86 - The Void

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Author's note: I dub this point onwards the new arc of the story.




























It hurts.









It still hurts.








Where even am I anymore?







Does it matter?






It's over isn't it?





It's cold.




It's cold?






I opened my eyes with a gasp and started coughing immediately. Everything was sore and I was curled up laying on my side. Whatever was that coldness I felt it's gone now. Looking around I saw nothing so I was still in the Void.

I examined my hands, my arms, my feet, my legs, my torso, my head, my everything. I was still in one piece. I remember that 404 practically self destructed and then.... nothing after that. Hopefully I was able to return the soul back to the human and no other damages were done. I suddenly jolted up as my thoughts gathered.

"Gradient!" I shouted in a panic. My voice didn't echo. It sounded stuck where I was which made me uncomfortable. Or maybe that was to sudden headache I got from getting up quickly and shouting into the nothingness.

"I need to get out-" I took a step only for my leg to give out causing me to fall back down to where I was. My breath hitched as pain shot through me. My eyes started to sting before I felt something warm trail down my cheek. I was crying.

I heard something but I couldn't quite decipher what it was. It sounded like random noise but the more I listened to it I swear it sounded like someone was talking. It was similar to when you would hear someone speak a different language you've never heard of, you have no idea what's being said but you know that someone is talking.

Who is talking to me? I couldn't see anyone.

Was I going crazy?









It feels like days have gone by. It could've be weeks, months, years, or even just a couple hours. I'm pretty sure I was losing it slowly but surely. At least in the Anti-Void I knew what was up and what was down along with which direction I was heading. Here I was either still, moving, or turned around somehow. I've stopped trying to move around feeling strain and a burning sensation in my body whenever I did.

I've just been laying down curled on my side. I constantly counted the bones in my hand to make sure nothing has change and that I wasn't going crazy. Though I would have that feeling that I wasn't alone over and over again. Whenever I was on the verge of a breakdown I felt a chill rest on my shoulder. Sometimes it stayed there, other times it trailed a bit back and forth but it was always gone before I could gather the strength to see what it was.









I was able to move again. The pain I felt has dulled to a faint sensation and I wasn't bothered by movement anymore. Though I didn't do much. What could I have done in an area of nothing? The presence made itself more known but still never showed themselves to me, or they have and I just can't see them.

It was.... comforting knowing that there was something or someone here with me even though I don't know if it was a good thing or not. At first the feeling was like being watched, being observed, studied. It wasn't comfortable. Then it changed to a less cold and more weary. I think that first touch was what snapped me out of my dazed state.

Whoever or whatever was here woke me and know we both were aware of each other. However I noticed that the presence would fade but never really leave. The same like if two people were in a room and one leaves to another. You know that they are still in the building with you, they are just somewhere else.









They're gone. Something happened and their presence was gone. I started to wander desperately to look for them. I didn't want to be alone again. I felt something in my magic shift and followed the feeling.

I don't know what happen or where I was.

How long have I been in here?

I wandered for a very long time until I felt the presence again and felt that they were nearby. Much much more nearby. I stumbled upon an area that was only a few shades lighter and noticed a dark form in the middle. I kept my distance however and sat down relieved that I found whoever it was I was looking for.

They moved once they noticed my presence and turned to face me. I noticed their head was white unlike their body. A large crack from the top right to the top of their right eye. Another line was from the bottom of their left eye to the bottom of their jaw. Their face had a droopy look to them. Pieces appeared to be missing from him like he was just in a battle and was falling apart. They looked angry but I noticed their expression lost its edge once they noticed me.

I can assume that this was the presence I felt. I feel like I remember who he was but my brain didn't want to work with me at the moment. Their mouth opened a bit and those same noises I heard came out of them. I couldn't understand what he said but I could kind of understand, I wasn't sure how.

"I'm.... fine. You?" My voice sounded so dead I almost didn't realize that it was me. I saw thier form sag a bit, a sigh. Something didn't go well from what I could gather. I couldn't do much to help.









Something is happening. I was sitting across from the figure when I felt a shift. They also looked alarmed as their face suddenly healed and came together. His features no longer sagged. He stared at his formed hand.

"Impossible... how he did...?" He started to say as I could understand him now. I saw a glow from behind him in the shape of a rectangle. He saw it too before we were blinded by the light. When I opened my eyes I saw that he had suddenly dissappeared.

I was alone again. My emotion were dulled down enough but I still felt agony from being alone as a memory finally came through.

"....Gaster.... come back."









I stayed in my new spot. It was brighter and something different to the endless darkness. It wasn't disorienting here either. I couldn't feel much though so it wasn't anything to celebrate. Time stretched on and on and on. I was losing hope.

My eyes were getting heavier over time and I thought I saw a flash though my barely opened lids before my senses shut off and everything went dark.

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