Chapter 29- Vacation?

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                      Autumn's POV
     I wake up in a bed, not in a place familiar to me in any way. The only thing familiar there was Louis, playing with my hair, my head resting in his lap.
     "Where... are we?" I ask
     "We're on a vacation right now, don't worry I gave Freddy a postcard from here so he can teleport if something goes wrong." he says
      "That doesn't answer my question, where are we?"
     "My family and I go on vacation to this little cabin next to a lake every year right after school ends. It's very special to me so I thought that I'd maybe... bring you here. I like to bring you to all of these places that are special to me I guess,"
     "Is there anything for me to wear here, you know, like a bathing suit or extra change of clothes, because I don't see the backpacks anywhere. And also food... Do you think that they have any?"
"Yeah, it comes pre stocked, snacks galore. And since my family already had a reservation before all of... This happened, why waste a perfectly good reservation?"
"Now I feel guilty, like I owe you. You've taken me to two things, specially prepared by you, even with all of this, the stress, the depression, the longing to see everyone that you know and love!"
"I do miss everyone, my family, some of my friends, but as long as I have you, I'll be fine, you're all I need."
I feel like I need to repay him in someway or another for all he's done for me. If he hadn't come into the bunker with me, I would've been just like Russ, depressed and starving himself, hoping desperately that Sasha was alive. But for me it would've been Louis.
Well, we are on vacation, none of my friends to yell at us for kissing in front of them. I scoot over to where Louis is sitting, crawling into his lap and turning to face him, face to face. His face looked so perfect in that instant. And I kissed him.
I kiss him with all of the passion I've been withholding because of my friends and their booing of everything even semi romantic. He grabs my wrists, his hands pulling me to him. He kisses me harder. I feel his tongue briefly glide across my lower lip. I love kissing Louis.
Finally, after what seems like hours, I lay back on the bed. He flops down right next to me.
"So... want to go swimming with me?" he asks.
"Yeah sure, I just need to find a bathing suit now." I say.
"Yeah me too, since this is the master bedroom maybe they'll have some bathing suits in here."
In the end, I find a sky blue bikini that's my size and Louis gets a pair of red swim trunks. We head outside to the lake.
When we step outside, I gasp at what a breathtaking sight the lake is. The sun is glinting off of it, making the water shine all sorts of colors. But the water was also almost completely clear. Like glass. It wasn't exactly a big lake, but not exactly small either.
"This is... Beautiful." I say, meaning it.
"Yeah, maybe we can come back here with everyone else someday." he replies. I agree.
Since it's hot out, I lay my towel down in the sand, trying to get a tan. My family and I were going to go on vacation this summer, the first actual one that we'd had in years. We were going to go to Florida. But now, well, since I was normally pale, I needed a tan! Louis went into the water, trying to encourage me to come in.
     As I basked in the sunlight, Louis splashed me, begged me, and eventually gave up trying to get me into the water. So he just swam back and forth, diving under occasionally. At last, he dived under and came up with sunlight glinting off of his hair. It looked like one of those male model shots.
     I sighed. He really wanted me to go in, didn't he? And anyway, I was going to get burnt if I stayed out of the water any longer, we didn't have any sunscreen.
     I walk over to the water and dip a toe in. The lake is surprisingly warm. I wade in, eventually making it to where Louis is standing, or rather treading.
     "Finally have you come to join me?" he asks.
     "Yes, the lake is very warm, it feels nice," I reply.
     "You wanna race?!"
     "Sure, just no underwater, it always hurts my eyes."
     "Starting in... 3, 2, 1, go!"
     I flip over to my back, doing a backstroke. I wasn't on a swim team or anything, I'd just been taught how to swim and different techniques as a child.
     I see Louis beside me, swimming as fast as he possibly could but not catching up to me. I finish the race, Louis coming in 5 seconds after me.
"Your fast! Just like a little fish!" remarks Louis.
     "I used to race my dad at the old community center..." I reply.
     "I think I'm going to call you Nemo. Or guppy. Or how about... Nessie? Like after the Loch Ness monster?"
     "Or how about... no. I don't mean to be rude but I don't exactly like any of those nicknames. Let's just stick with winter or whatever season that you want to call me,"
     It was one of those warm days where you could go swimming and then take a nap of the beach just to dry off. I wade out of the water, Louis following behind me. I lay back down on my towel, Louis joining me.
     "Are you gonna take a nap, babe?" he asks.
     "I am, but why are you calling me babe?" I ask, curious.
     "Well, I can, can't I? It's a free country, or at least it was... You get my point. Would you like me to call you something else?"
     "Only if you want to... you can do whatever at this point I guess,"
     I stifle a yawn, the warmth of the sun on my back is making me tired. I lay my face down on the towel and closed my eyes, basking in the sun as a snake would.
     Louis lays down right next to me, rubbing my back, and singing a song. I love the sound of his voice when he sings. It's indescribable, just so very beautiful. And eventually it lulls me to sleep.

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