40 - Escape

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Author note: I would like to apologize in advance. Another au is being added and unlike the others I just couldn't with this one. Something about the story or lore I just couldn't wrap my head around. Literally it was like I saw the info, opened a window, and chucked it out. I like the characters of this au but accuracy might be a fail. If I get something wrong I have to say sorry. Ok back to the story.

"That's enough." 


The air was tense now that Nightmare has made himself present. But he didn't pay them any mind.

"You're hurting the others. Gradient is safe. You saved Dust before but you might undo that if you continue. Let them go, steady." I blinked for a moment registering what was told to me. I was hurting the others. The others. The ones I live with. 

I looked over and saw that Nightmare was right. Dust, Horror, Killer, Insanity, and Cross were all tied up and in pain. I loosened my tensed up hand and moved it so the strings loosened around them eventually releasing them. They crumpled to the ground and I felt guilty because of that.

"Now the others."

I looked at Nightmare shocked.


"As much as I would enjoy seeing what damage you can do you are not in the right state of mind. You will deeply regret it. Let them go. Then we're leaving, going home." 

I hesitated but eventually my hand lowered completely and the others were free. 

"Good, let's go." The others approached Nightmare so he could take everyone back to his domain. He loosened his hold on me and eventually let go completely seeing that I wasnt going to attack anymore. I felt the rush of anger leave, only to be replaced with pain.

However something didn't feel right. I heard whispers. Not from our group. I looked over to the star Sanses just as Nightmare started to gather everyone in darkness. I heard Ink shout.

"Dream don't!" 

Dream had an arrow drawn and released it. It was heading straight for Nightmare. I felt my body move on its own as I stepped out of the darkness and in the path of the arrow. 

I saw the others shocked expression before they disappeared from sight. Nightmare managed to take them away. The next thing I noticed was a searing, burning pain in my back, at my shoulder blade. Dream's arrow burned so much. 

I crumpled to the ground clutching at my shoulder while yelling. Or glitching I couldn't tell. It was so loud!

"Error!" I heard footsteps running towards me but fear was the emotion I was feeling and it came to me in bucket loads. I summoned a gaster and aimed it towards the group since that's where the footsteps came from.

"Stay back!" 

I had to get out of here. I needed to escape. With the last of my strength I opened a portal directly under me and fell through closing it as soon as I did.

Slight issue, I don't know where I'll end up. My only thought was escape. The portal could open to anywhere it deems as escape and I had no choice but the deal with the consequences.

Eventually my body crashed onto a patch of cold. 

Yay, an au.

Also oh no, an au. 

I was breathing heavily, the pain was not helpful in the slightest bit. I don't know if I was trembling or shivering. Maybe both. I stayed there, laying face down in the cold. Well mostly, my head was turned to see the blurry scenery around me. In one spot in particular since I don't think I'll be able to move my head, or the rest of me to look around. 

The good thing about this, the cold was kinda comforting. Sure my wounds stung but I like the idea of going numb versus feeling everything. 

The others got out safe, that's all that matters to me right now. Gradient is out of harms way and Nightmare didn't have to suffer an arrow in his body. I really have to apologize to the others. 

I could've killed them. I know I've had moments but that was a bit too close. I hope they can forgive me. I have quite the apology to give. 

I noticed the edge of my vision was starting to go dark and could see my hand twitch a bit. I'll admit I was a bit scared.

Can I die?

My soul was different from Error's, so it's possible right?


I've never seen it have I?

Was I going to die because of it?

What au was I in?

If I'm not dieing is someone going to find me?

Am I safe?

I'm I-....



Are those footsteps? 

I think I was hearing a crunching in the distance. Footsteps in the snow to be exact. I heard muffled talking. Two voices. Young I think. One male and one female. 

Apparently my hearing was worse than I thought since I heard those two voices get louder and felt snow moving around me. Guess I've been found. I felt the movement of one pair of feet leaving at a fast pace and my clothes still being brushed off. 

My world went black for a moment but when I came back there was a third voice and a sudden sting of pain where the arrow is, or was. I think it was pulled out. I jolted and groaned before feeling a small hand on my back trying to ease me. 

I really didnt care at this point about my whole no touching thing. I was in too much pain to shoo away help. 

My world went dark again. 

When I came back the first thing I noticed was that I was not laying in the snow anymore. But, I was still outside. I saw a blob of red and a blob of green and noticed I wasn't just sitting up. No, I was moving. I think I was being carried. I don't know who it was but I heard humming.

"...alm-...there...g on...." 

My head pounded and I closed my eyes in response. But my world went dark again. I don't know how many times I would come through but there was the slight fear that I won't wake up again. 

Eventually I did come through again and noticed I was laying in a bed. It was dark. I struggled a bit to sit up but stopped when I heard a door close. I strained my hearing a bit and heard footsteps coming closer. 

Feeling panic set in as I tried to hurry to get up. Key word tried. My body refused to cooperate with me and leaned too far to one side causing me to slip. 




I heard the footsteps pause before hurrying over. I struggling with the sheets tangled around my legs as the door opened. 

"Oh you're awake! Let me help you with that!" 

I tried to scoot away and noticed I was looking at Papyrus, well a Papyrus. He had armor I think, similar to og Papyrus's battle body. He put his hands up as if I were a scared animal...... which was fair but still.

"It's OK, I won't hurt you." I was backed against the bed so I couldn't move back further if I wanted to. He helped to detangle me and placed me back on the bed which cause my glitches to act up. 

"Is that normal? I won't judge if it is but you can imagine my surprise when I first saw that. Wrapping you up was a bit tricky but nothing Alphyss couldn't handle." 

So an Alphyss helped, that's a bit reassuring.

"What happened to you anyways? When my brother and those other two brought you here I thought the worse. Seems like a nasty fight you got involved in."

"....I...." I kept quiet. Like most Papyrus's, his aura was very welcoming but very foreign. I was among the Sans's that didn't have a brother to care for. I heard a door open before closing and Papyrus perked up when he heard it.

"That must be my brother. Stay here while I go talk to him and tell him you're awake." He didn't waste much time before leaving. I let my gaze wander a bit but I ended up just staring at the bandages that were on me. 

I hope that the others were ok. I can only hope that I can recover enough to go the Nightmare's domain on my own. Or be found and taken back. But I was not even one hundred percent sure where exactly I was.

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