30 - Gradient Week

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Author note: a bit rushed I feel but meh

Gradient was now officially in my life and I had to admit I was a complete nervous wreck. On the outside I looked calm but on the inside I was a mess. Gradient was trying to hide his nerves as well but wasn't as good as hiding it. 

I could tell that he was more of an introvert but I was ok with that, he mostly stuck by my side. 

I also discovered exactly how he was like me and Ink. One day I was checking an au and had Dust look after them. When I returned I saw the two sitting next to each other hunched over on the ground. 

Gradient was drawing and Dust was just observing. I didn't think much of it until I witnessed my child stare at their craft and destroy it without hesitation.

"That's the fifth one kid. Are they not good enough?" Dust asked causing Gradient to shrug. Eventually they noticed my presence and I just kept what I saw to myself. 

A new rule was that no weapons would be out while Gradient was around. You would think that would be obvious but the others seem to forget that a child is around and could get hurt very easily. For example one day Killer and Dust were fighting, not sparing, when I walked in with Gradient and a knife came flying at us. Of course it hit in front of us but if we were walking any faster we could've had an issue. I hung up the two for that.

It took about thirty minutes for someone to come and cut them down.

Gradient has also eventually met Horror and the interaction was better than I thought. I had stepped away for a moment since I noticed a small glitch that could be eliminated easily. When I return Gradient and Horror were sitting on the couch talking about the cooking contest that was happening on the TV. He didn't seem tense or uneasy around him so I considered that it was ok for Horror to watch over Gradient. As long as he puts the axe away.

However I was getting a bit nervous. One day Ink was going to find out about Gradient. If I was lucky he wouldn't think anything of it, he was pretty forgetful of certain things. That's the only reason I haven't left Nightmare's domain for more than a few moments, I didn't want to risk it. Once Gradient returns to the Omega Timeline I can relax but that's not now.

During the week stay Gradient got to properly meet Nightmare through an unexpected way. Nightmare had to tell me since I was asleep. Apparently poor Gradient had a nightmare and Nightmare had promised not to tell me so I don't know what the nightmare was about. 

Apparently he found Gradient in the kitchen clutching a glass of water lost in thought. He accidentally scared Gradient by suddenly speaking up while standing in the dark but managed to calm him and convinced him to talk about it. Something was said that night that had them connect and Gradient was able to sleep again. 

Though Nightmare did admit he had to cheat a little by using his magic to make him sleepy but I was just glad he was ok. 

Scoundrel mostly kept to himself and didn't bother trying to interact with Gradient and Gradient didn't seem to mind. So that was one less concern for me. 

I can say once three days of the week we're done and through I properly relaxed and semi trusted the others with Gradient. Even Killer.

He just really wanted to be an uncle and I had to accept that since Gradient was starting to like him. Though him and Dust started to make it a competition on who was the better uncle figure in Gradient's life.

One day Gradient sat with me and started asking questions.

What were my powers? What did I do? How long have I know Nightmare? Were there other skeletons out there? Did I have a favorite snack? The questions just kept coming and coming and I think he realized that his time with me was short now that he was a bit more out of his shell. He didn't want to see me as a stranger which I could appreciate. I didn't want to push him and seem overbearing so I was glad he was showing he wanted to try.

But unfortunately the good must come to an end.

The group had to say bye to Gradient so I could take him to get picked up and taken back to the Omega Timeline. Killer was the most emotional out of all of them though.

Outer was waiting for us and allowed us to talk before we departed from each other.

"Will I see you again?"

"Of course kid, if I wanted to get rid of you I would've done it sooner." 

He smiled a bit and adjusted his glasses. 

"Will you visit?"

"I can only promise to try but I'll have you come to the domain as often as I can." I slipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out a puppet I made of himself before carefully handing it to him.

"I don't know how long it will be but we will see each other again. If you are ever in danger then destroy this puppet and I will come as fast as I can. Hopefully that won't ever happen but it'll make me feel better."

His stared at the puppets in awe as he turned it over multiple times. "How did you-"

"A lot of practice. I wanna see what you make next time we see each other."

"I'm going to make the best art ever then, just you wait."

I actually gave Gradient a hug, I could tell he wasn't expecting it before I headed to the Anti-Void for a moment to myself. I didn't know how to feel. 

When I returned Dust was waiting like usual and his expression softened. 

"...I miss him already."

"I know pal but you know what's best for him." 

I eventually managed to compose myself and followed Dust to the kitchen where apparently Horror was also waiting for my return. I know this because the moment I sat down he placed a warm mug in front of me before giving one to Dust and himself. 

From the scent alone I could tell it was hot chocolate and scoffed a bit feeling amusement bubble up.

"Thanks Horror."

"Of course." 

The three of us sat in silence letting the warm beverage ease the uncertainty that hung in the air. 

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