was pretty stable, for what it was at least. I heard footsteps and went still peeking out from my spot seeing the Sans. They looked tired which wouldn't be new but considering the au I was in, there could be another reason for their tiredness.

They were dressed in revealing clothes along with a sleeveless purple coat with blue fluff. I think, I forgot to bring my glasses with me. The cold didn't seem to bother them just like the other skeletons of the underground.

If you haven't figured it out by now this is Underlust.

Why was I here if nothing was wrong? I guess I was mainly curious. I felt bad for the treatment that Underlust Sans and the entire au had from others. I remember briefly reading the backstory of how this au came to be and I felt bad. 

They just didn't want to die off but it caused the adult monsters to be.... well needy. I couldn't relate much since I couldn't remember ever being in a relationship of any kind. My parents in my past life would not allow me to even think of liking another human being in any way past platonic. It caused me to treat acts of affection in a negative way since I wasn't use to something as basic as a meaningful hug.

"Hi there~"

Whoops, I wasn't paying attention. 

From behind me I heard a voice and my fight or flight reaction was to launch up the nearest tree with a startled yelp. It was embarrassing. 

"Woah! I didn't mean to startle ya cutie~"

"I'm not cute!" I instantly argued and felt myself spazz a bit before I looked down seeing it was the Sans. I must've zoned out again and he went behind me. 

"That's debatable." I heard him say causing me to glare a bit and he shrugged not looking apologetic in the slightest. 

"Why don't you come down. I promise I don't bite.... much." 

"...I'd rather stay up here."

"That's fair," he said while crossing his arms and leaning on another tree before continuing, "So other me, where you from? You certainly look interesting."

For some reason I rolled my eyes at this. 

"Yeah I know I'm not the most most welcoming to look at-"

"Oh no no no, you misunderstood me. You're unique~. Nothing wrong with looking different."

"......" Yeah, I didn't know how to respond to that. The other Sans seemed very amused by my reaction but I noticed something else that I couldn't quite pinpoint in his expression. 

"So, I'm guessing that alternate universes exist then?"


"Neat. Next question, who are you? A part of me wants to guess Sans but I feel like I would be assuming."

I adjusted a bit on the branch I was seated on to get more comfortable before answering.

"Just call me Error."

"Ah, Error. It should've been obvious with the literal errors around you. They really add character." 

"....stop it." 

He held up his hands in a surrendering motion. 

"Alright I'll stop. New question, what are you doing here?"

That had me stumped. Why was I here.

"I guess... curiosity. Since the multiverse exists there are many different variations of the same world. I can only sum up the reason I'm here as curiosity."

"Well you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back~. So... are you satisfied?"

Was I? This was just supposed to be a quick in and out check like how I usually do it. It was weird. 

"Well as much as I enjoyed this very small chat I need to get going. Who knows what kind of trouble my brother might get in if you catch my drift. See ya around cutie~."

"I'm not cute!" I shouted at his retreating form before he was completely out of sight. 

Eventually I did head down and return to Nightmare's domain. I mostly kept to myself and didn't interact much with the other. Even during a meal I just ate not bothering to try and be social. That one question really stuck with me.

Was I satisfied? More specifically, was I satisfied with the life I've chosen to live?

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