80 - Tears and Wears

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First the incident at the park and now this. I honestly couldn't believe my unluckiness. I thought my day was going to end peacefully with a walk towards the firefly field. How was i supposed to know it was trapped up? How did he know to trap the area? That's something I never thought of but then again I don't know who 404 even is. He could be a genius for all I know.

When I saw where we ended up I could help but be annoyed. Death Sans here was so kind to teleport us to the house, right in the middle of the living room. Where others were chilling out for the evening.

I really hate this guy sometimes. 

He had me sit on a chair as the others skeletons present looked confused and shocked. From either my appearance or our sudden arrival, maybe both.

"What the hell happened to you?" Killer asked.

"Where did you go? I couldn't find you after the talk with Gradient," I heard from Dream.

"Were you training?" I heard the unsure tone of Cross. 

"Your clothes are a mess, what happened?" I heard from Ink... I think... all the talking was blending voices together. I suddenly hissed in pain when I felt my arm move and instinctively pulled it away looking at who moved it. Sci was there by my seat looking concerned with his hands up.

"Easy, I was just checking. Didn't mean to cause you pain." He said causing the atmosphere in the room to shift. 

"Well I'm glad that many of you like asking questions... but as you can see this isn't the time... our friend Error here got attacked by a Sans. The two of us don't know him yet he seems to know Error... more than I'm comfortable with to be honest..." The reaper's tone was dead but he got attention and spoke clearly, slowly, calmly. 

"He said his name was Error 404, does that sound familiar to you Ink?" I asked looking at the artistic skeleton as Sci went back to prodding me to see what hurt and what didn't. Ink placed his hand on his chin as he looked down to think. I could see the gears turning as his foot started to tap. When nothing came to mind he started looking at his scarf, I forgot that sometimes he writes things down. After a couple minutes he shook his head.

"Sorry, I got nothing. This one is a complete mystery to me as well. You say that he knows Error?" Ink asked as more skeletons showed up. Killer wasn't in the spot I first saw him in, he's sneaky I'll give him that. 

"Yeah, he calls Error his student which is really weird." The embodiment of death sat himself in an arm chair. 

"Student? You had a teacher Error?" Blue asked as others started to settle down in different spots. I saw Nightmare come over but mainly just to pull Sci away to ask him what he knows about my condition. 

"I don't think so bro," Stretch said.

"I've never had a teacher. I taught myself everything." I said before hearing a horrified gasp. Looking over I saw the lust filled brothers staring at me in horror. I was confused as to why until Lust came over.

"Why are your clothes torn?! You look like I mess! I'm sorry but I will not allow you to sit here looking like that. Oh and Dust's jacket is messed up to... I'll fix it. Get up, come on." Feeling bewildered I got up to my feet. 

"Lust maybe now isn't the best time?" Dance Sans said watching the scene happening unsure, yet I could tell he was amused.

"You guys can wait to have your questioned answered. They must be uncomfortable sitting in tore clothes so I'm fixing that. Beside you can ask the grim reaper over there." Lust said as he pushed me out of the room and up the stairs with his brother close behind. I trust Lust, I really do, but I don't believe he's intentions were just to make me feel better. 

I was right when he forced me to sit on a stool by a folded partition. He looked excited.

"I've been waiting for this day. Finally I can get you to wear something different." 

"I knew this was too good to be true," I muttered before taking in what their room actually looked like. It only had hints of what they were known for. But it was decorated and set up like two fashion students were rooming together. Stuff was everywhere it was a bit overwhelming. Papers, books, threading, needles, pin cushion, tape, ribbon, buttons, etc. You name it they probably got it. I could even see a mannequin bust hanging out in the partially opened closet. 

"Relax, we aren't going to make you wear something that we would wear." Lust Papyrus said while looking through the drawers for something. I just decided to make it easier on myself by removing the jacket, my scarf, my shoes, and my gloves. The jacket was taken immediately while my stuff was put to the side. 

I felt a bit exposed since I haven't been this open in a while. And I mean a long while. Those outfits I had to wear in my human life were a pain, especially around the upper body, leaving not much to be left to the imagination. 

"Ok let's give this a try," I heard before clothes were put down along with boots before the giddy Sans moved the partition to hide me. 

"Take your time! Let me know if you need help with anything~" Ah, there's the Lust I knew.

I exchanged my clothes for combat boots, dark army camouflage patterned pants, and a dark sleeveless turtleneck. Though, it was shorter than my red turtleneck. I think it was cropped? I'm not a fashion buff so I don't know the difference between a cropped top and a short shirt.

There were two pieces on the ground that looked like sleeves on sweater, just minus the sweater. I wasn't sure what they were but they were warm so I put them on my arms. The last thing was a jacket, it was dark with red trimmings and a fur lined hood that we skeletons seemed to be always fond of. The fur was a yellow color.

I didn't put it on yet, I just folded it and held it against my torso as I sat back down. I was still bothered by the 404 mess that happened earlier. I had no idea who he was, how powerful he was, what he could do, and what he wanted. He was willing to end me right there, he's willing to hurt anyone. 

He can hurt everyone.

I felt the fabric on my arm move down and saw Lust was pulling it down so the bottom part rested at my wrist. He looked sympathetic.

"These are arm warmers, they were too high up on your arm so I'm just fixing it. I figured these would be ok since your starting to get used to us." By getting used to us he ment touching. And yeah, I was slowly getting more comfortable with it.

"...I'm ok with them. They keep my arms warm." 

"Good, one last thing." He handed me a belt and I wasted no time putting it on feeling satisfied when it clicked together like a buckle or a seatbelt. 

"How's Dust's jacket coming along?" I asked not wanting the atmosphere to fall into silence just yet.

"My bro is working on it now, he says he can save it even though I said we can just get him a new one but whatever. How are you holding up?"

"Fine," I said unsure where he was going with this.

"Fine, sure. Error you do know that I didn't just bring you here to dress you up right? You were attacked, I'm pretty sure with ill intent towards your life if the reaper was the one to find you. It's ok to not be ok you know. I dragged you away to give you some space to breathe."

I sighed sitting up straight realizing what he was saying.

"I never will understand how you always seem to know what to do."

"What can I say, it's a gift," Lust said looking satisfied as his gaze wandered. I just let him look at my markings and bone colors since this situation was much more calming then the questions and confusion that was going on downstairs.

"I find it interesting that you're so colorful when you're a destroyer. I'd figure the most colorful one would be Ink. Or maybe he is, I've never seen much. Mind cluing me in on that Error~?"

"I have no clue," it's true that I don't know since I've seen different versions of Ink and had no idea what his skeleton looked like. "And I'm not interested in finding out either." 

"You're no fun," Lust said crossing his arms. I decided that it would be best to wait until Dust's jacket was done being fixed before I do anything else.

I needed the time to think.

Author note: Outfit inspired by 柚葉 or WarunaMeinu over on Quotev. I might draw it later for a definite look. I don't know yet but props to them I didn't come up with the outfit.

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