56 - Talking

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So the conversation went a bit... differently from what I was expecting. 

I had gathered them in my shared room and sat down in a chair allowing the others to do whatever. Lust sat on the bed, Gradient leaned on the arm of the chair, and Fresh leaned against the wall by the door.

After telling everything Lust was very sympathetic and looked upset. At first I thought it was because I lied and knew quite literally how his au came to be but no. He was upset that, as Error, I had no self love and, as a human, I was bordering an unhealthy mental statis. He was happy however that despite everything I did know that I accepted their friendship. I questioned his claim of friendship and he just responded that I haven't once tried killing him so I was stuck with him. 

And yeah, I couldn't argue with that. Lust was now that one friend that is sticking around despite everything.

Fresh... well multiple things happened. At first he reacted the way I expected him to. Trying to make light of the situation, speaking at random parts of the story, and even talking to Gradient as a side commentary. But then I mentioned the bit that as a human I knew of the aus, the stories, and a lot of other things. He got quiet, his shades were blank, and his smile was gone. When I finished talking he stayed silent as Lust expression his displeasure about what he heard and his fretting over my well being. 

Sensing the tension afterwards Lust thanked me before getting up to leave and I told Gradient to go with him to both of their surprise. I trust Lust won't do something to Gradient and told them that if someone says something that they would have to complain to me. Then they left. Leaving just Fresh and me.

By ourselves. In a room. Alone.

I suddenly regretted my choices.

He walked over and sat where Lust was just moments ago. He had his hands now folded in front of his face and it looked like he was really pondering about something. I did just drop a lot of informationon him so that's to be expected... maybe... its Fresh, his reactions aren't the most predictable. 

"...you know everything." He asked in a normal tone which just made my fear spike a bit.

"...to an extent but yes."

"When we first meet you weren't scared because I was just some Sans that appeared in the Anti-Void were you?"


"You know what I am?"

"Yes." I said without hesitation this time.

"You know.... yet you didnt tell anyone. Not one soul knows about me. Why? You could've attempted to destroy me... but you didn't." 

Was I going to tell the truth? No. I would sound crazy. I remember liking Fresh as a character. He was colorful, easy to remember, and had a specific personality you couldn't misplace. He was odd and had his scary moments but there were some times where reading or watching something based on him would make those bad days go by a bit easier.

But now in front of me was the scary Fresh. 

He reach up and removed his shades revealing that one thing that really showed he was different from the rest. The soul in his eye and the purple haze that seemed to come off it.

I realized at this point that I didn't answer Fresh's question and I don't know how. Fresh was dangerous, yet I told no one about him. 

He just stared gouging my expression trying to read me, or he was reading me and was just waiting to see what I would say. 

"Do I make you nervous?"

"Without a doubt, I can't deny that. However, you have shown me time and time again that I can trust you. You have helped me out more than a good number of the others out there. I know you could just be deceiving me, this could all be a trick, but I know it would probably benefit me more if I was honest with you. I've learned that bottling up doesn't help me and you've shown interest in a friendship with me. It's only fair that you know the truth."

"....you know, I always knew that there was something about you. Something that made you different. At first I thought it was just the fact that you're a destroyer. Now it makes more sense. I didn't understand why you feared me when we first met, I thought it was because I was in the Anti-Void and you were horribly antisocial."

"...I'm not horribly antisocial. I just don't like people that easily."

"Sure brah, whatever helps you sleep."

"Um..." I wanted to ask Fresh something but it felt wrong. I can tell my hesitation peeked his interest.

"What's up? Something bugging you?"

"No- yes... but it's dumb."


"I'm serious, just forget it."

"No no no, now I gots to know. Spill the beans, what's up?"

I regretted everything and just shook my head before standing up causing him to do the same.

"Come on its me, your best broski. You can talk to me." He posture went to a chilled state and his smile was back to normal. However my gaze was on the shades being held between his fingers. He noticed my haze and I swear his grin got wider.

"You wanna wear my shades dontcha?"


"It's cool brah, here." He reached out and I cautiously took the shade noticing that they were blank after rotating them a few times.

"How does-"

"I'm not sure myself, I'm guessing magic." Fresh said as I put the shade on. Nothing weird happened and everything looked how it would if you were looking through shades. 

"Huh, interesting." With that bit of my curiosity out of the way I returned the item and we headed back to the others acting as of we didn't just have an important discussion a moment ago. 

I didn't see everyone downstairs but the Nightmare group, Sugar, Lust, Gradient, Death, the Classics, and the Swap brothers were present. 

I'm glad Gradient was here safe and sound, I can only hope he stays safe and sound.











So it's been a few days and the little appointment came and went and now Frisk, Gradient, and Paps have pretty much become attached. They stuck by each other even watching from the doorway to make sure the other was ok when it was their turn to be checked. Frisk was healthy, Paps was healthy, and Gradient was healthy. 

That's all I cared about. 

Classic has been more relaxed around us, or more specifically me. I guess seeing a not so welcoming figure care about a child can change your view of that person. However I didn't realize just how much.

Imagine my surprise when those few days went by I was waved over by Sans who was on the phone with someone and he pulled the phone away and towards me to take.

I was unsure of what to expect but I was not expecting to be greeted by the goat mother herself. I was so caught off guard that I completely missed what she said to me. 

"....I'm sorry, I don't think I'm fully awake right now. May you repeat that... please?"

"Of course, there's a fair in the city and I was wondering if you would like to bring Gradient to come along also if Paps' guardian would like to as well. Frisk seems to enjoy having them around and it would be a good way to meet."

"I... uh... one sec." I placed a hand on the phone even though I know it wouldn't help much. 

"Sci! I need to talk to you... now!" I waited until I heard footsteps, to my luck he was near enough to hear me.

"What's wrong Error?"

"Ms. Toriel would like to know if we would like to bring the tiny ones to a fair in the city."

"A fair?"

"That's what she said."

"I... suppose that's fine. We'll be there to supervise... you know what I'm on bored. I need a break from dealing with the thing." I knew he meant the machine but he wasn't having much luck with it.

"Wonderful!" We both heard from the phone and I brought it up between us so we could both hear. "I'll buy the tickets for the six of us. The fair grounds open tomorrow at ten o'clock. Is that alright?"

"That sounds fine Ms. Toriel." I said once Sci gave me a thumbs up.

"You can just call me Toriel, no need for the Ms."

"If you say so. Alright I guess we'll see you tomorrow." After confirming a few things, allergies being one for some reason, I hung up. 

Sci and myself stood there for a moment letting what just happened sink in.

I guess we're going to a fair.

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