77 - Park Mess

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It's been about a week since the night time picnic and I confinded in the others about what I discovered with Dream's soul. I checked our little group as a result, with permission, and everyone was fine though Nightmare was reluctant. However, a huge weight of worry was off my shoulders now.

Around now Gradient, Pap, and the Classics were out with Toriel and the human. She wanted to take the kids to the park after school and I saw no issue with it. I was with the Horrortale brothers and the Lust brothers. Odd combo but everyone seemed to be chill at the moment. The Lust brothers each had a notebook and was either writing or drawing. The Horrortale brothers were like me, watching TV.

Only when Fell and Stretch walked in did a conversation perk up.

"Good day everyone, nothing happening?" Stretch asked.

"Not really," I answered not looking away from the screen.

"I see... isn't that Dust's jacket?" Stretch asked and I glanced down for a moment before looking back at the screen.

"Yes it would appear to be Dust's jacket."

"Why on earth do you have that Sans's jacket?" Fell asked and Lust perked up.

"Jacket rule, it's been about a week."

"Jacket rule? What's that?" Stretch asked with a bone brow raised. This time his lust counterpart responded.

"Jacket rule, you don't ask for it back you don't get it back. Those are the rules."

"I didn't think about it but yeah," I said tugging the sleeves of said jacket further down to partially cover my hands.

"Huh, interesting." Stretch shrugged before plopping down in a seat, Fell followed taking a seat in a chair. It went back to silence but that silence didn't really last long.

"Error," Fell said catching my attention immediately, "I've been wanting to ask you something for a bit. Only now I've managed to figure out how to word it correctly without sounding... offensive."

"I- ok, what did you want to ask?" I didn't expect the kinda intimidating Papyrus to have a question but I was curious.

"Well if I remember correctly you said you had two separate lives, one as a human that was aware of us and one as a different Error."

"That is correct."

"Did humans, in your human life, not have magic? I was aware the the humans that fell into the underground had different soul traits so I was wondering if it was the same or if one was... fundamental weaker than the other."

"I... huh. OK. So, in my human life their are no soul traits. No one can pull out their soul and see a colored heart. I guess in a way that would make us weaker, knowing your soul trait would help with figuring out more about yourself and how to be better. If I had a specific soul trait I wouldn't know, I was damaged. Why do you ask if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well I've been trying to understand humans better to be more prepared when we eventually return home. As the Terrible Papyrus, head of the royal guard, it is my responsibility to learn as much as I can. Though human are a bit more complicated than I realized."

"Yeah they are, I'll try to answer what I can though if you have any other questions." I wasn't sure if I could handle a variety of questions but I wanted to have the option to talk open.

"Well~ Since we're asking questions Error~" I heard from Lust and groaned.

"Oh no."

"Relax its nothing crazy," Lust rolled his eye lights before continuing, "in your past human life were you ever in a relationship? Like an actual relationship with a loving partner?" That was an unexpected question.

"Why do you want to know that?"

"Both past lives didn't bring you joy from what I've gather so I was wondering if there was anyone there at all. I doubted the past monster had that so did the past human?"

"You and your questions I swear, but no. I didn't have a real relationship in my human life." I immediately looked around to make sure certain skeletons weren't around to hear me say that.

"You ok there?" Stretch asked and I nodded.

"Yeah just making sure of something," I looked back at the screen. I didn't like talking about myself all that much but I knew I had to be honest. Hiding stuff doesn't help anyone, especially now.

"...Did you like any of us in your human life?" I heard and tensed up looking sharply at who asked that. To my surprise I was staring at a singular red eye light.

"I refuse to answer that!" I responded quickly, too quickly.

"Wait~" Lust said putting his book down and a grin like the Cheshire cat started to creep up. I quickly stood up.

"No, don't even. I didn't." I shuffled away from the couch.

"You seem a bit jumpy Error," Stretch said and I swear he was smirking.

"No I'm not, I'm leaving."

"What's wrong?" Sugar asked seeming to be oblivious to what's going on.

"Nothing Sugar I just-"

"You liked someone in your human life didn't you?" Lust said looking highly amused.

"Nope, bye." I quickly scurried out ignoring the chuckles I heard as I walked away. That was an embarrassing topic to even think about. These were fictional people in my past. Saying you were fond of a character was one thing but they were real now. I pushed those thoughts away so long ago. I was about to toss up the hood of the jacket when I turned a corner and saw Sci, Dance, and Killer.

"Oh hey Error," Sci greeted first while the two gave a weak wave. I returned the gesture.

"Hey what's up?"

"I was taking a break and ran into these two. I was thinking of heading to the park to see how the kids were doing but I got distracted," Sci said explaining his reasons for his current location.

"Hey, I'm the distraction," Killer said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Of course, what were you guys doing?" I asked the other two.

"Well I was bugging Dust earlier before he shooed me away and I wandered over here." Killer's response, I glanced to Dance.

"I was actually looking for Lust, I had something I wanted to ask him that's been bugging me." I raised a bone brow at that and crossed my arms. His eyes widened a bit and he raised his hands in a surrendering motion.

"Nothing bad I swear, I was just curious about something." I kept staring for a bit but knew Dance wasn't the malicious type. I shrugged and pointed behind me.

"He's in the TV room, others are there too."

Dance nodded before walking past and leaving the three of us.

"So... park?" Killer said and Sci perked up.

"Oh yeah, you coming Error?"

"Sure, need some fresh air anyways." I said before walking to the front door. Killer decided to tag along.

"Where even is the park?" I asked.

"Didn't Lust and Dust find you by a park when you ran out that one time?" Sci asked and I gave him a look.

"You think I was paying attention to where I was going?"

"Fair enough."

"I know where it is. Before you ask I do explore from time to time, old habits and such." Killer said before grabbing us and shortcutting away from the house. Once the scenery around us changed I swiped Killer's hand off me.

"A warning next time," I grumbled.

"You know I won't. Wow there are a decent number of people here." Killer said noting the humans and monsters walking the path.

"It's after school hours, kids are either out of the house or back home," Sci said before we started walking looking for familiar monsters and a human. The further in we went the more uncomfortable I was feeling.

Something wasn't sitting right with me. Killer didn't seem bothered but Sci's smile dropped a bit as he looked around. Soon we found Toriel and Papyrus facing what looked to be an upset parent. Upset about what I didn't know but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. The three of us silently made our way over and heard a bit of the conversation.

"It's ok, she is a very bright girl and I'm sure as long as you're patient she'll open up more. Just show your support," Toriel gave the mother a smile and the adult relaxed their shoulders.

"Thank you, this whole thing has been a bit stressful and I figured since you've adopted a human you would know how to help." It's was just parent talk, I felt a wave of relief before I noticed Sans was missing.

"Oh hello you three!" Papyrus said bringing the attention to us.

"Hey, just came to check on the kids." Sci said since I tensed up from the attention.

"Of course dears, they're by the playground with Sans. Just over the hill." Toriel said and we waved before walking away. I heard the woman ask if we were related to the skeleton brothers which amused me a bit. We approached the playground and noticed Sans immediately, he wasn't giving off a friendly aura.

"Sans," Killer greeted catching his attention. Sci and myself however looked over to where he was staring and noticed a less than pleasing scene. Frisk was sitting on the ground with Pap next to them looked worried, I could see a scrape on the human's skin but that could be from playing around. Gradient was standing in front of them and appeared to be facing off with an older kid.

"That's upsetting," Killer said realizing the situation.

"I've been watching to make sure it doesn't escalate. People are still wary of us so if I stepped in too harshly-"

"People will talk," Sci finished. I just silently observed. Frisk could handle themself perfectly fine considering what they've been through. Pap was still too young but was brave from what I was seeing. He was a bit in front of Frisk. Gradient was the one I was worried about most. With his unique upbringing he definitely looked older, whether that's the dna of Ink and me or where he grew up I wouldn't be able to tell, so he was the main focus for this other kid.

I never taught him how to defend himself. I accepted that one day he will deal with confrontation, my group isn't exactly the peacefully do nothing types, but I haven't even talked to him about anything regarding fighting.

"You're nothing but a bully," we heard from Gradient and looked alerted. The unknown boy just scoffed.

"Oh really, you're a monster and friends with this monster loving freak. You deserve it, you guys don't belong here."

I saw Gradient tense up before a look of realization flashed and his form relaxed. He sighed and spoke. "It's a good thing I was taught what to do then."

"Oh yeah? You gonna cry for your parents. I bet they're just as weak as you," the boy taunted and looked smug insulting people that he didn't know. Especially since they haven't noticed us yet.

I watched on feeling on edge unsure if I should intervene or not. I saw Gradient gave a small smile before it dropped. He moved back a bit before decking the kid right in the face causing him to fall and cry out in pain. Our jaws dropped.

"You taught him that Error?" Sans asked surprised while I could only shake my head.

"No, I didn't...." I immediately looked at Killer and saw he was smirking and nodding. He looked proud before noticing I was staring at him. He shrugged.

"What? The kid had to learn how to throw a good punch. If it makes you feel better I told him to only do it if necessary." I wasn't sure if I should be glad or not before hearing Gradient.

"You call us monsters yet you decided to pick on kids younger than you just because you couldn't handle someone looking different or that someone liked that different. You verbally attacked my friend first and pushed us around! Plus you have no idea who my parents are, they are not weak!" I decided that was enough and walked over as the kid, who looked more like a teen now that I'm closer, stumbled up clutching at their nose looking livid.

"You're going to pay for that, wait til I tell my dad. He'll call the cops on you monsters." Pap and Frisk noticed me immediately and tensed up. Gradient noticed me behind the problem child soon after and took a nervous step back which the bully took the wrong way.

"Ha! You scared? Good you should fear me."

"It's not you their nervous about," I spoke up causing the kid to whirl around. Their face paled and I'll admit I was enjoying it. The only time I was glad about my appearance, intimidation. I looked over at the three kids and pointed towards where Sans was.

"Go. Now." The three didn't hesitate to leave and Killer came over as Sci and Sans checked on the three. I then looked at the bully. They froze up as they tried to scoot away and I opened a screen when I noticed the phone they were holding. They saw the screen and just had to ask.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Here's what going to happen. You're going to apologize to my kid for your behavior or else I will infect your phone with a virus along with sharing everything to your contacts." They didn't seem to question which kid I was talking about but they looked alarmed by what I said.

"You can't do that!"

"I can actually, I'm sure you can read you're own basic info on this screen. You seem to have a lot of videos of you bullying kids, especially monsters and those who befriend them. I wonder what you're parents would say? Or even a distressed mother who's just over that hill if her child is a target of this."

"W-Wait! I'll apologize! Please don't expose those, I'll get in so much trouble." Seems I was right to assume he was like any other kid, reputation mattered. A lot of the younger people were actually on good terms with monsters from what I've seen.

"Could be worse," Killer muttered but it was clearly heard. He realized quickly that we weren't the friendly type before he walked to the group standing to the side. I couldn't hear what was being said but Sans had his classic smile before the kid glance in my direction and quickly left. I glanced at the screen and debated what I should do before closing it. They were still a kid, just not knowing any better.

"You good?" Killer asked while I looked toward the group.

"We'll see," I muttered before walking over to the others. Gradient was staring at the ground as Sci held Pap.

"Say bye to Ms. Toriel and thank her for a good day before coming back." I said and he left to do just that. Sans waited before talking.

"Don't go too hard on the kid Error. He was defending himself and the kids."

All I said to that was, "I know."

Once Gradient came back I held out my hand and he grabbed on before we teleported back to the house with Killer, Sci, and Pap.

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