It's Show down time...

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Saanjh thought to herself

'Why is he walking towards me...
Why is he looking at me like he's lost somewhere???
This man is crazy.. what's wrong with him... Stop you nutcase'

He was very close to her...

His every step towards her made Saanjh take a step back until she hit the wall behind...

'Oh No...!!!' she thought...

In no time he was so close to her that she could feel the heat of his body.

She tried to move...

He blocked her with both her hands...

She was pinned to wall...

'Damn....!!!!' she thought..

While he continued looking at her...he was so close that they could feel each other's breath...

The room was all so silent...

It was only deep breathing, heart beats rythmic sound of waves ...

Saanjh pressed her feet to the ground...folding her fist tight....words slipped out of her mouth...' Whaaaaat the hell are u do dooing' her voice came out very softly...

Without loosing the eye contact...his lips approached her right ear ......

'You look beauuuuuutiful Eeeeeve'
he said in a husky voice...

That left shivers in her body...She closed her eyes... while his breath was still hitting her ears and right cheek...

Her mind quickly processed 'Eve....eve....No noooooo'

With some internal power within her like she's possessed..She pushed him back...

'Dare you...Aarya...I'm warning you... don't...just don't u dare come near me....'
She roared like a tigress...

' I didn't know it was you...I did not even look at your picture...I was told I'm marrying Vardhan...
Not once my head thought it's you Aarya...
If I knew it was you...I swear ...You would have tasted my anger then and there...'

She breathed fire and continued...

'Marrying you.... huhhhh... Tolerating your presence for seconds is tough for would be the last man on earth I would want to live with....' her eyes were red in anger...
She gasped more breath...

'But now...we are married...your my wife...Eve' he said softly...

'Dare you call me ears bleed hearing that...I'm not anyone's Eve and I'm not looking for any Adam...So please shut the F up...' she yelled.

'Ok... relax...Mrs Saanjh Aryavardhan Malhotra...I hope you don't mind me call you that' he said leaning his back towards the wall folding his hands and a smile on his lips..

' You are enjoying this... aren't tricked me into this marriage' She stormed

'I enjoy every bit about you Mrs Aryavardhan...but I didn't trick you had your choice to see mu picture,reach me via phone...but you chose the easier way... that's 'Run away from the problem'' he said taunting her...

Mrs Aryavardhan... pricked her ears like a thorn...

'My name is me don't call me anything and I don't run away from problems...i run away from problem creators, cheats and frauds' she stormed and rushed towards her bag bypassing him to pick her clothes so she can get rid of that pricking bridal outfit she was most uncomfortable with....

And she didn't realise in a hurry burry she again stepped on her heavyweight lehenga and slipped...

'Ouu Ohhh' she tried to balance herself...

Soon she felt a warm hand on her waist holding her
'There you go again Mrs Aryavardhan....' getting closer to her face he said in a sexy voice....'I won't let you fall wify...' and smiled...

She wanted to say something and opened her lips...but he kept his finger on her lips saying 'ssshhhhh' while his other hand was still balancing her in his arms that was on her waist.

Saanjh saw him with her eyes wide open

' Saaaanjh...I know...the most beautiful name on this earth for me ' he said in a sexy husky voice while his hot breath hit her face.

He continued... ' I didn't want this marriage...I know you can't forget the past...I's been long....but I promise...I will win you back...I still...looov'

'Shutup!!!' she screamed and pushed him back...and stood straight... ' I am least bothered Mr Malhotra... I don't care who you are...what happened in the past...but I certainly know one thing for sure

'I HATE YOU and will hate you just let me go' and removed his hand forcefully from her waist and rushed towards her bag to pick her pajamas to change from her wedding attire. And rushed towards washroom.

Vardhan kept looking at her while ' I hate you' echoed in his ears...
Soon his mind spoke ' knew this would be her reaction the day you meet her....wasn't this the reason you chickened out and ran to Australia...just the thought that she would say no for wedding scared always knew this would be tough...but isn't it better than the last 7 years you lived without she's your can atleast see her...she will be infront of your hate... atleast you are important to her now ..she is angry with you... anger is also an emotion...she feels something for you... isn't that better than the void you always felt in her absence...'

Suddenly there was a strange happiness and a smile on his face...

' She is with me ' he smiled

He saw her struggling with the lehnga and take big steps like a kid towards washroom... he chuckled looking at how cute she looked....he quickly said

'You can change here....'

She gave him a mad look 'You really think I'm into pervert!!!' she stormed.

'Im not that cheap emotions and neither my harmons are that weak... remember!!!' he said firmly.

While she turned her face towards washroom door in anger.

He continued in a softer tone...

' I will be in the balcony...I need some fresh can change here...'

She stared at him giving a suspicious look

'Oh Comeon Saanjh... You can trust me that much...I'm not a stranger...we dated bef'

'Stop......leave!!!' she cut him in between ...she just didn't want to hear him speak about their past.

Vardhan opened the balcony glass door and the beach wind was blowing at his face...He smiled...stepped out...pulled the screen and closed the door.

Saanjh quickly ran and closed the bolt of the balcony door and leaned towards it thinking what just happened. Her heart was still racing fast ..

Lot of things from her past suddenly haunted her and closed her eyes and closed ears with both her hands....

She relaxed a bit... And asked her heart to accept the reality...

' It is can't run away from it...face it Saanjh...It's the reality.. You just married this man... accept it....

Face it!!!' she thought...

She started removing her heavy lehenga and jewellery and changed quickly into her pajamas and lied on the bed resting on her back...

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