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It has been a while for Optimus, since his Arrival within the realm of the primes.For an unknown amount of time, since it was hard to keep track of how much time passed. Optimus gave up on trying to find out and continue on his training. He was approached by Micronus Prime, one of the original primes. After finishing catching up with his mentor Alpha Trion.

Micronus introduce himself and talked to Optimus. They talked to a bit and found out, he will help on his training. Optimus nodded as they began to train. As well focus on meditation, to not just focus on physical but mental. Optimus also trained in hand to hand, stealth and other important skills.

Optimus continued to give it, his all in the training. To be ready for his true mission, as well he had a feeling Micronus and the original primes knew of his identity. He wouldn't be surprised if they like Alpha Trion knew who he truly is.

Micronus: I'm glad, your training is bearing fruit Optimus.

Optimus: Thank you Micronus. It's truly an honor, to be trained by one of the original primes.

Micronus: The honor is all mine young one. Primus has truly, choose correctly.

Optimus: I'm still not certain, that I'm truly worthy of such praise.

Micronus: Nonsense Optimus, you have proven your worth time after time again. You truly are a prime, and the other primes will agree.

That made Optimus look shocked, at how much praise the original primes have for him. As he continues to wonder, what is the next step. More time passes by as he completes his training and Micronus. Told him that it was time for him to meet the rest of his predecessors.

When they arrived, Optimus saw all the primes and he was surprised to see them all in person. His inner child was, excited to be able to meet the original primes. It caused him to smile and finally live out his dream to meet all the primes that came before him.

Optimus: It's truly an honor, to stand before you all.

Nexus: The honor is ours young Optimus.

Prima: Indeed, we are very proud to call you a Prime. You're are a member of our family.

Optimus: I don't know what to say.

Solus: Don't worry about it little brother. It's great to finally meet you. As well I'm proud of my forge, that it gave you a great upgrade.

Optimus nodded as he still couldn't believe it. The primes considered him family, and are happy to finally meet him. He didn't think that would happen. Though there wasn't much known of the original primes personality in his past life.

Prima: Indeed now can we get to it. Now Optimus, Primus has told us of your mission. To help you in your journey. You will receive a piece of our power.

That made Optimus widen his optics as he, didn't expect the primes to give him their power.

Alchemist: We know it's a shock young one. This is our gift we freely give to you. It's to help you overcome the darkness that lurks out there.

Nexus: As well prime we ask you. To bring an end to "The Fallen" should you encounter him. We fear he lurks out there, sadly we sense other realities vanished. We believe it's his doing.

The rest of the primes look to turn serious. At the name being called out. Optimus notice and though it over. Knowing a bit of the Fallen. The one prime that betrayed everything they stood for. He became a Herald of Unicron. His only thought, is how many innocent worlds and souls were in danger. As well how many were lost. Due to the Fallen and his followers, made him clench his fists hard at the though.

Optimus: I vow, I will bring an end to the fallen. Not just for us, but for the countless innocent souls that were killed by his hands. I will not let him take another one, not while I still stand.

His vow has made the other primes, look at Optimus with pride. As they smile at his conviction, knowing that he will uphold it until his last breath. Since that's who he is, a true prime.

Prima: Thank you optimus. Know that we will be by your side. Should you need advice, just look within the matrix of leadership. Now it's time for you to begin your mission.

Micronus: I got to warn you, that the process will be difficult. Even a fraction of our power can overwhelm you, combine them all will truly test you. Are you ready?

Optimus: I am. Let's begin.

Solus: Oh optimus, before we begin. I want to tell you. We are giving you, not just our power but a few gifts. Like another transformation besides your normal vehicle. One of more aerial variety. As well a form you were accustomed to your past life little bro.

That made him surprised, if he heard correctly. Then he will have a human form but why.

Optimus: Are you saying that I will, have a human form?

Alchemist: Yes, it will help you get closer to the inhabitants of these worlds easier than your cybertronian form. Remember you can still transform between the two. It will just take more energy so you may want to be careful. Since you will not be accustomed to it at first.

Prima: Now let us begin.

All the primes raised their hands as they began the power transfer. The energy is moving towards optimus Prime. He fell on one knee, as the power is overwhelming but he continues to hold on using all of his strength. He uses the memories of his family, friends to motivate him to not falter.

What seems like forever,it was finally complete. Optimus passed out and soon vanished in a flash of light. The other primes knew, that Primus sent him off to begin his mission.

Prima: Optimus, we will pray for your success.

Onyx: Still, I wonder why did Primus sent him of to "that" reality first?

Vector: I have a few guesses. Maybe it's to help him,since he still hasn't recovered well from losing Elita-1.

Prima: Poor little bro. To see your first love die in your arms.

The rest of them primes nodded at her sentence. It's never easy losing the ones they care for. They hope the inhabitants of the reality can heal his heart.

Onyx:Vector what was the other guess you were talking about?

Vector: Primus, is still insisting on having a prime,giving him grandkids.

That made the rest of the pres sweat drop at that statement. Primus considered the primes his children. But he, soon told them a few times when he will be a grandfather.

Logos: Optimus good luck, with handling Primus attempts to make you a father.

The rest nodded as they soon all return to their duties. As they as well planned to send Optimus a few artifacts they have to aid him in his mission.

In another reality.

Optimus opens his optics, as he feels the sun on him as he shields his eyes. Then with a bit of struggle he gets up. Looking around he is in a clearing with no one in sight. He stood up and checked himself to see if everything was working.

Optimus: Seems like everything is in order. Now how do I change to a human.

Then he hears his mentor speak to him.

Alpha: It's not that difficult my friend. The process is to focus on the matrix, to be able to change from cybertronian to human.

Optimus: Will I be able to eat the food and drink?

Alpha: Yes, it's a good alternative since your body and convert it to Energon. It's all possible by the primes and Primus.

Optimus nodded as he was a little excited to be able to enjoy cuisine once again. As well to not have to find Energon and consume it. To him it was a great change than having the same bland cube he has for countless eons.

Though his thinking was interrupted by hearing jets. He looks at the sky and sees, fighters and bombers but not in any color he can recognize. They were all black with red or purple like glowing. His instincts told him that they are not friendly.

Alpha: Optimus, those are sirens. An invasion force that has, made earth their target.

Optimus: What are they after?

Alpha: I'm not sure, most likely conquest and the annihilation of the human race. You need to transform into your aerial vehicle form and stop them. If I'm correct they plan to attack an air base.

That made Optimus nodded and before that he told Alpha trio.

Optimus: Thank you for your help, Old friend.

Alpha: Anytime Optimus, if you need my counsel just ask within the matrix. Good luck Optimus.

With that Alpha trio left Optimus to begin his mission.

Optimus soon began to transform, into his new vehicle mode. Soon it begins to show that his Ariel vehicle is the F-15EX eagle. But with cybertronian technology on it. His usual color scheme of red and blue , is still there. As well the autobot symbol showing on the tail and a few places.

Optimus: Not bad. It's like my jetpack but more aerial dynamic. Now let's roll out, and show these sirens why they made a mistake on targeting earth.

Soon he takes off, and goes as fast as he can. To stop the sirens from destroying the base. How will the inhabitants of the earth and certain people will react to Optimus prime. Only time will tell. But no matter what, he will continue to fight the good fight.

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