I know you...

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Things were moving too fast...Saanjh was much suprised to listen

"it's a yes!!!" while she came back from the hotel...

"Are you serious ma???

Wedding in 2 weeks...I don't even know him...I don't want this crap " she yelled banging the dinner table to which her father gave her a stern look saying

" You said yes Saanjh...that's why we said yes...it's not a joke here and you told you will marry anyone...

what's your problem if we have got you one of the most reputed families in Bangalore...your "now hometown" where you work..live...

And Malhotra's are genuine people..they know everything about your past and are ok with it...

Infact...Vardhan is a good man...he doesn't have any issues in you continuing your job after marriage"
he said...

"What the hell...my last time marriage failed due to my ex husband and not me...

why doesn't anyone understand...and who is this effin...guy who will 'let me work'...

This career fed me for last 6 years dad unlike my ex husband who ended up to be unfaithful, fraud and what not..."

A tear dropped out of her eye finally while she was breathing fire in anger...

Janvi slowly placed her hand on her shoulder saying " Everyone knows it was Ehsaan Saanjh...not you..

Believe me...we aren't pushing you into a mess...the guy just agreed looking at you picture and completely trusts his family's choice...and the family is extremely open minded...

See beta you agree or don't..you find more people who blame the girl even when it's a boy's fault...in between all that hypocrites the Malhotra's are a fresh breath of air...

You'll be happy there Saanjh"

With her eyes filled with tears she said "But you guys didn't even meet him Mummyji..." She slightly sobbed...

" You can meet him if you want beta...There is still 2 weeks" Janvi said...

Breathing hard she said "It's ok... anyways I have no hopes in this marriage...you want to push me into this...go ahead...Fine..."

She thought to herself...."Maybe they just want to get rid of me now..."

Arora's left to their house after the heavy showdown thinking everything will get better with time.

Saanjh just locked herself in her room. She weeped the entire night till her eyes went dry...

she slowly looked out from her glass window lie on her bed thinking limitless things yet wasn't able to process anything...

On the breakfast table :
"I want to meet him!!!" Saanjh said in a firm tone

Her father said taking a sip of orange juice " You are always welcomed to...just... don't create a scene..." He said roughly...

She gave him a firm look saying "Ehsaan was your choice papa...

I agreed ...I tried...he left...I still tried...he broke..I still tried...not again papa...I'm not ready for another liability!

And I don't want to meet him to see how handsome he is or how well do we gel...

NO... coz I know in marriage IT DOESN'T Matter!!! I just want to meet him to make sure I'm not just a social cause for his mother or a trophy wife to this big shot low profile businessman!

He agreed looking at my photo...huhhh...I want to know why! And I am not the one who creates a scene papa..if I had to...I could have done it yesterday...

I love daadi...she is more my daadi than Ehsaan's... She tried controlling her tears and left the table...

Her father broke down right there "Was it my fault Deepali...I didn't know he'll do this to her ..I didn't know ...rubbing his face he said "

I want her to settle down Deepali...I want her to smile..she's turned strong..rough...I'm proud of her...But she's become so rough that she just spits fire always...it's been years I saw her giggle...watch her favorite cartoon... dance to her favorite bollywood songs..

she's become numb..is it wrong to choose happiness for your daughter" he broke down in Deepali's arms..

At coffee shop:

It was more than an hour that Saanjh was waiting at the coffee shop..she already had 2 cups of cappuccino and didn't want to hit the third cup...

"What crap... what bloody business does he run...zero time sense...I'm done with waiting for him" she said to herself and thought of calling Janvi

"Mummyji ...it's been more than an hour...how long will he take...I can't wait eternally...I'm sure he's not a Cinderella to dress up like a princess!!! " She was quick to vent our her frustration

Saanjh was pretty much time obeying girl... always on time for every meeting..no wonder she ended up leading her team in a mere six years of time in a big MNC that too in Bangalore the ITHUB.

"Beta I'm sharing you his mobile number.. dial him and see where is he..."
She thought to message him instead...

Saanjh was shocked while she tried to google his pictures or while searching him on social media sites she found zero information about him...

Since then she wondered what kinda guy is he who doesn't use basic social media platform nowadays... atleast now she was glad that he atleast uses whatsapp...

she tried looking for his DP in ...that was some beach and a sunset...she found him wierd...she was too quick to judge him she thought and thought to dial him ...

She was restless and practicing a hello to herself when she heard a female voice from the other side

Shraddha -"Hello...hey Saanjh...so sorry Vardhan left his phone here...I'm his sister Shraddha...hey he had to fly to Australia for an urgent business deal...

he will be back by weekend..you can dial on his official mobile number if you are ok..I can share it...

Saanjh -' Ahmmm sorry... actually mummyji..I mean Mrs Jahnvi Arora gave me this number...I guess we were supposed to meet today..

it's been more than an hour so I....' She hesitated to continue

To which Shraddha quickly said - 'Oh I'm so sorry Saanjh... Vardhan told me about Jahnvi aunty's call last night and also asked me to convey you the message about his conference.

I was attending an emergency case which ended up in surgery...just got free an hour ago and it completely slipped my mind...So sorry about not letting you know..I wasted your time..' she bit her tongue.

Saanjh was pretty pissed with this...she was like "Businessman hoga apne Ghar pe (He maybe a big shot in his house) ...but she maintained her calmness and said 'Thats fine I don't need the number...I just wanted to...' she stopped

'Tell me Saanjh please don't hesitate... Vardhan is like my baby...tell me anything if you hesitate to talk to him' Shraddha said warmly...

Shraddha's warmth made Saanjh speak out asking ' I was curious why did he agree to this marriage..we never met'...

To which Shraddha said... 'i asked him the same and he said 'its a feeling I can't explain...its just that I know her and he smiled'....

Saanjh was more puzzled...she couldn't say a word but glued onto the phone

Shraddha continued ' Saanjh... Vardhan is a simple guy...not too fancy...loves his family ..pretty serious about his work...he's also experienced a heartbreak in the past...

he feels you...maybe he wasn't married...but he knows how it feels like... maybe when he saw your picture he felt the same warmth that we felt without meeting you!!! So relax '

Saanjh couldn't say anything...she was processing...she just said one word 'ok...' and dropped the phone call.

Now she regretted her stupidity that she did when her mom gave her the guy's photo and in anger she said she didn't need to see him..

You can call it her ego or her anger towards life. Now that she's not able to see him and all this cryptic things happening around her...she was irritated...

'He also went through break up in the past' revolved around her head...she took a walk by the roadside looking at all the shops...but only those words were in her head 'He said he knows you'...

She felt an emotional connect for the first time with someone she hadn't even met, seen...
She somehow thought maybe he's also gone through a lot and they maybe can be friends if not life partners...

Lastly she thought if nothing atleast till daadi is with her...
She rushed to hospital with gloomy image of her daadi in her eyes that last told her

" I'm sorry beta (child) I must not have forced you into this marriage... maybe if you and Ehsaan remained childhood friends you would be happier...I'm sorry beta'

those were the last words daadi spoke before hitting the ventilator.

She just looked at her daadi from far with teary eyes...when she slowly opened her eyes and moved ger hands to ask what happened...

Saanjh's throat was full...she couldn't stop her tears ..she said " I agreed daadi...I will marry him... don't worry'

And the old soul gave a slight smile with the ventilator on ... slowly pressed Saanjh's hands...

Saanjh had decided that very moment...

She doesn't care anymore. He is the man.
She thought and nodded a yes to her family who were beaming happiness.

Within two days wedding cards were printed...her mother brought one to her room asking her to go through..

she was least bothered to look into it... Janvi even asked her if she wanted to invite any friends or colleagues to which she thought...'What if this marriage won't even last few months...LOL...'

She quickly said they'll have to travel from Bangalore and no one can make it this short span...

Infact she herself had applied for a week off that too including the connecting holiday or good friday and Easter Monday coming the same time.

Her dress designer sent from the Malhotra's visited her to get a reception dress design to be chosen for her and also their family jeweller visited her to show a bunch of neck pieces for her post wedding rituals...

Saanjh was a bit irritated as she wanted the wedding happen even more simpler way...But couldn't say a word as she was happy the wedding drama only had 50 close family members but she feared the reception as the Malhotra's already said that's going to be a formal one being they own a business empire.

Authors POV:

Sometimes we feel life is going too slow...but then sometimes life starts playing it's roller coaster setup and starts swirling so fast that you start feeling choked...but then that's when you know life is playing it's plans and you are mere a character here.

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