The Ball

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Here's the next chapter......


I moan as I slowly wake up, my towel I covered my eyes when I went to bed had fallen to the left of my face, and onto my pillow, and I blink groggily, and I sit up, and yawn, me looking around, reality hitting me once again, that I was reborn into the Finder Series boys love manga.

I get up out of bed, and fix me some instant coffee, me stirring creamer into the instant coffee too, and once I put some sugar substitutes in it, I sipped my cup of instant coffee.
My television I left on was showing the news, which I absentmindedly listened to.
"A ball is going to be held at a famous club owned by Asami Ruichi, a rich conglomerate.
The ball is holding an enormous fundraiser for children with cancer for the local children's hospital."

I say outloud, and I was fixing me some cereal, and I sat on my bed, me watching the news show that the donations would go to cancer children patients across Japan.

I never thought Asami would hold a fundraiser like this, so maybe he isn't so bad?
I thought to myself as I start eating my cereal that wasn't full of sugar, mainly it was a fiber based cereal.

Then I remembered that BMW following me home yesterday; me wondering who's vehicle it was.
It was noon right now; and this is my day off today, which is a good thing.
I can go do some grocery shopping today and look around at like a book store.
I just hope that BMW don't follow me to the store.

After I ate my cereal; I set my dishes in the dishwasher, and ran the dishwasher, I took a shower, and washed my body well, then rinsed off, and turned the water off, and I dressed in a black t-shirt, and some dark gray sweatpants, and I pull on my socks, then my shoes, and I tear out the list I had noticed was already made to buy groceries, and I grab my purse, then my phone, and left my apartment, me locking the apartment with my key.

I walk down the stairs and walked along the sidewalk, and I started mumbling to myself what's on my list, and I glance up, noticing the BMW was following me once again, but I look back at my list, me still mumbling to myself.

My phone beeped in my purse, probably a notification about my next schedule emailed to me by my boss Mister Nazuki.
I pull out my phone, me stopping in walking, and it was indeed an email from Mister Nazuki, and I looked over my schedule as I stood there.
Mister Nazuki also noted in the email he's attending the ball being thrown for children with cancer's fundraiser, so he wanted me to go today, and for me to dress comfortably as possible, and to be ready by five in the evening.

"Great; I guess clothes shopping it is today.
I really hate fancy smancy things."
I grumble under my breath, and I walk to the usual clothing shop I go to, me entering it, and the clerk greeted me as usual.
This was the only shop that sold plus size clothing, and is ran by an American living in Japan.

"Oh it's you!
It's been awhile!"
The female owner Jessica walked up to me.
"We got your usual styles here."

I nod to her, me saying.
"Do you have any men's clothes that's fancy?"
I ask her.

She grinned at me.
"Of course!
Follow me."

After trying on so many suits; I picked a suit that was dark gray, and had a red tie, the suit also had white undershirts with it.
The suit costed a pretty penny, including the loafers too.
I hated dresses, and will not dress in them even if I get married.
I paid my sum on my credit card; and I left with a bag hanging from one arm, and I went to a store to buy me a bento, and some rice balls, including a coke to drink for lunch, since I was feeling hungry, and the BMW still followed me, which I tried my best to ignore.
It was now 4:30pm, and I arrived home, so I started dressing in my suit after I ate though, and once I was fully dressed, I ran my gelled up fingers through my hair, styling my hair to be spikey, and I only did this when I'm going to fancy events, usually I left my boy short hair stay flat, but I spiked my short as hell bangs up.
Once my hair was styled perfectly up; I wash my hands of the gel, and I then check if I looked good, and I did, me noticing it was five in the evening, so I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry up, so I hurriedly grab my purse, my phone, and left my home after locking it up, and making sure I had my keys too.

I took a taxi to the club I would meet Mister Nazuki at, and it took only fifteen minutes to arrive, and I paid the driver with my credit card, and I left out of the vehicle, me walking towards this club's doors, and Mister Nazuki was standing by the door, him looking impatient, but when he saw me he ran up.

"You're late!"
He scolds me.

"Sorry; my hair was having issues styling like I wanted it."
I tell him, which wasn't a lie at all.

"Well I'm glad you arrived.
Let's go get a table."
Mister Nazuki says to me, him grabbing my arm, and dragged me away, and we went  into the fancy club, and as we find a table, I realized there were famous actors at this party too, and other rich conglomerates, and as I scanned the room where I now sat at a table, I noticed Lui Feilong was standing by where the bar is at, him sipping some whiskey, and his eyes soon landed upon me, which made my heart skip, and I look at my hands upon my table, me clenching them, me flustered he caught me staring at him.

Mister Nazuki was chatting away with a friend of his where he sat, and I put a hand upon my cheek, me really bored, and some Butler sets a drink down for me that looks like a strawberry daiquiri, and I know I didn't order this.
The Butler was about to walk away until I say.
"Excuse me; might I ask why you brought this?"

The Butler turns to me saying.
"A gentleman at the bar requested me to send it."

It was Feilong?
I thought to myself, me shocked he was making a move so soon.

I follow my eyes to where the Butler motioned to, and yep I saw Feilong wave at me, and I then say to the Butler.
"Please send it back.
I'm not a drinker."
I tell the Butler; and the Butler looked nervous as hell, but nods, taking the drink away.

I don't drink for a reason; due to alcohol ruined my life growing up, so I do not touch that nor anything else like drugs, and cigarettes.
"Kara-chan; what's wrong?"
Mister Nazuki asked me, and he just sat down after going to the bathroom.

"A guy gave me a drink; but I refused it, because I don't like alcohol."
I tell him honestly.

He looked shocked that a guy bought me a drink.
"Well that means the person thinks you are attractive, which is a good thing, because I never seen any guys hit on you before."
He smiled cheerfully at me.

"That's because I creep them out by threatening castration if they hit on me."
I say honestly to him.

Mister Nazuki sweatdrops.
" do."

When I heard her do that the first time it did creep me out too.
But is she purposely avoiding dating?
I think she'd be a good girlfriend to the perfect guy.
Mister Nazuki thought to himself, him sweatdropping.

"That is not nice rejecting my beverage I sent you."
I perk up at Feilong's voice, and I look up, seeing him frowning at me.

"No offense sir; but I don't like alcohol, so that's why I rejected it.
It's a personal reason why I don't drink."
I tell him.

His frown softened.
"I see."
He looked to Mister Nazuki.
"You are with company."

"That's my boss Nazuki-san."
I tell Feilong.

Feilong nods to my boss Nazuki.
"Nice to meet you."
Feilong then looked to me.
"And may I ask your name?"

"It's Kara."
I tell Feilong.

An American name?"
He asked me.

"Yes; though I'm American, I've lived here since I was ten years old."
I tell him.

He chuckled at me.
"I'm surprised you were let into this ball, since some places do not allow foreigners here."

I blink at him, but I'm not surprised he said that.
"Foreigners are allowed inside my ball."
I perk up at Asami's voice, me watching him walk up, and Feilong turned to face Asami.
"Feilong; it seems you were invited here."
Asami looked from Feilong then to me.
"Ah; so you were invited too Kara?"

"My boss invited me."
I tell Asami, me motioning to my boss.

Asami nods to me.
Asami greets Mister Nazuki.

"Asami-san how are you?"
Mister Nazuki asked Asami.

"I am well."
Asami answered Mister Nazuki.
Asami looked to Feilong.
"I hope you aren't starting trouble Feilong."

Feilong looked to me then Asami.
Is she yours Asami?"

I gape at Feilong.
I'm not dating anyone right now!"

Feilong chuckled.
"Do not deny it.
I see Asami's affections on his face for you."

"Listen bub!
I'm not dating anyone, and I doubt Asami likes fat girls."
I stand up, and grab my purse, and say next.
"Excuse me; I am going to get some air."

My boss called after me, but I ignored him, as I walked to the girl's bathroom, and I go to a stall, and sit on the lid cover, and I put my hands to my face.

I mutter to myself, and I slap my hands on my cheeks, which turned them red, and made them sting.

Just interacting with both of them sealed my fate, including Feilong sending me a beverage, and me refusing the beverage, so now both Mafia dudes will compete for my affections.

My phone after I sat in here for a long time rang, and I pull it from my purse, me seeing Mister Nazuki calling me, which I answered, me putting the phone to my ear.
"Kara-chan are you okay?
Where are you?"

"I'm fine.
I'm just in the bathroom."
I tell him, and I hear him sigh in relief.

"You scared me running off like that."
Mister Nazuki says to me in a scolding way.

"I'm sorry; it's just I was overwhelmed, so I stepped aside for a bit."
I tell him, and that wasn't a lie either.
"You know I'm not good at socializing, and that's why I wanted to better it by working at your store."

"I understand.
I just thought you took a taxi home, and even Asami was looking for you, who runs this ball."
Mister Nazuki says to me.
"I'll let Asami know where you are."
He then hung up on me.

No doubt Asami will storm into the girls bathroom to check on me, because he got defensive when Feilong was around me.
I sigh at my thoughts as I put my phone into my purse.

I stand up, and leave out of the bathroom stall.
"There you are."
I perk up at that voice, and I turn to the voice, me seeing Asami walk into the bathroom to stand in front of me, and I avoid his gaze.
"Your boss was freaking out, so I offered to look for you.
Running off wasn't wise."

I look up at him, and he's taller than me by far.
"I got overwhelmed since I don't socialize much.
I've never been good at socializing or making friends, and to be honest I have no friends."

"Your boss sees you as his daughter."
Asami says to me.

I blink in shock he said that.
I ask him.

"Yes; he was very worried over you running off."
Asami says to me.
"Come; I'll have the cooks fix you whatever you desire to eat."
He motioned me to follow him out of the bathroom.
"Come before another woman walks into the bathroom and I get yelled at for being a pervert."
I nod and follow him out of the girl's bathroom, and we headed back to my table, and Feilong was sitting next to Mister Nazuki, him speaking to Mister Nazuki.

Once Feilong noticed I came back he smirked up at me.
"So Asami found you?"
I merely nod and sit where I was once sitting at.

"Please don't do that again; I was so worried Kara-chan."
Mister Nazuki scolds me once more.

"I won't do it again."
I tell my boss.

Asami pats my shoulder.
"Let me know what you want to eat."

I look up at Asami and say.
"Cheeseburger and fries is fine, with a diet soda."

"Then I will have that brought to you right away."
Asami says to me.

"The bill will be on me then Asami."
Feilong spoke up, and I look at Feilong.

I put my hands up in surrender.
"You don't have to do that."

"I insist; since you refused alcohol, then I wish to pay for your meal."
I sweatdrop at him saying that.

"Um.... okay?"
I squeak out.

I just know things are gonna get totally worse soon, but I guess I'll endure it like Takaba did.


To be continued.....

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