Two Mafia Men's Infatuation

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Here's the next chapter........


I woke up the next morning, and I fixed that golden dragon ring with a jade upon it to be on a thick golden chain, that I saved years ago, which I got from my grandmother in America.
I wore it, letting the ring rest underneath my collar of my T-shirt, and since I was off today, I decided to go to the local bookstore that allows foreigners inside, that sells books in English for me to browse.
I wanted to read a book series from home I haven't read in awhile, which was Vampire Diaries; and I was shocked that series of books and movies from home existed here in the Finder Series.

I had showered, groomed my hair, and teeth, and dressed into a Stitch gray shirt that said Don't Make Me Do Anything, and some black sweatpants, that the sweatpants had tiny chibi forms of Godzilla on it, and I dressed in some boots, and of course I wore my gray bikini underwear, and a black bra, and I grabbed my purse, including my keys, including my phone, and my earbuds, and I left out of my home, and started walking on the sidewalk, me putting my earbuds in my ears that were wireless, and hooked them to my phone, and I started playing music in my ears of metal bands from Japan that I got into while I'm in this universe, and I enjoyed my music as I walked.

After walking several blocks; I finally made it to the bookstore, and I open the door, me walking through the door, and I started browsing through the romances in English.
I actually like monster spicy romance, and I was looking for a specific monster romance that's a spider and human pairing, and I plan on buying a few Vampire Diaries books too.
I stroll looking through the books in English and my music still played in my ears, and I was silent as I look around, that is until I found the three novels I was looking for, as well as two Vampire Diaries books, and I grabbed them, making sure they were in English, and they were.

I pause my music and went to the clerk, who I was glad knew English, and I paid for the books, her wrapping the books in paper, and put them in a paper bag, and I said my thank yous, and left the store, and went across the street, and went to the makeup store, and started browsing for lip gloss I wanted, that I remembered I get to help my chapped lips, and I found it, including my body lotion too, and I got both, buying them.

I then walked home with my things I bought; my music still now playing in my ears, that is until I reached my apartment, and I put my passcode to my door, it unlocking, and I walk into my apartment, me setting the books upon my tiny intable in the kitchen, and set my purse on the bar, and I stop my music, me putting my earbuds in their case, and plug them in to charge, and my phone to charge.

I then set my new lip gloss into my purse, and disposed of the lip gloss that was empty, so I don't get confused which is which, and I set my body lotion on the intable by my bed, and I sat onto my bed, and pull up my pants, and started applying body lotion onto my chubby legs and thighs, me rubbing them in, and then rub it upon my arms, and I turn on the news today.

The anchor then spoke.
"A drug deal gone bad.
A young man was killed five years ago  while trying to get the story on a high end drug deal.
His name was Takaba."
I look up, seeing a picture of Takaba from the Finder Series, his picture.
"His mother still grieves over his death.
She is still working with detectives to find out who killed him.
The investigation still open.
If anyone has information; please call the number below."
I turn the TV off, me shocked at that, because I thought I replaced Takaba, but in  truth Takaba was in fact murdered for trying to do photography work, for police, to catch Mafia dudes while they did a drug deal.

"Poor Takaba."
I mutter to myself lowly.

I replaced him; but he was killed, so that I could replace him in the plot, and now I feel horrendously guilty for coming here, extremely guilty.
I thought to myself; and I stand up after hearing a knock at my apartment door.

I walk to my door, and peep through through the camera, and Lui Feilong stood at my door, him wearing a dark suit, dark shades, and his long waist length brown hair was in a thick braid over his shoulder.

He's back again?!
So he must be stalking me like Asami mentioned.
I thought to myself.
And how did he know where I lived unless he hacked my address?!
Oh right he came to my home before, so yeah he must be stalking me.

Another knock sounded at my door, and I watched Feilong knock at the door, and him mutter.
"She must still be asleep.
I will come back later."
He then walked away as my heart pounded where I stood, me glad he left, me afraid he'd kidnap me.

I then sat on my bed in my bedroom and sigh; me dreading going further into the plot that truly wasn't going by the manga like at all, so I look to my phone resting next to me upon my bed, seeing it ping a message, a message from a number I don't know.

Be careful leaving your home.
He left his name; meaning Asami left that message.

Why was Asami warning me that way?
I thought to myself, me looking at the message.

I then text him back.
Why are you warning me of this?

He was typing and soon replied.
Feilong might kidnap you.

Well he did come by my home.
Should I tell him that he knocked on my door and gave me his ring?
I shook my head as I thought this to myself.
No; I shouldn't tell him.

I reply.
I can take care of myself, and I'm a big girl.

He then started typing and replied.
Feilong isn't to be trifled with.
If he wants something he will obtain it, including you.
I saw how he looked at you at my fundraiser.

I blink in shock that Asami sounded jealous by what he replied to me.
So I replied to him.
Sounds like you are jealous?

Asami replied.
Your employer is my friend, so I'm looking out for you.

I doubt it.
You seem like you like me.
I sass him in a text.

You are a foolish girl.
He replied to me.

Am I wrong?
I ask him in a reply.
Both of you seem to be interested in me.
I'm not blind.

Asami replied.
And if I'm interested in you?
Why let Feilong give you his ring?

How do you know I'm wearing his ring?!
I ask him, me feeling my heart pulse in anxiety.

That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot.
He replied, him refusing to tell me how he knew I was wearing Feilong's ring around my neck upon a chain.

To hell with you!
I want to know Asami!
If you're spying on me I want to know about it you jack off!
I retort in an angry text.

He never replied, so I think he was ignoring me after he read my text.
I then reply.
Yeah ignore me you prick!

I then lock my phone, me looking around rather unnerved, me afraid he had his goons install cameras in my room, so he probably heard me say Takaba's name!
Horrified; I started to bite my lip, me tearing the skin from my bottom lip to where it bled a little, and I took a tissue, and placed it upon my bleeding lower lip.
Nervous habit."
I complain, which is why my lips are always chapped.

If he's spying on me then it's not a good thing, and I am truly in their grasp, both Asami and Feilong's grasp.
They got me wrapped around their fingers.
I thought to myself, me concerned for my safety.
I need to tread carefully here on out.
So I don't get killed by them both.


Asami was watching the cameras that he had installed by his men; who know alot about tech, and heard Kara say a name he thought he'd never hear from her, the name Takaba, the name he was familiar with, which was the boy, who was a snitch for the police, which was killed by a stray bullet from a shootout, when a drug deal went wrong by his men, and Takaba was killed like that, and how she knew that name was unbelievable, but she knew it, making him wonder if she's a snitch too?
She only works at that convenience store; and never stepped foot near a police station, so he knows for sure she's not a snitch.
He shut his laptop viewing the cameras as she started gathering things for a bath it seemed, and he then took a drag of his cigarette, him remembering she got defensive when he wouldn't tell her if he was spying on her, her calling him a jack off, and a prick.
She truly was entertaining to him, but he was extremely jealous Feilong gave her his ring, which he notices that she wore around her neck, and that she kept it annoyed him, making him think she favors Feilong over Asami himself.
He wanted Kara to himself and Feilong will not have her first!
She was his.
Jealousy boiled within his blood as he stood up, dabbing out his butt of his cigarette into an ash tray, him grabbing his whiskey glass, that had strong bourbon in it, him taking a sip of it, and he sighs at that, as he walked over to his bed in this room, that was next to a desk, and sat on his bed, him drinking the rest of his bourbon.
He was up all night doing work, and now he was feeling tired, so he decided to lay down and go to sleep.


To be continued......

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