72 - Concerned Thoughts

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Author note: I'm very entertained by the guesses I've seen I will not lie. I'm not giving any clues so have fun guessing.

When I left that room my hands clasped behind me and my body was on auto pilot. I really didn't know what to do about this. I quickly found the kids in a room with Sci and Cross watching over them and talking. Gradient was showing off his new tablet to Frisk since Paps already saw it but was still intrigued.

I locked eyelights with Cross and saw that he read my current mood immediately. He turned to Sci and pushed off the wall he was leaning on. I walked away from the scene and heard footsteps hurry to catch up before Cross was next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I could only shrug. I didn't have a concrete answer.

"I'm not sure... not yet anyways. I'm starting to really get suspicious of this situation. I don't know how we were all dragged away to this specific au." 

"Hmm... any clues?" He asked as we turned a corner.

"No. I can only assume an outside source is causing this to happen but I have no idea who or what. If it's a who then they must be planning something." Those strings are the only clue I got and it had to come from someone, right?

"...what kind of plan?"

"If, and this is still an if, it's true then it's got to be something big. I mean myself, Nightmare, Dream, and Ink are unable to leave. Even Fresh got trapped and he's pretty good at escaping from things. Who knows what going on in the multiverse with us gone and unable to watch over it." I didn't even think about how our absence was effecting the multiverse until now.

People are definitely missing their Sanses and Papyruses. Fell is part of the royal guard, Blue trains with Alphys, the Outertale au, the Lust brothers' home, mostly everyone has to get back. I don't know many aus, heck I've learned about more as I went along, but I know that there are more out there that haven't been dragged into this mess.

I know some have important roles, they've avoided this. It just frustrates me that I'm so in the dark right now. 

"And if it's a what?" Cross asked after a few seconds.

"Thats what Sci is working on with the machine down below. It definitely activated but we cant turn it on on this side. Yet, anyways." That was also something I didn't understand.

"I see, well don't stress yourself. We don't need you getting sick again." He said as we reached to top of the stairs and started heading down.

"Ugh, don't remind me. Worse time ever and that's saying something." I heard Cross chuckle and soon we were at the last steps. Killer was actually at the bottom leaning on the railing waiting for us to reach him.

"What got you in a good mood Cross?" He asked.

"Oh, just remembering that time Error was sick," he said as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Oh yeah, didn't think that was even possible." Killer snickered. "I remember Horror would just sit in the corner, freaked me out the first time I saw that." 

"Almost gave me a heart attack," I muttered remembering when I saw a single red eye in the darkness.

"Dust was very strict when it came to visiting, honestly I don't blame him. We had no idea if what you had was contagious," Cross said which was something I wasn't aware of happening during that time.

"It wasn't. Or at the very least I don't think it was. No one else got sick." 

"What did the boss even give you?" Killer asked causing Cross to look curious.

"I've been wondering the same thing...." 

"I have no idea, he won't tell me whenever I ask." It's true. I don't know if he bought it, stole it, made it, or got it from somewhere. He won't spill anytime I asked.

"Huh, ok then. Anyways, foods in the kitchen. It's sandwiches today," Killer said pointing a thumb behind his form towards the kitchen area.

"Sounds good," Cross said leaving first to grab something to eat. Killer waited a bit before bringing his attention to me.

"Well now that's he's gone, what did you and that paint freak talk about?" His question caught me off guard for a moment.

"How did-" He interrupted before I could ask.

"I didn't eavesdrop if that's what you think. I saw you walking away with him and I know you don't like him so it must've been something important." I forget, he's observant. 

"You're good I'll give you that but I was telling him to keep an eye out. This situation is not right so if something is going on-"

"We would have to know and stop it. I see. Well that's all I wanted to know. Eat if you want, I won't tell the boss if you don't," he turned and walked away. I quickly followed him.

"You are a lier. You would one hundred percent rat me out to Nightmare if I didn't eat." 

"What? Me? Rat you out? .....yeah you're right." He shrugged and we saw the swap brothers and the other swap brothers hanging around. Blue handed Cross a sandwich before he noticed us.

"Oh! Hi guys, here to grab some food? Here let me." Blue said before giving Killer a sandwich. He also gave one to me and I decided to just sit on the counter. Cross grabbed a plate and took four sandwiches plus his own and started heading out. 

"I'm going to give these to the kids and Sci," with that said he was gone. The rest quickly fell into conversation while I stayed quiet enjoying my food. When I was halfway through eating a thought accured.

Was the kid the only one with strings? 

I was going to find out. Maybe, just maybe, that can explain some behaviors I noticed that seem to come and go. 

"So, you doing ok?" I heard ans saw that Stretch migrated over to my side. 

"Yes, better than usual actualy."

"That's good to hear. As long as nothing is bothering you." I almost paused to look at him. I think he knows something and wants to see if I spill. Or he could just be concerned.

"Thanks for the concern. Anyone doing anything today?"

"Hmm, not that I'm aware of. I was just going to lounge today."

"Of course you were," I said while rolling my eye lights. He just chuckled and payed attention to the others.

You know, I'm glad Stretch is around. He chilled demeanor really eases up the area. Eventually I'll probably tell him some things but I need time to know more first. 

Starting with the string idea, who to start with though...

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